/ Urban / A Beauty SINGLE Mom

A Beauty SINGLE Mom Original

A Beauty SINGLE Mom

Urban 62 Chapters 6.1K Views
Author: vbeytha

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Why are you running away from me, am I so bad in your eyes, you are not interested in me?" (Louisa)
"Sorry -- but we are like the heavens and the earth. I am the one who should be the leader, not the lead." (Darwin)
"Screw those words, if I say I have given birth to your child do you still not want to see your child or do you want him to call another man 'papa'?"
Louisa had to become a single parent because of her mistake of having one night in love with a man whose origins she did not know. But as time goes by, men come to apply to be an employee in her company.


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    Author vbeytha