/ Urban / pregnant after one night with the lycan

pregnant after one night with the lycan Original

pregnant after one night with the lycan

Urban 1,508 Chapters 3.4K Views
Author: Sophia Parker

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Before the divorce, Gloria White was selfish, vicious, and unscrupulous in Jordy Collins' mind! After the divorce, the man, who claimed that only fools would fall in love with her, was broken!"Gloria, I love you. Will you remarry me?""Gloria, I was wrong. Will you forgive me?""Gloria, I'll make it up to you with the rest of my life. Let's remarry!"Gloria snapped, "Will you leave me alone? Stop pestering me like a fly!"Jordy groveled. "Gloria, call me a simp! You're my one and only!"Gloria laughed out loud. Why would she, an elite lawyer, a world-renowned doctor, and a top hacker remarry him and be his pet? "I said no, you wanker, get out of my face!"


    ROBYNN_CARR Contributed 594
  2. Ayura_Ismail
    Ayura_Ismail Contributed 219
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    DaoistlHzyUM Contributed 6


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    This synopsis doesn't match the story that is showing on this sight...The title doesn't match the synopsis, nor the story...so, far .

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    Author Sophia Parker