Reviews of The Dark Blood Age by Tian Xia Piao Huo - Webnovel



  • Translation Quality
  • Stability of Updates
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • World Background

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LV 10 Badge

This Story is way to underrated in my personal opinion. The Story is deep and complex, the world backround the same, but hes always the same startingpoint (until around ch 800). When u wanna nitpick about the story itself, it is that alle the "human" fall very fast into Depravity, insanity etc. Now about the MC: Well the MC is actually a pretty nice guy but very cautious and selfish. But with every Setback, and trap he gets in he gets colder and more ruthless. But here is the point which makes the story and the MC very likable or hateable for the readers. Because the MC just doesnt learn... He gets his obsession that he is Human and when every Human falls into depravity he holds himself as "law abiding" "ordinary" etc And still he doesnt learn... He still is dumb enough to get in avery fkin trap, helps ppl that betray him later etc. And he gets more cold and ruthless- And he still doesnt learn... And the story more or less repeats itself how MC does his thinks, except that he gets more cold and ruthless, and he ignores more plight of others, but becaus of that he gets trampled over and over again. You might think now, that such a stupid MC is not worth reading over. And Yes you are "half right". The Ingenuity of the whole story is about to find out why such idiot was chosen, trapped, betrayed over and over again. Why does he stay that stupidly stubborn about staying "human" when he destroy one life after another, or later city after city. In my Eyes, the story is about how to strip his layers of Hope, humanity, emotions, confidence in such a way that he doesnt get, that his tsundere hero charakter is getting reversed step by step! But his naive and stupid obsessions are actually the one point that lets him stay as (anti)hero charakter without him noticing. the question now is, was he because of that chosen or was that unplanned and thats why no one can really defeat him^^ This story is fun because exactly that, it seems every step the mc does is planned, even his wins and loses, but is it really?^^ I dont know and thats why i keep reading

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I gave this story a 5 star for many reasons but the main one is constant character development, Im in (400+) chapters right now and the main cherecter constantly changes with the environment and development within the story.

Reveal Spoiler
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Not everyone's cup of tea. This book is a bit of a hard slog. It's interesting but even I am finding it hard to keep reading continuously.(I have to started reading this book 1 week ago and I am only up to chapter 187) We so used to MC's in so other Chinese novels that are protected by sometimes hilariously obvious plot armour, that level up as soon as they turn Around. MC's that are brilliant, likable and kind. In this book MC is a bit stupid, selfish, and indifferent to the fate of humanity except for a few people. Reddit and other similar sites the MC could have posted the whole book once he started to believe that the world was going to end. It probably wouldn't have helped but the fact is that he didn't try. = SELFISH STUPID = Even when he does get some experts to help to translate the book it is just not good enough because it is done so poorly. When he finally gets the epiphany that he is not cut out for the whole ruler of the world thing he only gives his second in command just two pages of instructions on how to grow stronger and doesn't even leave a copy of the book. Even though he is going on a mission that he might not survive and the book contains the instructions on how the world might survive this catastrophe 🤦🏾‍♂️ INDIFFERENCE = I've lost count of the number of times that the MC just watched people die when it would have cost him nothing and there was no risk to himself if he intervened. It's well written and all but eiesh! It's dark you sometimes get depressed while reading it. So I will probably drop it soon.

Reveal Spoiler
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This novel is EPIC! A PAGE TURNER! ,NAIL-BITING TENSION! Unexpected twists !Very Interesting Story , LOGICAL story development. Reading this novel you're never sure if the MC will survive. I'm on chapter 100 nd I know for a fact that the novel has at least 700 chapters so far but I still get worried for the MC's life! 🤣 The thing about this novel is the way the MC develops, he is slowly but surely building up power. Every step of the way making mistakes, being selfish being tricked and lied to ,learning. MC is getting stronger but there is none of that juvenile nonsense of MC levelling up every 2 of chapters. The MC is likable but also sometimes does things that make you hate him a bit in short MC is human. Making him relatable to certain extent. 4**** for updating cos I just started reading the story so I'm not sure how good/ updates are 4**** Writing quality author/translater has an issue I'm not happy about. It has to do with the skill names they really don't flow of the tongue. 🙁😔🙇🏾‍♂️

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Simply unique story, well developed, complex character close to reality, no frills, realistic MC, I hardly think a good story like this one, minor characters profoundly impact the restricted world if you pay attention

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poor writing quality. no use of any complex writing techniques, poor syntax, grammar and occasionally spelling. MC character is fairly unrelateable, and has little to no personal growth over time. he simply changes like a flipped switch with no build up or personal growth. the main redeeming feature is the basic premise of the world and it's new rules. reading it during it's free period, but anglophones should not spend any coins on the english version unless the author hires a good translator to correct his mistakes, and goes into more detail regarding his MC, his thoughts, and his emotional state.

