/ Fantasy / Quantum Rip: Welcome to Ethos

Quantum Rip: Welcome to Ethos Original

Quantum Rip: Welcome to Ethos

Fantasy 40 Chapters 47.5K Views
Author: Breuno

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A special day has come, a day that Earth has awaited for oh so long.

The day where they are finally going to try and run the reactor. This had been long-awaited and everyone dropped off their kids with a hint of dread. Hoping that nothing would go wrong, we know it did. Since, else, there would not be a story.

I won't go into too much detail, but only simply explain what happened.

Due to some malfunctioning and incorrect assumptions, the reactor overproduced energy. Something which should have been impossible according to all the known knowledge of a really advanced Earth. I mean, they have even started colonizing planets. Have done countless simulations and even built test stations in space. Yet now, something had gone when they did the same on earth.

Bizarre, right?

This malfunctioning and imploding of the reactor caused a massive explosion due to the instability of space itself. This is also what allowed the story to exist, as our main characters were all transported. The method is not known, nor why they survived. We can say it is for the story, for now...

They all now find themselves on Ethos, eating a mouthful of dirt as they struggled for breath. Some find their situation horrible, others find it relaxing and peaceful. Some see death, others see life. Despair and hope, madness and sanity on an edge. What has fate given you?

Welcome to Ethos, a planet of magic.
Welcome to Ethos, a planet orbiting an exotic star.
Ethos wishes you luck in surviving.

Maybe, just maybe... You can someday go back, or not.

Release rate: 3 chapters(1200-1400 words) a week.
Discord: DAM4jsa
patr eon.com/Breuno (Naturally ignore the space)
PayPal: https://paypal.me/Breuno
*Will not be updating past chapter 40 on Webnovel; however, I am still writing it.
You can read it either on my patr-eon (the word is censored), or on goodnovel.
For patreon, simply search for Breuno and you should find it quite easily, or /breuno. All posts unlocked at the minimum Tier of 1 dollar per month.

Parental Guidance Suggested


  1. Evelyn_Wiles
    Evelyn_Wiles Contributed 83
  2. Breuno
    Breuno Contributed 75
  3. Ronac
    Ronac Contributed 40

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LV 12 Badge

Hi everyone, a little bit about my plans for this story. Slight spoilers, but only in regards to the direction I plan for things. Not actual events. (Skip to end for a summary without any risk of any spoilers) The plot is going to have multiple characters, 6 from Earth right at the start. How much I am going to showcase each is uncertain. For now, the plan is only to give unique perspectives and history-changing events from their POV (Outside of the introductions at the start.) The main character for this story is Edvard, and if I am going to do a spinoff on the other characters, most likely the second would be Ven or Ghakarhi. Now, as for the story itself. As in the synopsis, the group is sent to a world of sword and magic. And both here are important. I am going to do my utmost to balance it properly so both are equally viable paths for someone to grow stronger. This means both will have quirks and restrictions, making them stronger in certain situations and garbage in others. Along with this, the people from Earth are going to use what they have, and what know. They won't forget they are from Earth (an advanced sci-fi one at that), they also won't forget their loved ones left on Earth and possibly also abandoned on this harsh planet. Yes, this world is also not a kind one, I am going to try and showcase a realistic dark age world with sword and magic. While I do not plan on having the world be bleak with constant darkness, it won't be kind to its inhabitants. I will try to balance this with happy moments and interactions. But, only time will tell what Ethos has in store for its alien visitors. Lastly, romance is uncertain and a Harem is a no. (Some relationships are pre-established) ------- That is about it (summary) ------- Science, magic, and swords Multi POV Little romance to none No harem And what else? Right, a search for a way home, or a new life on a strange unkown planet.

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LV 14 Badge

This is an early review for the first few chapters (~24). This is a little slower to start up than the author's other novel (A New World)— because it takes time to introduce the larger main cast—but it's well worth it once the action starts! The high tech beginnings and fantasy universe will undoubtedly create some interesting story elements as time goes on, with links already being established here at the start. All of the main characters have their own unique beginnings and encounters when they arrive in Ethos, at the current point (~24) the tip of the iceberg is only just showing currently with our first encounters ranging from a welcoming group of humans, friendly dwarves, terrifying bandits, and ineffable elven royalty, to a vast and unforgiving desert. This is definitely a story to keep reading as it grows; in the meantime please check out the authors other novel, ANW, for a bingeworthy taste of more of their writing.

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LV 14 Badge

there is actually a TV series named quantum leap. if never watched it you might Google. I thought this was a fanfiction of it. I was like umm someone is as old as me? lol

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Brezer is right. Quantum Leap was a 4 yr long TV series about a guy who would leap from one person's body to the next (all in his past, right up to the end of the series), righting wrongs, etc. How about Quantum Tear or Rip?

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Author Breuno