/ Urban / Falling in His Charming Eyes

Falling in His Charming Eyes Original

Falling in His Charming Eyes

Urban 3 Chapters 2.0K Views
Author: Xuanting_Official

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On the wedding day, Lindsay was arranged by her family to marry the disfigured vegetable, Carter, the young master.
However, it was just Carter's disguise for his disfigurement and cerebral palsy. Carter, who was out on a mission, had encountered his wife who had escaped from the wedding.
Lindsay accidentally mistook Carter for a poor boy. So she fell in love with her husband.
One day, Carter's secret was discovered by Lindsay.
Lindsay had a Kabe-Don for Carter step by step and asked, "The richest poor boy?" Carter didn't dare to speak.
Lindsay touched Carter's well-proportioned legs and said, "Isn't the whole body of a disfigured vegetable suffering from muscle deficiency?" Carter still didn't dare to speak.
Lindsay was angry, "How dare you create a medical miracle after you fall in love with me with a fake identity? Does a vegetable take advantage of me when you wake up?" Carter hugged Lindsay and comforted her, "Honey, don't be angry. Listen to me. It's not good for the baby if you are angry!" Lindsay shouted Carter's full name angrily, "Carter Morgan!"
Carter, the well-known mercenary, the richest man in the country, quickly took out the mechanical keyboard and knelt.

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    Author Xuanting_Official