/ Fantasy / I respawn endlessly but that's basically it

I respawn endlessly but that's basically it Original

I respawn endlessly but that's basically it

Fantasy 21 Chapters 8.5K Views
Author: admiralblast32

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After dying in his previous world Ren is reincarnated into another world by a mysterious entity.Like the others who died Ren was given a special ability.The ability to respawn endlessly and remember all his past lives.However what he doesn't realise is that every time he dies and respawns all his abilities and capabilities physical and magical almost completely reset to basic human capability.How will Ren deal with a dangerous world in which he loses almost all his progress every time he dies.


  1. TrueMonarch00
    TrueMonarch00 Contributed 10
  2. Cero_Sir
    Cero_Sir Contributed 5
  3. Pillars_of_Sand
    Pillars_of_Sand Contributed 5

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