/ Book&Literature / Hogwarts: Vampire Professor

Hogwarts: Vampire Professor Original

Hogwarts: Vampire Professor

Book&Literature 10 Chapters 45.4K Views
Author: NotyourAngel

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Dumbledore always believed that Voldemort was the greatest threat to the wizarding world, until a vampire who had lived for over 1000 years approached him with the title deed of Hogwarts.

"The millennium has passed, and the lease for Hogwarts is up!" Dracula declared. "Mr. Headmaster, surely you wouldn't want the students to be expelled, would you?" he proposed.

"What is it that you desire?" Dumbledore asked solemnly, his voice filled with curiosity.

"Anything that piques my interest," Dracula responded, his tone dripping with intrigue.

"Well, that's easily managed. I find the position of Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts quite intriguing!" Dumbledore suggested.


As a result, Hogwarts gained an additional professor who was left to his own devices, his presence causing a stir among the staff and students.

McGonagall voiced her concerns, her voice laced with worry. "Albus, I don't believe Professor Dracula's teaching methods are suitable for the students," she expressed.

Dumbledore sighed, his voice tinged with resignation. "I have no control over it. No one can dismiss him," he admitted.


Draco threatened, his voice filled with arrogance. "My father is a member of the school board. I will make sure he expels you!" he spat.

Lucius reprimanded Draco with a firm slap on the head, his voice stern. "Mr. Dracula, Draco is just a child. Please disregard his words regarding the school board," he requested.


"It's the tale of a vampire who has lived for so long that he has grown bored and seeks amusement in the wizarding world," the narrator concluded, setting the stage for an intriguing and captivating story.

This is an edited and translated mtl work with 200+ chapters.
This fanfic will be updated daily at anytime.
(Credits to the original author of this Chinese novel)


  1. Anime_Man_4425
    Anime_Man_4425 Contributed 9
  2. Crafting_God
    Crafting_God Contributed 8
  3. Dark_Corvus
    Dark_Corvus Contributed 6

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5 stars across the Bored. Awesome keep up the good work.Can't wait for the next chapter [img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]

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As of 6 chapters, it’s not bad. A good casual read for most people. Could use better tagging so it shows up in the “Harry potter” tag.

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Author NotyourAngel