Reviews of Ghost Wife My Lifetime Love by KhanQi - Webnovel



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I am pretty sure that it was translated with google, it's all a mess, the mc is a little silly sometimes and when he goes in the family i cringed so much that i stopped reading. Maybe with an editor it could be better

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Grammar could need some improvements but so far so good.

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The story line is good and the plot is well developed but the author needs to work on the grammar as it makes it difficult to understand some parts of the story.

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absolute ****, immensely retarded mc, beta to the point he wont even ask any questions if some one beats him to death, does opposite things of what others says and gets into trouble, no power levels information from author, actually so little information that mc feels more retarded than he already is, and even if hes weak as **** he'll try to go to somewhere to face last boss. all in all ****ed up mc, if you can tolerate this, you should read this novel

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LV 5 Badge

This novel is good. I dont even realize that this is original novel. Pls dont drop this novel halfway. Thanks.

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Man do I love this book this is the best I have read in a while thanks to the writer and editor..but it cook really use some better editing...please look into that..

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I like how the story develops zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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LV 10 Badge

I’m just going to go ahead and say this now. Most of the reviews her are fake, otherwise this novel would not have 4.4 stars. This book just isn’t worth it. I could only stand to read 37 chapters of this book before i found it unbearable. Though this book says it caters to both male and female readers, it is a complete and utter lie. It’s the same as all of the other novels on this site with EVERY SINGLE woman MC meets being a earth shattering beauty. Thought the whole story its just mystery after mystery. Normally, that would be fine except for the fact that the author ever explains anything. Anytime something interesting is mentioned expect one of the characters you just be like “you’ll know in time” or “don’t concerns yourself faith things that have nothing to do with you” It’s fucking ridiculous. grammar is Subpar, nothing really that interesting about the characters and it’s nothing but a run of the mill story with MC with a hidden background and everyone who doesn’t want to explain things to him, but with worse grammar. I had hope for this novel, but the author was quick to crush my hopes to dust with this book that just seems to progressively gets worse as time goes. I wish there was a way to remove all the people who leave fake reviews by just spamming a ton of emojis or fake raises for the novel.

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It was interesting at first. But god the grammar is making me want to kill myself. I am not looking for oxford level english. Just some good grammar with correct tense used in a sentence. Unfortunately this novel doesn't have that.

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So I am not bashing the author at all. They all have a talent that I never will. But I have read to chapter 37 and I have no idea what is going on. Don't get me wrong I like mystery books but the fact that the mc only ever gets the response "I will tell you in *blank amount of time*" bothers me. Like the entire mystery of this book is that everyone in it refuses to tell the mc what the **** is going on. The mc isn't a genius and can figure it out. He is just a normal dude that nobody talks to. I don't know about future chapters and I am hoping that some one can clear it for me because I truly do see potential in this novel. But at this point all I see is an mc that gets stepped on by everyone with no hope of ever figuring out who he truly is because he is to scared to confront anyone for actual answers not just "you'll know in the future". I am writing this review in the hopes of getting an answer of does the mc grow a spine and figure **** out or down he continue to be stepped on because he is scared? for the stars I believe I was fair because the writing is really good the characters are realistic ish and I see no major flaws but at the chapter I am at I have no idea what's happening and could have being easily cleared up if other characters just talked. Please respond if you have read or the author and have a different view. I would love to hear a different view or maybe some insight that I had missed.

Reveal Spoiler
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The story is fast paced but not rushed, have a unique start different from other novel out there. Besides from bad grammar this novel has a lot potential in it. The character development is pretty good like how the mc adapt with the situation is not same, he will learn from mistakes. The romance is a bit rushed but pretty decent.

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I only read the first couple dozen chapters or so until I had to stop. The main character is truly terrible things occur because of stupid reasons. First, at the start the main character has nothing going for him. What does he have? Is he smart... definitely not. Is he wise? Also definitely not. Is he strong, well no but I imagine getting stronger is part of it. And then, at least does he strive to be faithful to his planned wife, of course not. How should conflict occur. Hmm. Well we can mix a few things together. First let's have the main character be truly stupid, in some cases paranoia just makes sense. But let's have main character walk headfirst into stupidity. But naturally we need to give the protagonist the benefit of the doubt, he's stupid but we can't make it obvious or people won't like that. So let's just have everyone constantly give the main character zero information, or even worse only tidbits, so even if he had brain cells he wouldnt have enough information to properly think about risks. Does he get told anything? Deadly bloodsucker? Instead of, do not bleed at all in the house. You must not do that, I can't tell you why, but don't at any costs. He gets told it makes her dizzy. Despite him knowing she's obviously dangerous and supernatural. So when he doesn't care and bleeds you have an excuse for why he's not an idiot. The author has an idiot main character but tries to hide it by having everyone deny him information. He' has no redeeming qualities. He might get better but even then. Terrible start. There's many chapters I haven't read. But the fact that this "romance" has him in the bed of the bloodsucker is just terrible. What is this title Should be "Sleazy stupid husband of the ghost wife'

