/ Fantasy / Devourer of Wishes

Devourer of Wishes Original

Devourer of Wishes

Fantasy 20 Chapters 4.4K Views
Author: SpiralSheep

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Moments before a glowing meteor destroyed Earth, Jin Shikabane desperately wished upon a star to overcome death. However, his wish proved to be a double-edged sword as he woke up to a broken system counting down the days of his newfound immortality.

With his life still endangered, Jin was forced to join other Wishbearers - people with strange supernatural powers - to fight against other humans, monsters and forces beyond their understanding throughout different familiar worlds, all to keep their fragile existence.

But nothing is ever straightforward in life, as Jin will soon realize...

Currently on a Hiatus.

Parents Strongly Cautioned

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Rank -- Power Ranking
Stone -- Power stone

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Story follows a morally gray guy trying to survive by collecting batteries and managing a small team, but will he stay that way? Who knows. Him and his group slowly discover the secret behind those batteries and their own powers. A lot of gunfights ensue, there will eventually be a level up system. I do enjoy a little bit of humor so it is sprinkled here and there but it's not the main focus so I'm trying not to overdo it. Give it a shot and tell me how you feel about it.

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Author SpiralSheep