/ Teen / Bucket List on a Schedule

Bucket List on a Schedule Original

Bucket List on a Schedule

Teen 3 Chapters 5.3K Views
Author: Ida_Lily_Dang

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"Don't you ever feel bored to the point everything becomes numb?"

Aidan and Maeve exchanged a quick look before settling in a deadpan expression. Emma sighed.

"Sorry, I forgot who I was talking to."
Emma Brown appears to be your typical girl next door with an average name, an average appearance and a predictable routine. She's the farthest from exciting.

One day, Emma stumbles across the bucket lists her family wrote the Christmas before her grandfather's passing. 
Overcome by nostalgia, Emma decides to fulfil their past wishes in homage to her grandfather.
Due to several reasons, she finds herself with a time constraint on her hands. 

Will Emma's scheduled bucket list prevail or will she have to give up on meeting all the requirements she set up for her and her family?
Find out more by reading Bucket List on a Schedule.
Since this is an original story, copyright belongs to me, Ida_Lily_Dang

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Author Ida_Lily_Dang