/ Fantasy / Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioi

Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioi Original


Fantasy 3 Chapters 5.4K Views
Author: GeoFey_Tales

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The world of Eien is breathing its last.

Its heavenly surface soiled by the dusk mushroom’s spores, no longer held any signs of its flourishing life.

Oasis, the last sanctuaries in this world, shelter the remaining survivors. But for how much longer?

In this era of despair and death, like a last glimmer of hope, a new oasis arose.

The Miracles’ Haven, the sole piece of land able to deflect the mushroom’s spores and rumored to gather the world lost treasures.

The last human factions, claiming this amazing shelter, lighted the wicks of war.

A young orphan joined the battlefield with one purpose in mind: finding a heart.

Everything is set.

It’s time, in this world of swords and magic, for the infinity’s seed to sprout.

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A beautiful way to start a story. The author has a picture to portray through their words. And they do that well enough for the reader to understand the theme of it. The world created is admirable with an enjoyable storyline.

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This review accounts for the first 3 chapters and is more or less first impressions as the prologue as only been finished. The writing style is creative and unique, far from what I've been used to seeing and reading. The characters are interesting so far. I look forward to the beginning.

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Author GeoFey_Tales