/ Fantasy / I Love You at 3 am

I Love You at 3 am Original

I Love You at 3 am

Fantasy 9 Chapters 2.7K Views
Author: minicrepeee

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Emory Tyrant is the mayor's craziest daughter in town. No one dares to defy her and no one dares to get in her bad side. But an emotionless guy working part-time in a convenience store is an exception. He's the only enemy Emory could ever think of.

But what if time decides to play around and cursed Emory to love her one and only enemy?

At exactly 3 am, she found herself falling for the villain.


A/N: Hi Filos! Ang librong ito ay nakasulat po sa tagalog at kung gusto niyo ng mas maagang update, please do follow me in wattpad ^•^

Username: minicrepeee

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Author minicrepeee