Reviews of Swallowing The Spider by DragonField - Webnovel



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I honestly did not expect much from the fanfic but boy was i not expecting it to be so good. When i first learned that every other chapter was when he was in marvel then to dc i was expecting to not understand anthing but it was actually really easy to. I really recommend this story.

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Honestly it’s just not for me the author keeps switching between present and pass everyother chapter and it’s annoying

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Completely useless MC, gets caught and defeated by cat woman I spite of having 🕷powers! Half the time he just spaces out! This feels like it was written by a 15 year old trying to act ”grown up”! Complete infuriating to read!

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i thought people were unnecessarily bashing but it is really bad 😞😞 and utter disappointment it just shows mentality of author ($!mp) but sorry I am neither of those people so people may like it but I definitely not

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Say hello to the one who... Hello!! Are we going to review this? Yes, we are!! Can we just give it 5-star and left? No!! But we just did... LOL!!

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Pereza escribir en inglés. Bueno hasta ahora leí la versión lineal de Marvel, leí hasta el capítulo 30 aproximadamente y hay más de 100 hasta ahora(de la versión lineal de Marvel) y entonces después de estresarme e irritarme el mc, vine a esta versión dónde ya dió el salto al universo DC, esperaba encontrar un mc más Maduro, menos cachondo( como un adolocente hormonal) y que ya domina sus poderes y a mejorado más allá del punto de partida en el que se encuentra después de más de 30 Capitulos en Marvel. Para mí decepción el mc sigue siendo un imbécil, no mejoró sus habilidades sociales, sigue sin usar su cerebro y no parece tener ni idea de porque sus relaciones fallaron en el la otra novela( spoiler, el mc hasta el momento solo ve a su primera pareja como un medio para desestresarse, sobre sus otra parejas no lo se), tampoco es más poderoso, sigue siendo muy ingenuo en muchas ocasiones, aunque el autor se empeñe en decir que es un genio en todos los ámbitos cada dos capítulos, tampoco parece haber desarrollado más habilidades ni aprendido de sus errores, además se empeña en ser antisocial pero parece tener complejo de héroe( aunque en sus constantes e interminables mologos internos se diga a si mismo que no es un héroe) también sufre de un pánico terrible a lastimar a sus enemigos pero en sus monólogos dice que los matara. El fue entrenado por un ex agente shild por el amor de dios, supuestamente en experto en psicología, política, economía, ciencia, física, espionaje y demás disciplinas, pero es no parece tener idea de cómo hablar con las personas y mucho menos con las mujeres ( cosa básica para un espía por lo menos) y por último pero lo menos importante !!como diablos se dejó llevar por el coqueteo de catgirl tan fácilmente!!? Estás entrenado por un ex maldito agente shild por dios. Conclusión: novela interesante y entretenida pero mal planteada,planificada y ejecutada.

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At first I liked the novel, although I found the BT part of the story starting to get annoying past the first 20 something chapters. As I go into later chapters I just couldn’t bring myself to continue reading.

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Absolutely not worth reading MC has a behaviour worse than chinese wuxia novel MC'c he whines about everything and the author has no direct concept ide aor flow of the story marvel with genius level intellect has the best foundation building environment if u have time, a literal school of magi ci savaible yet u made him skip out for the dumbest of reasons , this isnt genius intellect this tantrum by a spoilt brat the mixing of at and bt is another confusion done that only adds more confusion, rather than stability

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LV 5 Badge

The writing is good most of the time and the start of the story was really good, but later the chapters felt a little rushed and lack some editting, seeing as some paragraphs are seriously too long and gets hard to read when they could be broken in two or three easily.

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Full Star for an Amazing FanFic! Full Star for an Amazing FanFic! Full Star for an Amazing FanFic! Full Star for an Amazing FanFic! Full Star for an Amazing FanFic! Full Star for an Amazing FanFic!

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LV 3 Badge

To much inner dialogue stop that **** it's stupid really be clear about his Goals and take action the end ................................................

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the story would've been good If there wasn't That Spectre ruining it. by the time i reach that part i lose motivation reading it cuz the MC's actions are limited and stifling.

