/ Urban / Lead Me To You

Lead Me To You Original

Lead Me To You

Urban 21 Chapters 10.7K Views
Author: MV_Quinones

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Monica, a young heiress of Carluccio's; a wine company, always feels that there is a dagger behind her while walking. Others see her as a jackpot prize for abduction. As she grows older, her life is always in danger. Surrounded by people that she cannot categorize as fake or real.

She grew up in a family of winemakers. Residing in Italy and expanding the business all over the world. She stayed humble and low-profile despite the influence and power her family possesses because she doesn't want media attention.

Francis, on the other hand, had a duty to fulfil to prove his worth to his father. He is willing to do anything he wishes just to have his father's attention to him. He admired his father so much that he saw him as his role model growing up.

Their business has been competing to be the world's most producing wine for hundreds of years. Coming up with an idea, Francis chose to sacrifice his life on the line just to collect information from their biggest competitor. He disguised himself as a low-profiled labour worker.

The two did not expect that their different paths would cross. With the same goal for the business, their feelings for each other grow as days pass by.

There will be pride to crash. There will be trust to break. And there will be hearts to tear

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  1. EditorTika
    EditorTika Contributed 15
  2. MV_Quinones
    MV_Quinones Contributed 2
  3. Yeen1602
    Yeen1602 Contributed 1


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    Author MV_Quinones