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I really don't know my stance on this novel. Is it worth reading? yes I guess. what is the problem? very messy story development, world building is also not very impressive. other than that is pretty good, character I good, side characters are also well developed. author has an amazing emotional writing.

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My problem with this novel is only the translation. For some reason, the translation of this novel really just puts me off. That's not to say that the novel translation is bad, because it isn't, at least to the extent of being unreadable. It reminds me of A Sorcerer's Journey. I just cannot bring myself to read it. Hope that the translator can redo translations...

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i really enjoy this story for some reason. the cultivation is very slow but at the same time the mc won't meet enemy's that are way! above him, it's mostly just a stage above him. the world building is very interesting, i don't think i ever read something similar. such a sham that i almost catch up with the release, the chines one reach 1700 chapter, such a long journey to go/

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Compared to most of the stories that I read, the background is great. The translation quality is wonderful from what I can tell. The story is good and interesting overall but it has some dull moments. It gets too bogged down in the details and doesn't focus enough on making the story feel like someone is actually there experiencing it. The character could probably also spend more time focusing on describing the character. His thoughts, actions, and feelings. Maybe he does it later in the story, but from what I read not enough time was spent doing that. Solid story overall, best wishes to the writer.

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Dumb Insect Arc best arc imo, My longer review you can read at novelupdates - selweron nickname. I stopped reading at chapter 570. Not because it was bad (volume 10 is actually interesting compared to 8,9) but because I can't stand reading this pain, misery and other stuff the MC has to go through. Most unfortunate MC on webnovel probably

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the casual racism doe. Also way 2 manx characters. The translator choosing to keep many of the "items" names in chinese also doesn't help. Ye

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This book is just an extension on the author's depraved mind because he just keeps adding characters only to kill them in like 100 chapters just to make the main characters feel miserable. Personally I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone The plot is shitty and no good comes from spending money on this book For you'll giving this book 5 stars, you really need to be checked mentally

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awesome novel i recomend it to more older reader little diffrent from the norm awesome awesomeawesomeawesomeawesomeawesomeawesomeawesomeawesomeawesome

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LV 12 Badge

The Auther be licking his lips thinking of ways to Kill the MC’s firends for his character development 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Reveal Spoiler
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And here I thought that Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead kills its characters like some common household flies, but this book Its as if the author is playing Janga each block is some one MC is close to and he plucks them one by one until the tower falls down. I'm at chap 214 now and everyone I know besides MC are dead!

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$115,500 for the Best Adventure Novels +Get Hardcover Publish Hey Writers! Come to check out this adventure novel writing competition, both new and published stories can participate! This competition is mainly looking for four genres: Fantasy, Urban, Game, and Sci-fi. You can either submit your published works, rewrite some previous ideas, or create a new story if any given examples or tips inspired you! Web-fiction or Light Novel writing experience is desired, so you might be the winner! For more information, you may visit: or contact

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I love this nove!, Oh exp gods, grant this lowly one with the golden hands of brightness the exp he deserves, let this fool spread your name far and wide, I am the King of Darkness, I shall lowly follow your orders, pass through fire and earth to get the exp.

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the novel is great though its a change from the usual op protagonist all goes well stories but man its TO TRAGIC how can a novel be so sad....

