/ Fantasy / Realms Apart | Refugee Soldier To World Class Commander

Realms Apart | Refugee Soldier To World Class Commander Original

Realms Apart | Refugee Soldier To World Class Commander

Fantasy 4 Chapters 3.3K Views
Author: MishtiAlu

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Lone agent soldier coming from the desert nation of Dunebia, Ame travels the world fighting off creatures of the void that infect the realm of Ozalia. Operating under a code name and feared amongst the armies of void, he is seemingly a calm person, yet quite lonely with no family. That is until he meets a strange girl with powers long extinct, and reuniting with a childhood friend, where fate decides to set off a butterfly effect to leave Ame's story to unfold.

Author's Note: Please leave any kind of feedback, it helps out a ton. Make sure to tell your friends about the novel if you like it. Happy Reading!

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Author MishtiAlu