Pregnancy Novels & Books - WebNovel

About 941 results

  • Mr. President: You Are The Daddy Of My Triplets

    Mr. President: You Are The Daddy Of My Triplets



    "M... Marissa! Are they my kids?" Rafael's eyes weren't moving away from the adorable kids' faces. "No, Rafael. They are not," Marissa said with a fake smile, "They aren't yours. Remember?" she batted her lashes quite dramatically, "We were never married!" Marissa Aaron’s elder sister Valerie Aaron jilted her blind boyfriend on her wedding day and ran off. For face-saving, Merissa's family pleaded to her to marry Raphael Sinclair. The irony? She was not allowed to tell her blind husband that she was not Valerie but Merissa Aaron. On the day of Raphael's successful eye surgery, Marissa got to know that Valerie was back to take her rightful place as Sinclaire’s daughter-in-law. Marissa tried explaining to her husband that she was the one married to him, but he did not believe her. Instead of any more convincing, heartbroken Merissa decided to leave the city without telling him, her secret. Raphael Sinclair was the classic definition of drop-dead gorgeous and was the only heir of the Sinclair group of industries. What would he do when he came to know that all this time the woman who offered him, her love and her body was not Valerie but her younger sister Marissa Aaron? How would he react when he came to know that he was the father of the babies Marissa was carrying in her womb? Would he go after Marissa and win her back? And the million-dollar question! Would Marissa ever be able to forgive him and love him again?

  • His Mistress is His Ex-Wife

    His Mistress is His Ex-Wife



    [Warning: R18+] "Her Greatest Revenge--Seduce him, Break his marriage, Steal his fortune, and lastly... DUMP him." ***** Sabrina Williams' life crumbles after discovering her husband's deceit and the underhanded acquisition of her family's fortune. Presumed dead after a tragic incident, Sabrina reemerges five years later with a new identity and a burning hunger for revenge. Her return sparks romantic chaos amongst the CEO's inner circle, a dazzling array of handsome bachelors vying for her attention. Sabrina Williams finds herself at the center of a romantic whirlwind with unexpected contenders– her protective best friend, a powerful Mafia Boss, and her possessive ex-husband. The stage is set for a pulsating tug-of-war—a clash of love and revenge with emotions running high. The players are all in, and the game is just getting started! ***** When her scandal with her Ex-husband spreads on the internet, bashers curse her tagging her as Shameless Mistress, Worthless Homewrecker, and Evil Slut... however several mighty bachelors unite to defend her. CEO of Top Fashion Company: "Haters go to hell! PS: to those models who antagonized my Goddess, I hereby take our brand sponsorship from them." President of the Largest Entertainment Company: "Fake news! We will take legal action for slandering my Goddess! Artists who cursed her will be banned from my company." Vice Chairman of Biggest Hotel and Resort Company: "Shut up, Bashers! Don't ever step in one of our hotels and resorts!" Domineering Mafia Boss: "Back off! Erase those malicious comments, or else my gang will hunt you down. I'll kill everyone who dares ridicule my Queen! Everyone: "..." Then a confession comment suddenly pops up amidst the chaos. FL's Best friend: "Everyone can hate you but I'll always be there for you. Sabby... I love you... I've been loving you since our childhood years... My first love... and my last." Her ex-husband can no longer stay quiet and declares to the public. Possessive Ex-husband: "She's not my mistress. She's my legal wife." FL Friend Lanny: "Legal Wife your Ass! Crazy Jerk just die!"

  • Mi Exmarido Billonario Me Persigue

    Mi Exmarido Billonario Me Persigue



    —¡Jefe, ha vuelto! —¿Quién? —preguntó Tristan Sinclair mientras garabateaba su firma en pilas de papeles. —Tu esposa —el asistente hesitó, observando atentamente a Tristan. Cuando vio las cejas fruncidas de Tristan, se corrigió a sí mismo—. Lo siento, quiero decir tu exesposa, la señora Donovan. Ha regresado con un niño... Tristan suspiró, observando el contrato frente a él. Después de cinco años de búsqueda, solo para descubrir que ella ha seguido adelante, se siente herido. Pero no podía evitarlo. Ella se merece la felicidad con otra persona. Aceptaría esta pérdida. —Se merece un nuevo esposo... —murmuró Tristan, despidiendo a su asistente. —Jefe, lo que quería decir es lo del niño bonito. Creo que tiene alrededor de cuatro años Tristan se enojó. Alzó la cabeza, fijando su mirada penetrante en su asistente. —Necesito que organices una prueba de ADN para el niño. ¡Y consígueme su dirección! —un brillo apareció en sus ojos mientras una sonrisa se extendía lentamente por su rostro.

