/ General / In search of love and revenge

In search of love and revenge Original

In search of love and revenge

General 7 Chapters 19.8K Views
Author: Weiwei_oo1

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Being separated from her brother , 6 years old- Wang Xiu Ying was sent to the orphanage . Later , She was adopted by her foster parents. Her life was filled with joy and happiness.But still she found something amiss in her life.Now, she is 20 , a young and matured girl. She started to search for her brother whom she lost.

Known to be ruthless and merciless towards his enemy, Liu Jianguo is the CEO of Starlight Entertainment, King Of the Kings.But when he met her, there aroused familiar feeling in him.He knew she was her. This time he promised to protect her and to make her only his.

Will she be able to find her brother? Will she be able to accept his love? Will he be able to win her heart?

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Author Weiwei_oo1