/ Sci-fi / Beyond, on the Wind. A memory forgotten.

Beyond, on the Wind. A memory forgotten. Original

Beyond, on the Wind. A memory forgotten.

Sci-fi 2 Chapters 8.3K Views
Author: JHarper

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I'd tell you my name, if I could remember it.
I'd tell you where I am, if I could remember.

[Congratulations survivor, you have passed the 5th test, welcome to the new world.]

All I know is I have supplies, my beating heart and some voice in my head. I'm not sure I need much else to keep living.

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This book was never intended to be the main book I write, rather a book for me to have a change of pace from my main book, Waking to Dragons and Elves. Updates for this one might take a while, even though I hope to start posting more chapters over both books in the coming weeks. It was originally written as a small side story for a tabletop game in the world of darkness system and involves some of the NPCs from there, namely Larry whos name gets brought up by the main character who can't remember their own. For proper spoilers, the main character is female, this is not going to be hinted at for the first few chapters due to how you never need to check that sort of thing on yourself if you are alone. When interactions with others come up, I probably won't even directly say it in the story for a bit of added fun. For additional spoilers, the main character in this story actually ends up being the wife of Larry in one of my tabletop games I ran about 4 years ago they had two daughters while they lived out in the wasteland in a city ran by vampires. Which might give a bit of a spoiler for things to come.

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Author JHarper