/ Fantasy / [Complete]Killing Machine

[Complete]Killing Machine Original

[Complete]Killing Machine

Fantasy 6 Chapters 25.9K Views
Author: Blankiphone

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Two sister, one was consider a genius. While the other one is consider a worthless piece of trash, was left with no care and had to work as a servant. But she was treated more badly than a normal servants, normal servants seem to have more power than the her, the daughter of a high lord. The genius daughter on the other hand, can have everything she desire and can do anything she want. Why? Because she is a genius. She would often target her sister as she know that her sister cannot do anything to her. She would allow other to beat her. They would spread false rumor about her and had her do all the works. She blame herself for her mother death. If only she was born pretty, normal and have talent. Her father would have never abandon her mother and left them to death. Her life however change when she meet a bodyguard for her sister.

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very short. not too happy with the way that it ended. the last chapter feels like it was rush out. as if it was a manga and told that it had one last chapter before it was canceled.

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Author Blankiphone