
line manga

  • line manga


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    A man that is born for the third time in a 'Manga world' along with her adopted daughter(which is actually an alien Btw)

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  • line manga

    I am Yoshii*(Baka To Test)* With System

    by Snow_Boy_Walker
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    line inside is growing longer and longer. "I want a copy of Naruto." "Give me three copies please." "Hey, give me ten copies as well." "Sorry sir, the book is out of stock." The clerk looks at

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  • line manga

    Dragon Ball - The True Legendary Super Saiyan

    by Meralman
    4.56 (146 ratings)

    manga and anime ... exactly THAT universe... However, where the events take place in the manga or anime aren't the main timeline ... so the Incredible Super Mega Ultra Perfect Broly that I am ... o

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  • line manga

    My Extraordinary Achievements

    by Chong2
    4.73 (1113 ratings)

    line.  Of course, Kodansha had some requirements of their own as well, but it was all within the limits of the contract, so Meng Fan happily accepted them.  This included some very unfair clauses, l

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  • line manga

    Avatar : My Hero Acadamia Bender

    by The_Gamer_6818
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    manga and a light novel. Why you may ask, not to get money, but also to make a name and to get some influence. Okay, also money. With my memory retention, I can remember all light novels and plots I h

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  • line manga

    Information Grid as a Cheat

    by kingly_sword
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    line. This was largely due to the shape of the airship. Formations would do more harm than good, causing the ships to obstruct each other. There was also the fear factor. He wanted them to see the

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  • line manga

    Harry Potter and the Vampire From Another World

    by DragonSorceress
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    line from the entrance and work out the route from there. Though once kai had decided the route, he was going to take his stomach rumbled from hunger. He hadn't eaten breakfast and it was already noo

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  • line manga

    Rainbow of the Horizon—Illuminating Our Darkened Path | Our World

    by AkaGin
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    manga, and the manga itself have no way to be unseen. Minase is an otaku, and after learning a bit of her background from Rin, I can say that she's a dedicated shoujo manga reader that can overreact

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  • line manga

    Kanisha meets junjou romantica

    by Kanisha_kimi
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    manga thait my other piano friends were talking about", said Mariah. I picked the book from off my head, look at it, and asks "Really? What's it about?" "Three different couple's, all men fallin

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  • line manga

    Adventure in multiuniverse

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    line . chakra and blood line were nearly all possessed at birth, Not every ninja could possess a "blood line ", in fact, the majority of ninjas weren't blessed with one. Ordinary people could t

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