/ Fantasy / Identity of the Abyss

Identity of the Abyss Original

Identity of the Abyss

Fantasy 9 Chapters 31.0K Views
Author: Jetstorm

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Is death the end or is it only the beginning? The exit is also an entrance.
Beings of power known not to man buried in the depths of history appearing only as legend.
Read the story of that which is and was. A tantalizing tale bringing with it an adventure unknown.

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Imma just give myself five stars and be done with it. I am the author after all and must keep up with the trend. Anyways, this is the second novel i started and hope its going to be better than the first one. Also i kept the first chap pretty vague intentionally and if you're wondering who the MC is, its Arya. Now, I plan to actually start the novel in a few chaps. So, sit tight. Finally, I'm open to suggestions but don't force yourself. Oh yes, hate comments which have no substance and are virtually meaningless and just for the heck of it have no effect on me. So don't waste your energy. But, you're welcome to point it out if i missed something or made an error.

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Author Jetstorm