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Hello dear author, I'm very amazed the way you present this story. I'm very thrilled, excited don't know what to feel about it. I will follow all your updates from now on. Thanks

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Hurray! I thought this story would be liked that of a horror movie, at the beginning I was very hesitant because it's my first time reading stories like this. I was only curious but as I go along reading it, I started liking the story. Thanks author.

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After reading some other reviews and the author's own words I forced myself to read to chapter 21 before dropping it. The writing/grammar is kinda meh, but the storytelling is pretty good, the first person style of writing is really not my cup of anything and I just find it annoying. The characters are kinda meh so far. The male lead is your typical perverted shounen harem lead. As for how he will find a lifetime love while he is constantly thinking of boning every girl he meets, I have no clue, either way I feel bad for her already.

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Genre is Paranormal. Have yet to touch on the romance bit but author says there is one. Anyway, this is a novel that takes a lot of getting used to. English isn't my first language, and I suspect it isn't Author's one as well. It's not the grammatical errors that get to me but rather, it's the way that the Author phrases things. The structure of the sentences takes a lot of getting used to, and one would need to decipher what is truly being said. I guess that gives it the more 'paranormal' bit more paranormal. /heh I find the characters extremely likeable and I love the way the story unfolds as to his development. The pace is very slow and full of 'you will know later' which, quite frankly, is quite irritating after a while. I wonder why the MC hasn't freaked out yet each time someone says it to him. He's a much better and stronger person than I'll ever be - and I'm talking about character wise, not physical strength. I mean, come one. He's in the middle of the greatest plot EVER and no one tells him anything yet he doesn't throw a tantrum. Whoa. Anyway, I do love the story and what twists and turns it holds. If you have the patience to adapt to the Author's writing style, you won't be disappointed in reading on. It gets much better (storywise and plot) as you read more chapters. All the best, Author!

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I am hooked with this novel. The imagination is wild. I love paranormal novels.............................................................................................................adding it to my fav.

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Paranormal dramedy. Fantasy Romance.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Love the novel author. Keep it up. 🤤🤣😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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The story is fast paced and has the potential to shine as the author further dwells into the happenings. Though there are a few grammatical errors, it doesn't take away from the overall sentence structures and is a good read. There area few horror scenes that are not my cup of tea but then am a faint-hearted person. Expect more quality work from the author.

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I really like this novel. Let me see I spent the hole night reading this novel in a bit more than 5 hours without a break. I can't seem to wait for the new chapters of this nice novel.

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Dear author, Thank you for a refreshing story and please update when you can. This lowly reader will be anticipating more stories from you. A start of a wonderful novel. Sincerely a lowly reader.

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You just need a bit of work on grammar , but other than that it's really good. It gets more and more interesting ! Keep it up author. Btw I'm not done with it yet but I'm far enough into it to leave a review.

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LV 10 Badge

As of writing this review, I’ve only read up to Chapter 16. The author’s writing style could use improvements, especially when it comes to tenses, grammar and phrasing. From the chapters I’ve read so far, I keep getting the feel that there is a lack of direction for the plot and details with respect to world/setting. Sometimes it seems to me the MC was just running around places and doing things, being silly, asking questions that aren’t getting solid answers and evaded by other characters. This all makes it hard to grasp what’s going on with the plot/character development. Mystery is good for a story but when reading this, I felt there was too much strange mystery happening and not enough answers as a reader. Or perhaps it’s the way the MC is narrating the story that doesn’t really resonate with me. In fact, I kind of find the MC annoying with his dealings. I have to admit that this isn’t really my cup of tea. However, if you are into magical realism, creatures of the night with hints of romance in the background then this story may be for you.

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This story was written in first person pov. Although the author's writing style is a bit strange, as I read more, I become used to it. The story is fascinating and exciting. Although the author kept saying that this is not a horror read, some scenes make me think differently. But those horror scenes will sometimes turn into a laugh out loud scene as the MC is quite silly. Despite the author's writing style and grammar, this story is good and had a lot of potential in it.

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The novel has potential. It's nicely paced and even though there are some grammar problems, it doesn't pose much reading difficulty to me and I easily grasped what's going on. Folks, give it a try. It's a hidden gem.

