/ Fantasy / Succubus And Her Hunter

Succubus And Her Hunter Original

Succubus And Her Hunter

Fantasy 13 Chapters 3.0K Views
Author: ForKoree

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Do succubus exist?

Psalm had only one goal in life which was breaking his family's curse that had been passed down from generations. He never wanted this life but the life found him, he always wanted to live peacefully with the lady of his dreams and raise cute, troublesome kids but sometimes reality gives you a life different from what you wanted. And it didn't stop him from having the life he desired and he was willing to go all the way to have it. All he needed to do was to find the descendant of Ophis and Kill her, it was the only option before his time on earth was up. Life always has ways of getting in the way of your plans, by giving you what you love and desire as what you despise. Now Psalm just had to choose between Love And Death

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Author ForKoree