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LV 14 Badge

I gotta say, I hate how it keeps switching universes... the story sucks me in, but the back and forth is keeping me from enjoying my time reading

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this is what i hate, i understand the [AT] [BT] you are saying. but still confusing because each chapter will change [....] the contents of the brackets. why don't you just make the volume? vol. 1 about [AT] vol.2 about [BT] and vol.3 maybe up to you want [AT]/[BT]

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I like the story, yes, I overlooked the plot holes mentioned above and I don't think I have to mention what others already mentioned, because it would be more text. What bothers me is how slow and unnecessary things are narrated. After arriving at the Bat-cave, the protagonist does not stop narrating everything he sees in, like all the chapters, an inseparable text unless there is a dialogue of a character, either the same or an extra. I mean, heck, it's amazing how many times I have to reread or even get frustrated hoping that at the very least, I get to the goal, when it's just a little bit of time that's missing. It's not even that there are many separate scenes, it's just that the protagonist lengthens it with his opinion. Normally not bad, but sometimes it gets incredibly annoying, because to move for example: from the entrance of the mention to the door, a great disgusting summary of the whole patio awaits you ... not to mention the opinion and the objects Unraveled to know who uses it, that the protagonist can remember, and what he uses it for. That normally takes 3 chapters to finish at the mention door and describe the mansion later to get to the living room or room. I mean, everything is extremely slow and, to top it all, we have the Marvel chapters, which honestly would be better in a separate story, because honestly they are annoying, and much longer than those of DC. It was entertaining at first, but old.

Reveal Spoiler
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........................................................................................................................часть с марвелом пропускал, часть с дс топ

Reveal Spoiler
View 1 Replies

i dont get it the novel is bad not gonna lie because after using some reality altering memory stick he turns to a different person completely? what happened why suddently switch the pov to a kid? is the kid the mc? why did he become stupid?

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I honestly like the way the story is being told though it does leaves me confused sometimes when reading. But not really since you also made another book with all the chapters before transition. There are slight misspelling and word placements that are wierd. Yet you are student doing this pretty well so keep up the good work can't wait till the next chapter.

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the concept, character design and background are good but i just cant keep trying understand where the story is when it keeps jumping back and forth between worlds. feels like it ruins the consistance of the story.

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LV 13 Badge

this story has a massive amount of potential. however the problem with reading it is that it comes off as more of two separate stories. when every chapter is a switch between before and after it makes it hard (at least for me personally) to get into the story. I PERSONALLY believe that this story split into 2 a before where he works towards transitioning and an after of his exploits in dc

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For Marvel half: Ok so I don't usually do reviews but the character design of the protagonist is just shit it's like he has no personality at all, ok the author tries to show the protagonist's motivation by killing off his parents and he's then on a quest to make a machine to go to a parallel universe, personally I would have seen the character at least attempt the magical route regardless if he's allowed by the Ancient One or not. Now author attempts to show the MC's reaction to his parents death by making him become unsociable but then his interactions with characters like MJ make it seem like he's sociable and on another note he also ignored a massive red flag which led to uncle Ben's death and I'm like what??????????!!!!! it's just frustrating as I don't understand why Gwen and MJ like him with such a dead personality conversations are like hello, hi, let's have ***, bye and that's it the end. his personality is so dead and it annoys me so much plus it's inconsistent!!!! like ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! yeah that's my rant. peace out

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LV 14 Badge

this is terrible . the mc is an idiot and the whole before transition and after transition is annoying as hel. I mean every other chapter is before transition and that means before he went to the DC universe . its annoying and breaks story continuity . story is a waste of time.

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I just came here to say only one thing SO MUCH DRAMA I don't mean anything bad by it though. just that I don't like so much drama.😧😧😧😧😧😧😧

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[img = recomendar]

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I saw another version of this, not sure if this is you re-write but i feel like you need to rework this. I understand this is your story but I think there are things you can improve. 1. Why AT/BT? Its more of a stylized choice and many people commented on this but I think you should've wrote 2 different stories MCU/DCU. or have an chronological order (finish BT then go for AT) or have bits of BT flashbacks while AT is happening. Its really hard to read one chapter after another when they are both different stories. 2. Figure out ur MC more, flesh him out. I know you have this whole backstory for him in MCU and DCU but even near the end of the most recent chapters, I still don't know what he wants. He had powers in Marvel and he didn't want to be a hero, he was just obsessed with DC. You wrote him in Marvel so he can get certain items and skills for him but he could've just been in DC in the first place and still have all those things. Which leads to 3 3. Marvel is unneeded, honestly I mostly read AT and mostly BT because well DC is where it's at, the meat and I felt like all those things happening in Marvel made no differences to his character at all. *SPOILER* If he was going to be "dark" (artificially) as in hey the memory of this MC is him doing bad shit why not make him do it in real time in DC in the beginning. He can have moral dilemma or your "black spirit" while he's doing his sorta Spiderman thing. Generally I felt like if you kept going with AT, splash a few BT then it would've been more completed. 4. Lastly, honestly your doing a great Job, I criticize cause its good and its worth it to be better. Its your story, feel free to do whatever you want. But if you to make a more coherent and engaging story i recommend just narrow it down and hone in on what's good so far. I get you night have a big thing for marvel and DC together and there's this epic story, maybe I'm not seeing it or I feel like tis too big of a project. But I hope you keep up the good work and maybe think about reformatting it.