Reveal Spoiler
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I have only read 130 chapters and here is my review. Definitely some of the most dark and tragic shit on this site and I'm actually loving it so far. If you like dark apocalypse theme novels this is for you. Also don't expect a happy ending ever if you are reading this. The only problem I have is after reading a bunch of reviews, I realized that he is still stuck on the third realm even after 800 chaps. I don't know if i can take the same kind of revenge repeat content without any power ups for another 600 chaps. Overall the content upto 130 chaps is definitely very good and the cruelty and dark stuff is just too good. If you like such content don't miss it. MC is OP compared to other humans and he really suffers a lot. I highly recommend at least upto 130 chaps

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LV 15 Badge

This is the most fucking tragic story i ever read.. shet man who tf is Cutting onions here. man for rEal🥺😭😭😭

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i can only say really addict even after i read machine translation and almost got my head blow from try to understand. it is really hard story to translate but we hope translator can continue until this story end. from translator fc. to new readers last chapters is just beginning

Reveal Spoiler
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well I'm looking a good apocalyptic story and saw this one...I recommend it to those who love novels with full of deceit and betrayals.. but still its better if they stay on survival story...even in 2nd book its more confusing either he was on past/future or present or maybe just an illusion or parallel world?

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LV 13 Badge

the mc is such a d**k...............,................................................................................................................................

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Considering the amount of hate this novel receives, I can only say it is undeserved. Compared to some novels that simply copy and paste the typical wish-fulfillment story without even a hint of trying to flower it with a good story it is way better. Albeit many novels are wish-fulfillment, this one is not as obvious. At least the protagonist starts out strong with a logical set of rational thoughts. Even the cheat is not as powerful as some other tools out there. Just a book about some cultivation techniques that seem to be useful. However, there is a huge major flaw in this story. This might be the reason why many people dislike this story. And the huge major flaw in it is the teasing of thousands of potential story threads which all lead to nothing. For example, you say that there is a majorly important stone collection of five pieces and if you don't, then something bad is going to happen. The author teases that for roughly 20 chapters. And then? Not a single word about it. Instead, the story moves to another plot point. And suddenly this plot point becomes useless as well. Do you get it? It starts out with a really strong beginning, rational thoughts, and a protagonist who can actually think. But it evolves into this festival of moving from plot point to plot point. It does not give the reader the usual feeling of building up on somethiing that you have read in the chapters before. Instead the story simply ignores the logic it had build up in the previous chapters. Which is a bad thing as it makes the reader feel that nothing has a point. Why read the roughly 20 chapters, when the plot mentioned in this chapter is not even mentioned in a single line in the next hundred chapters. And this plot was described as the urgent stuff to do. It makes people infuriate and think they wasted their time. Though the first couple of chapters show a story it could have been. At least that is only my opinion.

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I have only read to chapter 243 upon posting this. The mc seems to have adhd of extreme measures. He will make a plan repeatedly and always will get distracted on the drop of a dime and 150 chapters later still has not progressed. Always getting into some irrelevant skirmish, one after another. At least Half of the bad things he experiences are brought upon himself. I am getting tired of reading hundreds of chapters for an inch of mc power advancement.

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I have read alot of books, but this books' MC is the most pitiful MC I have ever read about. Nothing ever works in his favour, everyone important to him dies in at most 100 chapters after they meet him. Its just too sad and depressing. I'm not even sure about the plot anymore 🙁. #sigh

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LV 14 Badge

The story had potential when I first read started reading it but the author only overemphasizes the tragedy of the novels setting. There are no ups to the story. There is only a an ever spiralling depression. Nothing ever works out for the MC so none of the tragedies really mean anything after awhile. When the MC sees the 20th child being eaten by cannibals it gets old. The plot is non existent and none of the characters matter because they all die or are left behind fairly quickly. Overall there are a few novels that i don't rate well but this is once of the only ones I regret putting the time into reading. maybe I have stopped too early at around chapter 400 but so far its been a chore getting this far.

