/ Horror / I'm Not Crazy; Just Hungry

I'm Not Crazy; Just Hungry Original

I'm Not Crazy; Just Hungry

Horror 23 Chapters 28.7K Views
Author: WhiteRaven3

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" Is it alright to kill?"

No matter how much we look into it, taking a life of another being is not right.

" Then, is it alright to kill a sinner?"

No matter how bad a person's sins are, killing is more worse of a sin.

" Oh, but is it alright for Killers to kill another killer?"

What would you answer?

I can be kind and cruel, don't see me as your ally if you don't want disappointment and death at the same time. My hand will help you up and push you down, I'm shameless but I don't have that much pride. I don't lie but I do let the world lie for me. That's me, Ethan Hendrix.A Black Rabbit: stands for fear of intimacy and lies

In a world mostly (over)populated by humans, why bother hesitate killing?

Let's read the journey of the guy named Ethan as he live a life without peace in the world full of surprises, Saints are killers and killers are killers as well. A person without dignity and care to power, a person of his word, a person with the highest mental stability but lowest physical stability and lowest spiritual stability, a person with thousands of identity. One of the reincarnation of the worst Villain(killer) ever born.

, to whoever the owner of the art is, I sincerely apologize and thankful for your art)

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Author WhiteRaven3