  • Monsieur le Président: Vous êtes le Papa de mes triplés

    Monsieur le Président: Vous êtes le Papa de mes triplés



    "M... Marissa ! Sont-ils mes enfants ?" Les yeux de Rafael ne se détachaient pas des visages adorables des enfants. "Non, Rafael. Ils ne le sont pas," Marissa dit avec un sourire forcé, "Ils ne sont pas les tiens. Tu te souviens ?" elle battit des cils de manière assez dramatique, "Nous n'avons jamais été mariés !" La sœur aînée de Marissa Aaron, Valérie Aaron, a abandonné son petit ami aveugle le jour de leur mariage et s'est enfuie. Pour sauver les apparences, la famille de Merissa l'a suppliée d'épouser Raphael Sinclair. L'ironie ? Elle n'avait pas le droit de dire à son mari aveugle qu'elle n'était pas Valérie mais Marissa Aaron. Le jour de la chirurgie oculaire réussie de Raphael, Marissa a appris que Valérie était de retour pour reprendre sa place légitime en tant que belle-fille des Sinclair. Marissa a tenté d'expliquer à son mari qu'elle était celle qui avait épousé, mais il ne l'a pas crue. Au lieu de le convaincre davantage, le cœur brisé, Merissa a décidé de quitter la ville sans lui révéler son secret. Raphael Sinclair était l'incarnation même de l'homme incroyablement séduisant et était le seul héritier du groupe d'industries Sinclair. Que ferait-il lorsqu'il apprendrait que tout ce temps la femme qui lui offrait son amour et son corps n'était pas Valérie mais sa sœur cadette Marissa Aaron ? Comment réagirait-il en apprenant qu'il était le père des bébés que Marissa portait en elle ? Chercherait-il à retrouver Marissa et à la reconquérir ? Et la question à un million de dollars ! Marissa serait-elle un jour capable de lui pardonner et de l'aimer à nouveau ?

  • Presiden: Anda Adalah Ayah Dari Triplet Saya

    Presiden: Anda Adalah Ayah Dari Triplet Saya



    "M... Marissa! Apakah mereka anak-anakku?" Mata Rafael tak berpaling dari wajah anak-anak yang menggemaskan itu. "Tidak, Rafael. Mereka bukan," Marissa berkata dengan senyum palsu, "Mereka bukan milikmu. Ingat?" dia berkedip dengan dramatis, "Kita tidak pernah menikah!" Kakak perempuan Marissa Aaron yang lebih tua, Valerie Aaron, meninggalkan pacarnya yang buta di hari pernikahannya dan kabur. Untuk menyelamatkan muka, keluarga Merissa memohon kepadanya untuk menikah dengan Raphael Sinclair. Ironisnya? Dia tidak diperbolehkan memberitahu suaminya yang buta bahwa dia bukan Valerie melainkan Marissa Aaron. Pada hari operasi mata Raphael yang berhasil, Marissa mengetahui bahwa Valerie telah kembali untuk mengambil tempatnya yang seharusnya sebagai menantu perempuan keluarga Sinclaire. Marissa mencoba menjelaskan kepada suaminya bahwa dialah yang menikah dengannya, tetapi dia tidak percaya. Alih-alih meyakinkan lebih lanjut, Marissa yang patah hati memutuskan untuk meninggalkan kota tanpa memberitahunya rahasianya. Raphael Sinclair adalah definisi klasik dari sangat tampan dan adalah satu-satunya pewaris grup industri Sinclair. Apa yang akan dia lakukan ketika dia mengetahui bahwa selama ini wanita yang menawarkan padanya, cinta dan tubuhnya bukanlah Valerie melainkan adik perempuannya Marissa Aaron? Bagaimana reaksinya ketika dia mengetahui bahwa dia adalah ayah dari bayi-bayi yang Marissa kandung di rahimnya? Akankah dia mengejar Marissa dan memenangkan hatinya kembali? Dan pertanyaan senilai jutaan dollar! Akankah Marissa bisa memaafkannya dan mencintainya lagi? ```

  • The President’s Pregnant, Ex-Wife

    The President’s Pregnant, Ex-Wife



    Sabrina Jewel found out she was pregnant after so many pregnancy tests. The same day, her husband, the powerful President of Jewels Group of Companies in NY city, Robin Jewel, brought another woman home after Sabrina had endured his escapades with ceaseless women and tried to be a good wife. “What? After all the sperm, you could not for once be pregnant. Not even a miscarriage. She did your job for you,” Robin pinned the blame on Sabrina. Sabrina’s world crumbled right before her eyes. She left her family for this idiot but not anymore. His father knew who she was but Robin never took the pain to even research about her throughout their three years of marriage. Since he got another woman pregnant, she was done for good. “I have had enough, Robin. It’s either she leaves or I leave….”

