/ Fantasy / Duck king in a magic world?!

Duck king in a magic world?! Original

Duck king in a magic world?!

Fantasy 19 Chapters 5.9K Views
Author: Zias_Hellstone

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Donald was a poor sap who wanted nothing more than a quiet life with his ducks. Sure he was a bit fanatical in his duck obsession but no harm no foul right? Wrong for he too was driven by revenge on his so called human 'freinds' who stole his life's work and played it off as their own casting him aside to become stars and leave him in the dust. On one fateful day he led his cherished ducks in a revolution to take back what was his and claim his revenge, sadly the guards exploited his only weakness... guns and heavy artillery as he was shot dead and his flock of angry ducks followed him to the great beyond. Marvel at his wild shenanigans on his journey to become the duck king in his second chance on life.

p.s. I'm not going to do something like promise you a world that makes complete logical sense or ontime or well placed story beats. I'm not civilized enough to do something like that, and promising you something that makes sense is just my lying to you and myself. But if you can handle a few inconsistencies and just want an interesting story that's crazy hectic with all sorts of wacky shenanigans, and flying by the seem of your pants crazy. well I can do that and I think you'll love this story, just give it a shot, what could possibly go wrong besides well everything of course!


  1. Zias_Hellstone
    Zias_Hellstone Contributed 8
  2. chicken_knight
    chicken_knight Contributed 1
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