/ Fantasy / A Ridiculous Dream

A Ridiculous Dream Original

A Ridiculous Dream

Fantasy 5 Chapters 3.3K Views
Author: Alex_Li_0445

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A dream doesn't follow a plot, right? Sure, it seems like a mysterious and complex mystery is being unfolded with this suspicious goblin and massive tower. It's not really the kind of novel you'll find anywhere else. Plot is not the king, but it certainly exists. Read this if you want to be surprised and like puns

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I wrote this a few years ago and am re-reading it now. The story is an absolute mess, but when you read it for the first time, it somehow seems to be the most incredible thing. It's worth publishing because there are some moments that I think are really really funny. There's action and adventure and big surprises in every paragraph. Though the descriptions are quite concise so sometimes you need to read carefully to realize what is going on. The plot is very dreamlike in that I can't really explain it, there are no real goals besides the next moment. The next moment tends to be quite interesting, though. It's basically a story about a guy who finds himself in a fantasy land.

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Author Alex_Li_0445