/ Others / Memories of the past (Hazbin hotel)

Memories of the past (Hazbin hotel) Original

Memories of the past (Hazbin hotel)

Others 29 Chapters 128.1K Views
Author: Author_Author

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A angel from heaven fell down to hell as it had fought in heaven. The angel when having fallen turned to a small boy who ran away. Reaching a hotel the boy met many people he already saw and a demon which he seems to know from somewhere in the past the radio demon alastor.

Author Note:
This is a fan ficiton like you could have guessed. This story will have multiple perspective from different characters and won't be fixated of one character only. I'm not a experienced writer so I would be happy to take critic and know what I could imrpove of myself

While I will use canon character I may add non canon things which I will try not to make too in logical and not fitting. I added only 1 oc that is my own oc I had created for the story. Once again many non canon things may appear while I will still try and follow as much canon as I can.
(Art not mine)

General Audiences


  1. Lionn_
    Lionn_ Contributed 10
  2. Xseno_Rain
    Xseno_Rain Contributed 6
  3. ThatGuyYeahThatGuy
    ThatGuyYeahThatGuy Contributed 5

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Stone -- Power stone

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Quit good I suppose ? Hazbin hotel is a vast world to portrate so adding OC is understandable. But the MC is (quite some time) a spectator of it's own story. Not dumb nor useless per se. But viewed as a background character. The story being at it's begining, changes and improvement are still possible. That is just my humble opinion. But nether less, I still quite enjoy the story. Please continue, and do not depresed, You have potential and improvement are visible.

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Mc is garbage, dumb and pathetic. [img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap]

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Hazbin Hotel has only been released for over a week and it already has a fanfic? VERY GOOD!!!! ULTRA GOOOD! I APPLAUD YOU AUTHOR-SAN!

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Author Author_Author