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LV 10 Badge

This Story is way to underrated in my personal opinion. The Story is deep and complex, the world backround the same, but hes always the same startingpoint (until around ch 800). When u wanna nitpick about the story itself, it is that alle the "human" fall very fast into Depravity, insanity etc. Now about the MC: Well the MC is actually a pretty nice guy but very cautious and selfish. But with every Setback, and trap he gets in he gets colder and more ruthless. But here is the point which makes the story and the MC very likable or hateable for the readers. Because the MC just doesnt learn... He gets his obsession that he is Human and when every Human falls into depravity he holds himself as "law abiding" "ordinary" etc And still he doesnt learn... He still is dumb enough to get in avery fkin trap, helps ppl that betray him later etc. And he gets more cold and ruthless- And he still doesnt learn... And the story more or less repeats itself how MC does his thinks, except that he gets more cold and ruthless, and he ignores more plight of others, but becaus of that he gets trampled over and over again. You might think now, that such a stupid MC is not worth reading over. And Yes you are "half right". The Ingenuity of the whole story is about to find out why such idiot was chosen, trapped, betrayed over and over again. Why does he stay that stupidly stubborn about staying "human" when he destroy one life after another, or later city after city. In my Eyes, the story is about how to strip his layers of Hope, humanity, emotions, confidence in such a way that he doesnt get, that his tsundere hero charakter is getting reversed step by step! But his naive and stupid obsessions are actually the one point that lets him stay as (anti)hero charakter without him noticing. the question now is, was he because of that chosen or was that unplanned and thats why no one can really defeat him^^ This story is fun because exactly that, it seems every step the mc does is planned, even his wins and loses, but is it really?^^ I dont know and thats why i keep reading

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I gave this story a 5 star for many reasons but the main one is constant character development, Im in (400+) chapters right now and the main cherecter constantly changes with the environment and development within the story.

Reveal Spoiler
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Not everyone's cup of tea. This book is a bit of a hard slog. It's interesting but even I am finding it hard to keep reading continuously.(I have to started reading this book 1 week ago and I am only up to chapter 187) We so used to MC's in so other Chinese novels that are protected by sometimes hilariously obvious plot armour, that level up as soon as they turn Around. MC's that are brilliant, likable and kind. In this book MC is a bit stupid, selfish, and indifferent to the fate of humanity except for a few people. Reddit and other similar sites the MC could have posted the whole book once he started to believe that the world was going to end. It probably wouldn't have helped but the fact is that he didn't try. = SELFISH STUPID = Even when he does get some experts to help to translate the book it is just not good enough because it is done so poorly. When he finally gets the epiphany that he is not cut out for the whole ruler of the world thing he only gives his second in command just two pages of instructions on how to grow stronger and doesn't even leave a copy of the book. Even though he is going on a mission that he might not survive and the book contains the instructions on how the world might survive this catastrophe 🤦🏾‍♂️ INDIFFERENCE = I've lost count of the number of times that the MC just watched people die when it would have cost him nothing and there was no risk to himself if he intervened. It's well written and all but eiesh! It's dark you sometimes get depressed while reading it. So I will probably drop it soon.

Reveal Spoiler
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This novel is EPIC! A PAGE TURNER! ,NAIL-BITING TENSION! Unexpected twists !Very Interesting Story , LOGICAL story development. Reading this novel you're never sure if the MC will survive. I'm on chapter 100 nd I know for a fact that the novel has at least 700 chapters so far but I still get worried for the MC's life! 🤣 The thing about this novel is the way the MC develops, he is slowly but surely building up power. Every step of the way making mistakes, being selfish being tricked and lied to ,learning. MC is getting stronger but there is none of that juvenile nonsense of MC levelling up every 2 of chapters. The MC is likable but also sometimes does things that make you hate him a bit in short MC is human. Making him relatable to certain extent. 4**** for updating cos I just started reading the story so I'm not sure how good/ updates are 4**** Writing quality author/translater has an issue I'm not happy about. It has to do with the skill names they really don't flow of the tongue. 🙁😔🙇🏾‍♂️

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Simply unique story, well developed, complex character close to reality, no frills, realistic MC, I hardly think a good story like this one, minor characters profoundly impact the restricted world if you pay attention

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poor writing quality. no use of any complex writing techniques, poor syntax, grammar and occasionally spelling. MC character is fairly unrelateable, and has little to no personal growth over time. he simply changes like a flipped switch with no build up or personal growth. the main redeeming feature is the basic premise of the world and it's new rules. reading it during it's free period, but anglophones should not spend any coins on the english version unless the author hires a good translator to correct his mistakes, and goes into more detail regarding his MC, his thoughts, and his emotional state.

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I really don't know my stance on this novel. Is it worth reading? yes I guess. what is the problem? very messy story development, world building is also not very impressive. other than that is pretty good, character I good, side characters are also well developed. author has an amazing emotional writing.