  • Meu Ex-marido Bilionário Está Tentando Me Reconquistar

    Meu Ex-marido Bilionário Está Tentando Me Reconquistar



    ``` [Conteúdo Adulto] Arabella Donovan sacrificou sua juventude exclusivamente pelo marido. No entanto, ele a divorciou porque ela não podia gerar filhos para ele, causando-lhe grande dor. Bella decidiu desaparecer da vida dele. Cinco anos depois, ela retornou ao país com seu adorável filho. Sua vida pacífica começou a ser perturbada quando o ex-marido a perseguiu assim que descobriu que ela estava dando à luz ao filho dele. Mas agora, ela não era mais a mesma Bella de antes. Ela é uma pessoa completamente diferente. ***** "Chefe, ela voltou!" "Quem?" Tristan Sinclair perguntou enquanto rabiscava sua assinatura em pilhas de papéis. "Sua esposa—" O assistente hesitou, observando Tristan atentamente. Quando viu as sobrancelhas franzidas de Tristan, ele se corrigiu. "Desculpe, quero dizer sua ex-esposa, a Sra. Donovan. Ela voltou com um garoto..." Tristan suspirou, olhando para o contrato à sua frente. Depois de cinco anos procurando, só para descobrir que ela seguiu em frente, isso dói. Mas ele não podia evitar. Ela merece felicidade com outra pessoa. Ele aceitará essa perda. "Ela merece um novo marido..." Tristan murmurou, dispensando seu assistente. "Chefe, o que eu quis dizer é que o garotinho é fofo. Eu acho que ele tem uns quatro anos—" Tristan estalou. Sua cabeça se erguendo, fixando seu olhar afiado em seu assistente. "Eu preciso que você organize um teste de DNA para o garoto. E me consiga o endereço dela!" Um brilho apareceu em seus olhos enquanto um sorriso se espalhava lentamente por seu rosto. ______ Autora do Romance: 1. DAMN! ME APAIXONEI POR ELE (Concluído) 2. A Noiva do Príncipe Imortal (Concluído) 3. Renascimento: Dançando Em Meu Destino (Concluído) 4. A Esposa Gênio do Bilionário (Concluído) 5. Renascimento Como Esposa do Senhor Vampiro (Concluído) 6. Meu Ex-Marido Bilionário Está Me Perseguindo _____ Como entrar em contato comigo: >> Conta no Instagram: authorpurplelight >> Página no FB: Author_Purplelight >> Participe do meu servidor no Discord: _____ Notas: A capa do livro pertence à autora. Por favor, não a reutilize! ```

  • Ex-Esposa Grávida do Sr. CEO

    Ex-Esposa Grávida do Sr. CEO


    Ace Carter Greyson, seu marido de cinco longos anos, exigiu o divórcio na noite do quinto aniversário de casamento deles. O motivo? Simplesmente porque ela não pode ter um filho. Phoenix implorou para ele ficar, mas sua decisão firme era inabalável, então ela finalmente o deixou ir. Sua vida ficou ainda mais despedaçada depois que descobriu o caso de longa data dele com a secretária e agora, a amante estava grávida. Apenas alguns meses após o divórcio, ele se casou com a secretária grávida. O mundo de Phoenix vira de cabeça para baixo de repente quando ela descobre que está grávida de quatro meses. *** Confira A obsessão secreta do Sr. Ceo!