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I am pretty sure that it was translated with google, it's all a mess, the mc is a little silly sometimes and when he goes in the family i cringed so much that i stopped reading. Maybe with an editor it could be better

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Grammar could need some improvements but so far so good.

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The story line is good and the plot is well developed but the author needs to work on the grammar as it makes it difficult to understand some parts of the story.

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absolute ****, immensely retarded mc, beta to the point he wont even ask any questions if some one beats him to death, does opposite things of what others says and gets into trouble, no power levels information from author, actually so little information that mc feels more retarded than he already is, and even if hes weak as **** he'll try to go to somewhere to face last boss. all in all ****ed up mc, if you can tolerate this, you should read this novel

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LV 5 Badge

This novel is good. I dont even realize that this is original novel. Pls dont drop this novel halfway. Thanks.

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Man do I love this book this is the best I have read in a while thanks to the writer and editor..but it cook really use some better editing...please look into that..

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I like how the story develops zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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LV 10 Badge

I’m just going to go ahead and say this now. Most of the reviews her are fake, otherwise this novel would not have 4.4 stars. This book just isn’t worth it. I could only stand to read 37 chapters of this book before i found it unbearable. Though this book says it caters to both male and female readers, it is a complete and utter lie. It’s the same as all of the other novels on this site with EVERY SINGLE woman MC meets being a earth shattering beauty. Thought the whole story its just mystery after mystery. Normally, that would be fine except for the fact that the author ever explains anything. Anytime something interesting is mentioned expect one of the characters you just be like “you’ll know in time” or “don’t concerns yourself faith things that have nothing to do with you” It’s fucking ridiculous. grammar is Subpar, nothing really that interesting about the characters and it’s nothing but a run of the mill story with MC with a hidden background and everyone who doesn’t want to explain things to him, but with worse grammar. I had hope for this novel, but the author was quick to crush my hopes to dust with this book that just seems to progressively gets worse as time goes. I wish there was a way to remove all the people who leave fake reviews by just spamming a ton of emojis or fake raises for the novel.

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It was interesting at first. But god the grammar is making me want to kill myself. I am not looking for oxford level english. Just some good grammar with correct tense used in a sentence. Unfortunately this novel doesn't have that.

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So I am not bashing the author at all. They all have a talent that I never will. But I have read to chapter 37 and I have no idea what is going on. Don't get me wrong I like mystery books but the fact that the mc only ever gets the response "I will tell you in *blank amount of time*" bothers me. Like the entire mystery of this book is that everyone in it refuses to tell the mc what the **** is going on. The mc isn't a genius and can figure it out. He is just a normal dude that nobody talks to. I don't know about future chapters and I am hoping that some one can clear it for me because I truly do see potential in this novel. But at this point all I see is an mc that gets stepped on by everyone with no hope of ever figuring out who he truly is because he is to scared to confront anyone for actual answers not just "you'll know in the future". I am writing this review in the hopes of getting an answer of does the mc grow a spine and figure **** out or down he continue to be stepped on because he is scared? for the stars I believe I was fair because the writing is really good the characters are realistic ish and I see no major flaws but at the chapter I am at I have no idea what's happening and could have being easily cleared up if other characters just talked. Please respond if you have read or the author and have a different view. I would love to hear a different view or maybe some insight that I had missed.

Reveal Spoiler
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The story is fast paced but not rushed, have a unique start different from other novel out there. Besides from bad grammar this novel has a lot potential in it. The character development is pretty good like how the mc adapt with the situation is not same, he will learn from mistakes. The romance is a bit rushed but pretty decent.

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I only read the first couple dozen chapters or so until I had to stop. The main character is truly terrible things occur because of stupid reasons. First, at the start the main character has nothing going for him. What does he have? Is he smart... definitely not. Is he wise? Also definitely not. Is he strong, well no but I imagine getting stronger is part of it. And then, at least does he strive to be faithful to his planned wife, of course not. How should conflict occur. Hmm. Well we can mix a few things together. First let's have the main character be truly stupid, in some cases paranoia just makes sense. But let's have main character walk headfirst into stupidity. But naturally we need to give the protagonist the benefit of the doubt, he's stupid but we can't make it obvious or people won't like that. So let's just have everyone constantly give the main character zero information, or even worse only tidbits, so even if he had brain cells he wouldnt have enough information to properly think about risks. Does he get told anything? Deadly bloodsucker? Instead of, do not bleed at all in the house. You must not do that, I can't tell you why, but don't at any costs. He gets told it makes her dizzy. Despite him knowing she's obviously dangerous and supernatural. So when he doesn't care and bleeds you have an excuse for why he's not an idiot. The author has an idiot main character but tries to hide it by having everyone deny him information. He' has no redeeming qualities. He might get better but even then. Terrible start. There's many chapters I haven't read. But the fact that this "romance" has him in the bed of the bloodsucker is just terrible. What is this title Should be "Sleazy stupid husband of the ghost wife'

