/ Sci-fi / rise of cataclysm

rise of cataclysm Original

rise of cataclysm

Sci-fi 12 Chapters 21.6K Views
Author: C_TaCylsm

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Lyla is just your plain old girl who love the franchise alien but when a nuke hits her city killing her she's given a chance to make her own custom xenomorph.

And get to reincarnate in scifi and fantasy dimension will she make herself a fool or became a force to be reckon with and will she ever understand what that creature made from pure darkness is.

And will she know why the gods are trying to fight it.

Let hope to find out.


  1. Wren1
    Wren1 Contributed 1
  2. Randy_Rhodes
    Randy_Rhodes Contributed 1
  3. Dark_One_9728
    Dark_One_9728 Contributed 1

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Author C_TaCylsm