  • One Pregnancy, Multiple Relationships: The Best Actress Is Cute And Sweet

    One Pregnancy, Multiple Relationships: The Best Actress Is Cute And Sweet


    Chi Yaoxi, showbiz's most famous figure and winner of the best actress award was being cheated on by her boyfriend—and it had to be with her stepsister! And his excuse was that she's not willing to cohabit and have a child? Laughable! Chi Yaoxi attended a high-class party, intent on getting drunk and throwing money to a handsome face, whom she would spend the night with! Once she got tipsy, Chi Yaoxi threw herself into the arms of a gorgeous man. "You've caught my eye. Come to my room tonight, and I will give you millions." Li Qianming, a CEO of his own right, was stunned. He had met countless women who wanted to seduce him—this was the first time he met one buying him for the night. At the same time, the woman's stunning figure was latched to himself, her warm breath spraying all over his face. He carried her to his room. *** Waking up the next day, Chi Yaoxi smiled apologetically. "Sorry, I was drunk last night, but I will pay you anyway." Li Qianming studied her in her naked form with just a towel covering his own modesty, and whipped out a prenuptial agreement. "My son likes you. Let's get married today." "What??" Chi Yaoxi was shocked. The adorable kid helped his daddy get the girl by wrapping himself tightly around Chi Yaoxi and cried, "Mommy, my papa is actually kind on the inside. You won't lose if you invest in him—it's your victory if you marry him!" The great CEO nodded. "Marry me, and I will get you anything you want." The indomitable thespian somehow lost to the father and son duo, becoming a CEO's wife and a mother. As her man pinned her down and demanded a child, she realized she had thrown herself to the wolves and was going to be devoured clean.

  • Accidental Pregnancy

    Accidental Pregnancy

    Accidental pregnancy is not a book but a whole book series. These book series have a total of 5 books. One main book and other is its sequences. Accidental pregnancy is the main book and other books are its sequences.It's chronological order is: 1. Accidental pregnancy 2. The beauty trap of an agent 3. His clumsy little angle 4. His contract bride5. Her secret admirer Book1: - Accidental pregnancyThis is the first part of the book of pregnancy series. Nate Nara is the CEO of Nara enterprise who had everything in his life good looks, fame, wealth, and a beautiful wife but the only thing he wants more than anything is to have a family. He wants to have his own family and his own children. But he lost the ability to become a father due to illness. So he tried to have the child by using the elimination method.Mia Mathis is planning to go to New York after one month for her studies and she has just started working under his company. She goes to visit the gynecologist for a check-up but gets eliminated by mistake because a nurse misplaced the files and send her to an endocrinologist by mistake.After finding out that Mia is pregnant he decided to give divorce to his wife but the situation turns out and Mia had to deliver the kids forcefully due to get shot by the g*n by Anna, Nate's wife. Another day at hospital they get to know that Anna was the death and Nate takes all the blame to save Mia and goes to jail but the thing was Anna was alive when they go to a hospital to save Mia and their kids so who killed her was still suspense.Read the book to find out the murderer and to know what happens next.I will be uploading the whole series in this book. You will know when the first book ends and another book began as you continue reading the book.

  • Ex-esposa grávida do Presidente

    Ex-esposa grávida do Presidente



    Sabrina Jewel descobriu que estava grávida depois de muitos testes de gravidez. No mesmo dia, seu marido, o poderoso Presidente do Grupo de Empresas Jewels na cidade de NY, Robin Jewel, trouxe outra mulher para casa depois que Sabrina suportou suas aventuras com inúmeras mulheres e tentou ser uma boa esposa. “O que? Depois de todo o esperma, você não conseguiu engravidar nem uma vez. Nem mesmo um aborto espontâneo. Ela fez o seu trabalho por você,” Robin jogou a culpa em Sabrina. O mundo de Sabrina desmoronou bem diante de seus olhos. Ela deixou sua família por esse idiota, mas não mais. O pai dele sabia quem ela era, mas Robin nunca se deu ao trabalho de pesquisar sobre ela durante os três anos de casamento. Como ele engravidou outra mulher, pra ela já deu. “Eu já tive o suficiente, Robin. Ou ela vai embora ou eu vou…”

  • Apocalyptic Pregnancy

    Apocalyptic Pregnancy



    How does it feel to have a big belly amid a fiesta of zombies and mutated plants and animals? Su Su makes it clear that pregnancy tests, prenatal education, natural childbirth, early childhood education… all of these can't be missing! In her previous life, her child was sold off by her lover. She was heartbroken and committed suicide, but she unexpectedly returned to a day 45 days before the end of the world. Su Su decisively arranges her plans: hoard food, kick out the scumbag, protect her parents, and also protect her unborn child! At the same time, for the sake of her child, she would save this man with who she had a one-night stand. In front of Su Su, who has awakened her superpower, the strongest man in the past has no choice but to speak softly. To woo his wife, he uses all his strength to protect them. The son's father: Zombie City has the most advanced four-dimensional ultrasound machine. Hey, do you want to carry out the heist? Su Su: … Yes!