View 2 Replies

At first I liked the idea but the second chapter the MC is a simp a idiot and the author forgot that in life you don't have to be a fucking simp

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boom goes the dynamite now why won't this thing let me post my review come on ffs. i just wanted to post the 5 stars why must it make me wr... ooops there goes the 140 character limit.... bye

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I can only say that auhtor writing consistently is the good part in this. Convoluted writing style, convoluted concepts, and a convoluted pattern of presenting past and present in alternate chapters is the hallmark of this story. MC is also a messed up individual who's actively running away from a more happier lifestyle. Author makes him run away from everything good.

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Now just as a warning I only read the at chapters so take from this what you will but to me this story is infuriating. I read this book to see someone with spiderman's powers go into the dc universe but because the author wants to show off the mc's experiences in both the marvel world and the dc world nothing of substance has really happened yet despite it being 60-70 chapters into the story and I admit its cool when the mc got a super regenerative immortality power boost but he shows off next to none of spiderman's powers and he gets his meta knowledge of the dc universe wiped by the high and mighty spirit of vengeance who thinks the mc is the greatest criminal in the world despite doing nothing. I am dropping this story I just cant find any interest in reading this anymore.

Reveal Spoiler
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LV 5 Badge

The story progress really well, serious... but... beta mc, read 1-3 downgrade mental mc (His behavior and thoughts did not match his status as reincarnation. he acted according to his body age (child), not reflecting his identity as a reincarnation),

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Gotta be honest man, nobody cares about the BT part of the story. When we read novels, fanfics,...etc. what we care about is character and story development, a few past chapters to explain certain details are fine, but jumping between the past and the present constantly breaks the flow of the story. I mean, why in the living sh*t should I care about Gwen Stacy? We all know he left her behind, she doesn't contribute anything to the story, Peter Parker too. What's point of having them? Nothing. They don't change the character in anyway, and any excitement about possible power-ups in those BT is completely snuffed because we all know what powers his present self has. It's not a good way to keep readers interested.

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I honestly did not expect much from the fanfic but boy was i not expecting it to be so good. When i first learned that every other chapter was when he was in marvel then to dc i was expecting to not understand anthing but it was actually really easy to. I really recommend this story.

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Honestly it’s just not for me the author keeps switching between present and pass everyother chapter and it’s annoying

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Completely useless MC, gets caught and defeated by cat woman I spite of having 🕷powers! Half the time he just spaces out! This feels like it was written by a 15 year old trying to act ”grown up”! Complete infuriating to read!

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i thought people were unnecessarily bashing but it is really bad 😞😞 and utter disappointment it just shows mentality of author ($!mp) but sorry I am neither of those people so people may like it but I definitely not

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Say hello to the one who... Hello!! Are we going to review this? Yes, we are!! Can we just give it 5-star and left? No!! But we just did... LOL!!

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Pereza escribir en inglés. Bueno hasta ahora leí la versión lineal de Marvel, leí hasta el capítulo 30 aproximadamente y hay más de 100 hasta ahora(de la versión lineal de Marvel) y entonces después de estresarme e irritarme el mc, vine a esta versión dónde ya dió el salto al universo DC, esperaba encontrar un mc más Maduro, menos cachondo( como un adolocente hormonal) y que ya domina sus poderes y a mejorado más allá del punto de partida en el que se encuentra después de más de 30 Capitulos en Marvel. Para mí decepción el mc sigue siendo un imbécil, no mejoró sus habilidades sociales, sigue sin usar su cerebro y no parece tener ni idea de porque sus relaciones fallaron en el la otra novela( spoiler, el mc hasta el momento solo ve a su primera pareja como un medio para desestresarse, sobre sus otra parejas no lo se), tampoco es más poderoso, sigue siendo muy ingenuo en muchas ocasiones, aunque el autor se empeñe en decir que es un genio en todos los ámbitos cada dos capítulos, tampoco parece haber desarrollado más habilidades ni aprendido de sus errores, además se empeña en ser antisocial pero parece tener complejo de héroe( aunque en sus constantes e interminables mologos internos se diga a si mismo que no es un héroe) también sufre de un pánico terrible a lastimar a sus enemigos pero en sus monólogos dice que los matara. El fue entrenado por un ex agente shild por el amor de dios, supuestamente en experto en psicología, política, economía, ciencia, física, espionaje y demás disciplinas, pero es no parece tener idea de cómo hablar con las personas y mucho menos con las mujeres ( cosa básica para un espía por lo menos) y por último pero lo menos importante !!como diablos se dejó llevar por el coqueteo de catgirl tan fácilmente!!? Estás entrenado por un ex maldito agente shild por dios. Conclusión: novela interesante y entretenida pero mal planteada,planificada y ejecutada.

