/ Fantasy / Overpowered in mushoku tensei

Overpowered in mushoku tensei Original

Overpowered in mushoku tensei

Fantasy 2 Chapters 39.2K Views
Author: Razorfangzzz

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Bucky Jones was a kid who was born with an HIV virus, a kid who was not able to see the true beauty of the world, never got to experience what a normal kid should have been, although life have been short for him, he was still satisfied by the love from the people who cared for him.

However, while he was dead, he's soul has never vanished, slowly flowting in the endless void, until one day the void system appeared which started to change his fate.

"Ding~Ding, congratulations host for activating the void system"

"Ding~Ding, due to host being a beginner, the void system shall bestow the host a starter pack"

"Ding~Ding, does host want to open the starter pack?"

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Author Razorfangzzz