  • Mommy Villainess

    Mommy Villainess



    [Mommy Villainess (The Lady with the Crab Mallet)]***[Original book cover. Artwork by Artist Michiro for WN Author sola_cola.]***In Tilly's past life, she was a villainess who neglected her husband and son for power. Then, the "real woman of the prophecy" came and took them away from her. When she failed to seize the throne for herself, she was executed for all the crimes she committed.Then, came her rebirth.She wants to meet her son again so she vowed to be a good person this time. Good enough to seduce Captain Kiho--- her husband in her past life.But soon, she realized that flirting with the captain is the least of her worry. After all, she discovered that her "evilness" in the past was caused by the true villain--- someone who wanted her dead to steal the special power that she didn't know she possessed.Power that has something to do with the Four Ancient Beasts of the Moonchester Empire: The Red Phoenix, the Blue Dragon, the Golden Tiger, and The Black Serpent.Apparently, she's the Beast Priestess...... and her lineage isn't supposed to exist anymore.Because of her blood, there are people who want her gone.So now, aside from having a happy life with Kiho and their son, she has a new goal: to burn down the b*tches who want to ruin her family again.***[EXCERPT]***[‘Why am I so horny tonight?’]Tilly thought to herself while sucking the crab leg suggestively. And then, she noticed that Captain Kiho gulped while staring at her mouth.[‘Ah, I’m not the only who’s hot and bothered here.’]She didn’t know if it was the alcohol in her system or her desperation to have a child…… but she suddenly felt like flirting with him.They were bound to get married and have a child together anyway.“Captain,” said Tilly as soon as she pulled the crab leg out of her mouth. “I can clearly see that we’re both attracted to each other. Shall we spend the night together?”Kiho remained pokerfaced but she saw panic cross his now glowing yellowish eyes. Ah, the captain was flustered. “My lady, you seem to be really drunk.”She walked towards him and when he didn’t move an inch, she stood in front of him and looked up at him with a grin. “Captain, are you the type of man who will only sleep with his betrothed?”“That seems to be the case, my lady.”He said that as if he was forcing the words out of his mouth. Plus, she could see in his eyes that he was conflicted– that it was hard for him to reject her.[‘Aw, I didn’t know that I have this kind of effect on my ex-husband.’]Or perhaps she just didn’t pay attention in the past.“Captain, I have a solution to your problem,” said Tilly in a playful voice. Then, she stood on her toes and whispered in Kiho’s ear. “Let’s get married.”

  • Die schwangere Ex-Frau des Präsidenten

    Die schwangere Ex-Frau des Präsidenten



    Sabrina Jewel fand nach vielen Schwangerschaftstests heraus, dass sie schwanger war. Am selben Tag brachte ihr Ehemann, der mächtige Präsident der Jewels Group of Companies in New York City, Robin Jewel, eine andere Frau nach Hause, nachdem Sabrina seine Eskapaden mit unaufhörlichen Frauen ertragen hatte und versuchte, eine gute Ehefrau zu sein. "Was? Nach all dem Sperma konntest du nicht ein einziges Mal schwanger sein. Nicht einmal eine Fehlgeburt. Sie hat deinen Job für dich gemacht", schob Robin die Schuld auf Sabrina. Sabrinas Welt brach direkt vor ihren Augen zusammen. Sie hatte ihre Familie für diesen Idioten verlassen, aber jetzt nicht mehr. Sein Vater wusste, wer sie war, aber Robin hatte sich in den drei Jahren ihrer Ehe nie die Mühe gemacht, sich über sie zu informieren. Seit er eine andere Frau geschwängert hatte, war es aus mit ihr. "Ich habe genug, Robin. Entweder sie geht oder ich gehe...."

  • The Ruthless CEO wife is back with twins

    The Ruthless CEO wife is back with twins


    Sophia slept with a man in the bar and getting impregnated by him. Six years after she had given birth to twins, she returned home and accepts a job offer of a prestigious company- but she instantly regrets it when she finds out that the CEO is the man she slept with and the father of her twins. Alexander is a billionaire. He's got everything a man could ask for, good looks,a greek god body and unlimited bank balance. But he is harsh, cold and absolutely ruthless. To top it all, he has a dark past. He cornered me against the wall with both of his hands on either side of my head. I could smell his breath against my lips. we were so close to each other that single move from me would result in our lips smashing against each other. "The next time I see you getting cozy with another guy, I'll kill that guy and make your life a living hell, Sophia' Alexander whispered dangerously low in my ear, making me quiver with fear. "DO.I.MAKE.MYSELF.CLEAR?" He said, gritting his teeth together. I didn't want to nod, but I nodded. I didn't want to fear him, but I feared him. I didn't want to succumb but I succumbed. Alexander wants her. No, He wants to claim her. Will it be possible? Read to find out.

  • Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-Wife

    Mr Ceo's Pregnant Ex-Wife



    [COMPLETED] Phoenix’ husband of five long years, Ace Carter Greyson, demanded divorce on the night of their fifth wedding anniversary simply because she can't bear a son. She begged him to stay but his firm decision was unbendable so she finally let him go. Her life was even more shattered after she discovered his long time affair with his secretary, and now, the mistress was pregnant. Just months after their divorce he married the impregnated secretary. Phoenix's world suddenly turns upside down when she discovers she's four months pregnant.

  • Contract Pregnancy with the Billionaire

    Contract Pregnancy with the Billionaire

    He leaned closer to me, and I tilted my head back instinctively, so that I could still see his face. And without warning, I felt his lips pressing against mine. That perfect cupid’s bow, melting against my lips. And all my defenses crumbled. - Reporter Mila Smith will do anything to bring down Billionaire CEO Jacob Greyson. But carrying his baby? That was not part of the plan. Then something goes wrong, and Mila needs to be the egg donor as well, making the baby in her womb, both Jacob Greyson, and her own. Will Mila still be able to bring down the father of her child? Will she still be able to give birth and walk away? Will she want to? - Contract Pregnancy with the Billionaire is created by Hannah Tatum Reading, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.

  • His Mafia Prince

    His Mafia Prince



    -I could hurt them. I could kill them all, but not you. If it were up to me, you'd never see a drop of your own blood again.–***Destiny is an unpredictable force that no one can control. This is especially true for Tyler, a homeless omega who lives in shelters and works odd jobs to get by. When a rogue Alpha attempts to kill him, Tyler's life takes a turn for the worse. However, things get even more complicated when Sasha, an Alpha, and powerful figure in the mafia, takes an interest in him.Despite Tyler's reservations, he is forced into an arrangement with Sasha, and over time his initial distrust begins to fade.But their relationship is tested when the rogue Alpha reappears, revealing secrets that threaten to tear them apart.Caught in the middle, Tyler and Sasha must choose between confronting the demons of their past or risking everything they've built together.

  • A Single Mother's Farm of the Gods

    A Single Mother's Farm of the Gods


    Elaina never anticipated discovering that her husband, the reigning emperor of the Kingdom of Luminiera, was unfaithful. To make matters worse, the one seemingly attempting to undermine their marriage was none other than her sister! Unable to confront this harsh reality, Elaina resolved to plan her escape and distance herself from her husband. However, a significant complication emerged while she was plotting her departure—she was pregnant with the emperor's child. Determined not to subject her child to the consequences of her husband's infidelity, she chose to flee with her child and embark on a fresh start in the neighboring kingdom of Darcero, utilizing her expertise in farming while also planning on raising the child that she will give birth soon all on her own without the need and support of a father. As fortune would have it, the gods appeared to favor her resolve. "Because the gods are impressed by your dedication, we reward you with a helper that will allow you to flourish in this land. In exchange, you help us grow plants that are not yet present in this world and spread them all over the world. Activating the Farm Helper. Welcome, host!" Now faced with the prospect of an entirely new life and the responsibility of her unborn child, Elaina must navigate the challenges that lie ahead. What trials and tribulations will she encounter as she endeavors to build a life for herself and her child in this unfamiliar territory?

  • Ex-husband, Please Stop Chasing Me

    Ex-husband, Please Stop Chasing Me


    Marriage is not the cure-all when you suddenly get pregnant. Loreen learned that from experience. From a career woman, she accepted becoming a housewife when she suddenly got pregnant from a one-night stand with a stranger. But after a few months, she miscarried. They tried again for years to no avail. Until this was where it led… “Sign this divorce papers and get the hell out of here,” her husband demanded. Does she have to be divorced and shamed because she could not bear children? Can a marriage and romantic relationship not exist without the couple having their own children? . . . He was the one who abandoned her. But wait, 200 calls and 100 messages. 'What the hells is wrong with this guy?!' . . _________________________ Gifting and Bonus Magic Castle = 5 Bonus Chapters Spacecraft = 10 Bonus Chapters Golden Gachapon = 15 Bonus Chapters *Note: Bonus Chapters will be uploaded at the start of the following month or upon receiving the gifts/s. It depends on available chapter stocks. Tehee.
