/ Fantasy / Can't i have a System?

Can't i have a System? Original

Can't i have a System?

Fantasy 7 Chapters 1.7K Views
Author: OngoingWay

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Welcome, dear reader, to the exciting world of Isekai, where average people are transported to alternate dimensions filled with magic, adventure, and sometimes even overpowered, handsome, charming characters with elaborate systems to help them navigate their new lives. But alas, we must introduce John, a rather unremarkable individual who has been reborn into this fantastical realm and given the opportunity to be a hero with the help of our newest system!

But wait! It seems there has been a terrible mistake. Someone has just informed us that there has been an error and John, unfortunately, does not have a System after all. Oh dear, how embarrassing. We apologize profusely to John and offer our sincerest condolences for this terrible oversight.

But well John you still have… I mean you are still good at…Ummm you are good at PC Gaming right, that is something right? Huh? Medieval fantasy world, no electricity?

Anyways fear not, dear John! You may not have any special powers or skills, but you do have one thing going for you:.... *Hust*

So go forth, brave John, and make your mark on this fantastical realm. And who knows, maybe one day you'll even find a way to acquire a System of your own. Until then, good luck and godspeed! Or, you know, just try not to get killed. That would be a bummer.


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Author here. This is my first work. So please have no mercy on me ;) Hope you enjoy it I am not sure about how often i can release a new chapter since i have another full time job and a wife which keep me occupied but yeah we will see.

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Author OngoingWay