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Hello dear author, I'm very amazed the way you present this story. I'm very thrilled, excited don't know what to feel about it. I will follow all your updates from now on. Thanks

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Hurray! I thought this story would be liked that of a horror movie, at the beginning I was very hesitant because it's my first time reading stories like this. I was only curious but as I go along reading it, I started liking the story. Thanks author.

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After reading some other reviews and the author's own words I forced myself to read to chapter 21 before dropping it. The writing/grammar is kinda meh, but the storytelling is pretty good, the first person style of writing is really not my cup of anything and I just find it annoying. The characters are kinda meh so far. The male lead is your typical perverted shounen harem lead. As for how he will find a lifetime love while he is constantly thinking of boning every girl he meets, I have no clue, either way I feel bad for her already.

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Genre is Paranormal. Have yet to touch on the romance bit but author says there is one. Anyway, this is a novel that takes a lot of getting used to. English isn't my first language, and I suspect it isn't Author's one as well. It's not the grammatical errors that get to me but rather, it's the way that the Author phrases things. The structure of the sentences takes a lot of getting used to, and one would need to decipher what is truly being said. I guess that gives it the more 'paranormal' bit more paranormal. /heh I find the characters extremely likeable and I love the way the story unfolds as to his development. The pace is very slow and full of 'you will know later' which, quite frankly, is quite irritating after a while. I wonder why the MC hasn't freaked out yet each time someone says it to him. He's a much better and stronger person than I'll ever be - and I'm talking about character wise, not physical strength. I mean, come one. He's in the middle of the greatest plot EVER and no one tells him anything yet he doesn't throw a tantrum. Whoa. Anyway, I do love the story and what twists and turns it holds. If you have the patience to adapt to the Author's writing style, you won't be disappointed in reading on. It gets much better (storywise and plot) as you read more chapters. All the best, Author!

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I am hooked with this novel. The imagination is wild. I love paranormal novels.............................................................................................................adding it to my fav.

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Paranormal dramedy. Fantasy Romance.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Love the novel author. Keep it up. 🤤🤣😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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The story is fast paced and has the potential to shine as the author further dwells into the happenings. Though there are a few grammatical errors, it doesn't take away from the overall sentence structures and is a good read. There area few horror scenes that are not my cup of tea but then am a faint-hearted person. Expect more quality work from the author.

View 2 Replies

I really like this novel. Let me see I spent the hole night reading this novel in a bit more than 5 hours without a break. I can't seem to wait for the new chapters of this nice novel.

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Dear author, Thank you for a refreshing story and please update when you can. This lowly reader will be anticipating more stories from you. A start of a wonderful novel. Sincerely a lowly reader.

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You just need a bit of work on grammar , but other than that it's really good. It gets more and more interesting ! Keep it up author. Btw I'm not done with it yet but I'm far enough into it to leave a review.

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LV 10 Badge

As of writing this review, I’ve only read up to Chapter 16. The author’s writing style could use improvements, especially when it comes to tenses, grammar and phrasing. From the chapters I’ve read so far, I keep getting the feel that there is a lack of direction for the plot and details with respect to world/setting. Sometimes it seems to me the MC was just running around places and doing things, being silly, asking questions that aren’t getting solid answers and evaded by other characters. This all makes it hard to grasp what’s going on with the plot/character development. Mystery is good for a story but when reading this, I felt there was too much strange mystery happening and not enough answers as a reader. Or perhaps it’s the way the MC is narrating the story that doesn’t really resonate with me. In fact, I kind of find the MC annoying with his dealings. I have to admit that this isn’t really my cup of tea. However, if you are into magical realism, creatures of the night with hints of romance in the background then this story may be for you.

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This story was written in first person pov. Although the author's writing style is a bit strange, as I read more, I become used to it. The story is fascinating and exciting. Although the author kept saying that this is not a horror read, some scenes make me think differently. But those horror scenes will sometimes turn into a laugh out loud scene as the MC is quite silly. Despite the author's writing style and grammar, this story is good and had a lot of potential in it.

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The novel has potential. It's nicely paced and even though there are some grammar problems, it doesn't pose much reading difficulty to me and I easily grasped what's going on. Folks, give it a try. It's a hidden gem.

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