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I'm a recently retired teacher from 🇧🇹Civil Service. I'm an 🇮🇳n. I like writing, reading, reciting & making friends. I wanna be a great writer someday. My purpose of life is to make a difference

2020-03-24 Joined India
Original works
Badges 6

Moments 10
2 years ago

I don't know how I chanced upon this novel. Possibly the title is what attracted me at first. As I started leafing through, I started liking it. The result was that I finished reading Chapter-1 at a go. Nice writing and an engrossing beginning. All the best.

3 years ago

Dear Madam Smith, As per your email, I sent you the link to my novel "The Damon in Doctors Disguise" but I am yet to hear from you. Please let me know what I have to do next. I have also started going through the chapters for editing. I am looking forward to hearing from you at the earliest. Best wishes.

3 years ago

What a thrilling start! Though Wei's gruesome death in the prison cell makes the reader sad, I have a gut feeling that the body kneeling before the sink or what ever with not a single bone in her hands and legs in tact, is not Wei's for the simple reason that the heroine can't die at the start. So, that makes me think that the rest of the story will be one of vengeance and revenge and what else but love. I am looking forward to reading the next chapter. Nice writing. Keep it up.

3 years ago

I simply love the way you triggered off the first chapter. I fell for Yukita straight away. You didn't describe her but through the talk of the brothers, we came to know quite a lot about the heroine. The fact that she is beautiful, helpful, kind and much loved. She must be a girl with a lot of courage and character and that's why the brothers couldn't help doing what they did. I am drawn into your novel straight away. Commendable job. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to reading the next chapters. Stay blessed. All the very best.

4 years ago

First time I felt a bit confused with the couple being introduced towards the end. Things seem to be happening too fast for my comprehension. Let's hope Su Nan's encounter with the couple will have its share of drama and help the next few chapters be even more thrilling.

4 years ago

The story is getting to be more interesting each passing day. I can't call up another scene where the heroine left the hero in the way Xi did. The friendship of Xi and her friend may also have an important part to play in the love-story of Xie and her friend. Thanks for the story so far. God bless.

4 years ago

I loved this chapter hinting at what is about to come. The two are made for each other. Their love story will be the love story of the century. Mu wins not only my heart but seemingly Xi's too with his gentleness, caring attitude and handsome looks. Looking forward to reading the next chapter. God bless the author.

4 years ago

Fantastic stuff. Just the kind of beginning for a long-lasting relationship between Mu and Xi. The description of Mu leaves no doubt in my mind that Xi has finally met/found her match in Mu. The dialogues are crispy. To tell the truth, I like everything about this chapter and hope and pray that the author keeps the momentum. Thanks for another wonderful chapter. Stay blessed.

4 years ago

Clever and interesting writing. After the encounter in the first chapter, when Xi came back and found out how even grandpa was worried about her, how he had arranged someone to meet her as well, I felt that he would be the man for this breathtaking beauty, Xi. But the mention of a new character in the end of this chapter makes me feel that there is something brewing between the two already. There may be another possibility. He may be the same man grandpa was talking about. The story seems poised for some extraordinary happenings from now on. I can't wait to turn over the page to the next. Thanks for another exciting chapter. Keep it up.

4 years ago

A superb start. Xi' has been introduced masterfully. Something tells me that this is not the end of the meeting between the two. But I'll be surprised if they end up in a relationship finally,. Keep up the good work.