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At first I liked the novel, although I found the BT part of the story starting to get annoying past the first 20 something chapters. As I go into later chapters I just couldn’t bring myself to continue reading.

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Absolutely not worth reading MC has a behaviour worse than chinese wuxia novel MC'c he whines about everything and the author has no direct concept ide aor flow of the story marvel with genius level intellect has the best foundation building environment if u have time, a literal school of magi ci savaible yet u made him skip out for the dumbest of reasons , this isnt genius intellect this tantrum by a spoilt brat the mixing of at and bt is another confusion done that only adds more confusion, rather than stability

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LV 5 Badge

The writing is good most of the time and the start of the story was really good, but later the chapters felt a little rushed and lack some editting, seeing as some paragraphs are seriously too long and gets hard to read when they could be broken in two or three easily.

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Full Star for an Amazing FanFic! Full Star for an Amazing FanFic! Full Star for an Amazing FanFic! Full Star for an Amazing FanFic! Full Star for an Amazing FanFic! Full Star for an Amazing FanFic!

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LV 3 Badge

To much inner dialogue stop that **** it's stupid really be clear about his Goals and take action the end ................................................

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the story would've been good If there wasn't That Spectre ruining it. by the time i reach that part i lose motivation reading it cuz the MC's actions are limited and stifling.

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LV 14 Badge

I gotta say, I hate how it keeps switching universes... the story sucks me in, but the back and forth is keeping me from enjoying my time reading

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this is what i hate, i understand the [AT] [BT] you are saying. but still confusing because each chapter will change [....] the contents of the brackets. why don't you just make the volume? vol. 1 about [AT] vol.2 about [BT] and vol.3 maybe up to you want [AT]/[BT]

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I like the story, yes, I overlooked the plot holes mentioned above and I don't think I have to mention what others already mentioned, because it would be more text. What bothers me is how slow and unnecessary things are narrated. After arriving at the Bat-cave, the protagonist does not stop narrating everything he sees in, like all the chapters, an inseparable text unless there is a dialogue of a character, either the same or an extra. I mean, heck, it's amazing how many times I have to reread or even get frustrated hoping that at the very least, I get to the goal, when it's just a little bit of time that's missing. It's not even that there are many separate scenes, it's just that the protagonist lengthens it with his opinion. Normally not bad, but sometimes it gets incredibly annoying, because to move for example: from the entrance of the mention to the door, a great disgusting summary of the whole patio awaits you ... not to mention the opinion and the objects Unraveled to know who uses it, that the protagonist can remember, and what he uses it for. That normally takes 3 chapters to finish at the mention door and describe the mansion later to get to the living room or room. I mean, everything is extremely slow and, to top it all, we have the Marvel chapters, which honestly would be better in a separate story, because honestly they are annoying, and much longer than those of DC. It was entertaining at first, but old.

Reveal Spoiler
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........................................................................................................................часть с марвелом пропускал, часть с дс топ

Reveal Spoiler
View 1 Replies

i dont get it the novel is bad not gonna lie because after using some reality altering memory stick he turns to a different person completely? what happened why suddently switch the pov to a kid? is the kid the mc? why did he become stupid?

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I honestly like the way the story is being told though it does leaves me confused sometimes when reading. But not really since you also made another book with all the chapters before transition. There are slight misspelling and word placements that are wierd. Yet you are student doing this pretty well so keep up the good work can't wait till the next chapter.

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the concept, character design and background are good but i just cant keep trying understand where the story is when it keeps jumping back and forth between worlds. feels like it ruins the consistance of the story.

