/ Anime & Comics / one piece elemental god

one piece elemental god Original

one piece elemental god

Anime & Comics 83 Chapters 580.1K Views
Author: nexusstar21

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our mc lived a miserable life he spent most of his time in a hospital bed due to is inccurrable disease all he had was the manga's he would read his favorite was one piece when he finally died he met god and God apologized to him for the terrible life he was given so in return god decided to reincarnate him in a world of his choice he thought about it and chose to be reborn in one piece as monkey.d.Luffy god asked him what power he would like and after thinking for a while he asked for the power to control every element including the sub elements god granted his wish how will our mc change the world of one piece being reincarnated as our protagonist follow him on his journey to find out

disclaimer I do not own one piece or any of it's characters


  1. Alex_Wertz_0390
    Alex_Wertz_0390 Contributed 56
  2. apaxgod
    apaxgod Contributed 47
  3. Leaf001
    Leaf001 Contributed 16

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fix your story because it skipped the battle with mohawk and the arlong arc

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i really enjoyed the story so far, pls keep updating. It its a hidden gem of a story. I hope this doesn't get dropped, like so many other 'fics.

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Author nexusstar21