/ Teen / My crown,your kingdom

My crown,your kingdom Original

My crown,your kingdom

Teen 5 Chapters 4.7K Views
Author: Tatiana_B

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,,I love you,I love you so much but I can't do this!''
,,Yes you can!If you loved me so much as you say you would give all of this up and be with me!'' he said looking at her hoping to get a good answer.
,,You don't understand!This is my family!This is my home!I'm sorry.'' she says leaving,tears filling her eyes.

~My crown,my kingdom~ is a story about a princess who falls in love with a poor librarian but her brother doesn't agree with their relashionship,so he does everything to break them up.Even if it all seems pink and pretty,things are getting though and out of control.

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Author Tatiana_B