/ Games / If Only We Could (BL)

If Only We Could (BL) Original

If Only We Could (BL)

Games 15 Chapters 24.7K Views
Author: Hikaru1971

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Videogames enable you to break free from reality and enter a world full of limitless possibilities. After being bullied in middle school, Jui moved to Busan to start over. His first stop was the arcade, where he announced his arrival by claiming the top score for each game. Only one game remained on Jui's hitlist...Strike. However, the reigning champ, Saka, was an unbeatable opponent, a local favorite, and...he made Jui exceptionally nervous when he was around him. However, when Jui finally gets the courage to challenge Saka to a match, their lives will never be the same.

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Author Hikaru1971