/ Urban / Can Happiness Blossom?

Can Happiness Blossom? Original

Can Happiness Blossom?

Urban 26 Chapters 6.7K Views
Author: Tlee_1309

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In the enchanting world of showbiz, where dreams intertwine with reality, actress Catherine and fashion director Thomas found themselves bound together in a contractual marriage. Theirs was a union forged not by love, but by a mutual desire for convenience and public image. As the lights shimmered and cameras flashed, they played the perfect couple, their smiles masking the emptiness within.

Yet, beneath the glitz and glamour of their extravagant lifestyle, a delicate dance unfolded. Catherine, with her captivating beauty and relentless ambition, yearned for true love, while Thomas, a master of disguise, hid his wounded heart behind a facade of indifference. Together, they navigated the treacherous waters of fame, their scripted romance blurring the lines between truth and fiction.

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  1. Tlee_1309
    Tlee_1309 Contributed 68
  2. Lalitha_Prakash
    Lalitha_Prakash Contributed 12
  3. Sunflower0302
    Sunflower0302 Contributed 8


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    I hope the you will release the next chapter

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    good, keep writing more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Author Tlee_1309