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LV 13 Badge

this story has a massive amount of potential. however the problem with reading it is that it comes off as more of two separate stories. when every chapter is a switch between before and after it makes it hard (at least for me personally) to get into the story. I PERSONALLY believe that this story split into 2 a before where he works towards transitioning and an after of his exploits in dc

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For Marvel half: Ok so I don't usually do reviews but the character design of the protagonist is just shit it's like he has no personality at all, ok the author tries to show the protagonist's motivation by killing off his parents and he's then on a quest to make a machine to go to a parallel universe, personally I would have seen the character at least attempt the magical route regardless if he's allowed by the Ancient One or not. Now author attempts to show the MC's reaction to his parents death by making him become unsociable but then his interactions with characters like MJ make it seem like he's sociable and on another note he also ignored a massive red flag which led to uncle Ben's death and I'm like what??????????!!!!! it's just frustrating as I don't understand why Gwen and MJ like him with such a dead personality conversations are like hello, hi, let's have ***, bye and that's it the end. his personality is so dead and it annoys me so much plus it's inconsistent!!!! like ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! yeah that's my rant. peace out

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LV 14 Badge

this is terrible . the mc is an idiot and the whole before transition and after transition is annoying as hel. I mean every other chapter is before transition and that means before he went to the DC universe . its annoying and breaks story continuity . story is a waste of time.

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I just came here to say only one thing SO MUCH DRAMA I don't mean anything bad by it though. just that I don't like so much drama.😧😧😧😧😧😧😧

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[img = recomendar]

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I saw another version of this, not sure if this is you re-write but i feel like you need to rework this. I understand this is your story but I think there are things you can improve. 1. Why AT/BT? Its more of a stylized choice and many people commented on this but I think you should've wrote 2 different stories MCU/DCU. or have an chronological order (finish BT then go for AT) or have bits of BT flashbacks while AT is happening. Its really hard to read one chapter after another when they are both different stories. 2. Figure out ur MC more, flesh him out. I know you have this whole backstory for him in MCU and DCU but even near the end of the most recent chapters, I still don't know what he wants. He had powers in Marvel and he didn't want to be a hero, he was just obsessed with DC. You wrote him in Marvel so he can get certain items and skills for him but he could've just been in DC in the first place and still have all those things. Which leads to 3 3. Marvel is unneeded, honestly I mostly read AT and mostly BT because well DC is where it's at, the meat and I felt like all those things happening in Marvel made no differences to his character at all. *SPOILER* If he was going to be "dark" (artificially) as in hey the memory of this MC is him doing bad shit why not make him do it in real time in DC in the beginning. He can have moral dilemma or your "black spirit" while he's doing his sorta Spiderman thing. Generally I felt like if you kept going with AT, splash a few BT then it would've been more completed. 4. Lastly, honestly your doing a great Job, I criticize cause its good and its worth it to be better. Its your story, feel free to do whatever you want. But if you to make a more coherent and engaging story i recommend just narrow it down and hone in on what's good so far. I get you night have a big thing for marvel and DC together and there's this epic story, maybe I'm not seeing it or I feel like tis too big of a project. But I hope you keep up the good work and maybe think about reformatting it.

View 2 Replies

At first I liked the idea but the second chapter the MC is a simp a idiot and the author forgot that in life you don't have to be a fucking simp

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boom goes the dynamite now why won't this thing let me post my review come on ffs. i just wanted to post the 5 stars why must it make me wr... ooops there goes the 140 character limit.... bye

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I can only say that auhtor writing consistently is the good part in this. Convoluted writing style, convoluted concepts, and a convoluted pattern of presenting past and present in alternate chapters is the hallmark of this story. MC is also a messed up individual who's actively running away from a more happier lifestyle. Author makes him run away from everything good.

View 1 Replies

Now just as a warning I only read the at chapters so take from this what you will but to me this story is infuriating. I read this book to see someone with spiderman's powers go into the dc universe but because the author wants to show off the mc's experiences in both the marvel world and the dc world nothing of substance has really happened yet despite it being 60-70 chapters into the story and I admit its cool when the mc got a super regenerative immortality power boost but he shows off next to none of spiderman's powers and he gets his meta knowledge of the dc universe wiped by the high and mighty spirit of vengeance who thinks the mc is the greatest criminal in the world despite doing nothing. I am dropping this story I just cant find any interest in reading this anymore.

Reveal Spoiler
View 2 Replies
LV 5 Badge

The story progress really well, serious... but... beta mc, read 1-3 downgrade mental mc (His behavior and thoughts did not match his status as reincarnation. he acted according to his body age (child), not reflecting his identity as a reincarnation),

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Gotta be honest man, nobody cares about the BT part of the story. When we read novels, fanfics,...etc. what we care about is character and story development, a few past chapters to explain certain details are fine, but jumping between the past and the present constantly breaks the flow of the story. I mean, why in the living sh*t should I care about Gwen Stacy? We all know he left her behind, she doesn't contribute anything to the story, Peter Parker too. What's point of having them? Nothing. They don't change the character in anyway, and any excitement about possible power-ups in those BT is completely snuffed because we all know what powers his present self has. It's not a good way to keep readers interested.

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