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My problem with this novel is only the translation. For some reason, the translation of this novel really just puts me off. That's not to say that the novel translation is bad, because it isn't, at least to the extent of being unreadable. It reminds me of A Sorcerer's Journey. I just cannot bring myself to read it. Hope that the translator can redo translations...

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i really enjoy this story for some reason. the cultivation is very slow but at the same time the mc won't meet enemy's that are way! above him, it's mostly just a stage above him. the world building is very interesting, i don't think i ever read something similar. such a sham that i almost catch up with the release, the chines one reach 1700 chapter, such a long journey to go/

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Compared to most of the stories that I read, the background is great. The translation quality is wonderful from what I can tell. The story is good and interesting overall but it has some dull moments. It gets too bogged down in the details and doesn't focus enough on making the story feel like someone is actually there experiencing it. The character could probably also spend more time focusing on describing the character. His thoughts, actions, and feelings. Maybe he does it later in the story, but from what I read not enough time was spent doing that. Solid story overall, best wishes to the writer.

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Dumb Insect Arc best arc imo, My longer review you can read at novelupdates - selweron nickname. I stopped reading at chapter 570. Not because it was bad (volume 10 is actually interesting compared to 8,9) but because I can't stand reading this pain, misery and other stuff the MC has to go through. Most unfortunate MC on webnovel probably

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the casual racism doe. Also way 2 manx characters. The translator choosing to keep many of the "items" names in chinese also doesn't help. Ye

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This book is just an extension on the author's depraved mind because he just keeps adding characters only to kill them in like 100 chapters just to make the main characters feel miserable. Personally I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone The plot is shitty and no good comes from spending money on this book For you'll giving this book 5 stars, you really need to be checked mentally

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awesome novel i recomend it to more older reader little diffrent from the norm awesome awesomeawesomeawesomeawesomeawesomeawesomeawesomeawesomeawesome

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LV 12 Badge

The Auther be licking his lips thinking of ways to Kill the MC’s firends for his character development 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Reveal Spoiler
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And here I thought that Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead kills its characters like some common household flies, but this book Its as if the author is playing Janga each block is some one MC is close to and he plucks them one by one until the tower falls down. I'm at chap 214 now and everyone I know besides MC are dead!

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$115,500 for the Best Adventure Novels +Get Hardcover Publish Hey Writers! Come to check out this adventure novel writing competition, both new and published stories can participate! This competition is mainly looking for four genres: Fantasy, Urban, Game, and Sci-fi. You can either submit your published works, rewrite some previous ideas, or create a new story if any given examples or tips inspired you! Web-fiction or Light Novel writing experience is desired, so you might be the winner! For more information, you may visit: or contact

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I love this nove!, Oh exp gods, grant this lowly one with the golden hands of brightness the exp he deserves, let this fool spread your name far and wide, I am the King of Darkness, I shall lowly follow your orders, pass through fire and earth to get the exp.

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the novel is great though its a change from the usual op protagonist all goes well stories but man its TO TRAGIC how can a novel be so sad....

Reveal Spoiler
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I have only read 130 chapters and here is my review. Definitely some of the most dark and tragic shit on this site and I'm actually loving it so far. If you like dark apocalypse theme novels this is for you. Also don't expect a happy ending ever if you are reading this. The only problem I have is after reading a bunch of reviews, I realized that he is still stuck on the third realm even after 800 chaps. I don't know if i can take the same kind of revenge repeat content without any power ups for another 600 chaps. Overall the content upto 130 chaps is definitely very good and the cruelty and dark stuff is just too good. If you like such content don't miss it. MC is OP compared to other humans and he really suffers a lot. I highly recommend at least upto 130 chaps

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LV 15 Badge

This is the most fucking tragic story i ever read.. shet man who tf is Cutting onions here. man for rEal🥺😭😭😭

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i can only say really addict even after i read machine translation and almost got my head blow from try to understand. it is really hard story to translate but we hope translator can continue until this story end. from translator fc. to new readers last chapters is just beginning

Reveal Spoiler
View 1 Replies

well I'm looking a good apocalyptic story and saw this one...I recommend it to those who love novels with full of deceit and betrayals.. but still its better if they stay on survival story...even in 2nd book its more confusing either he was on past/future or present or maybe just an illusion or parallel world?

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LV 13 Badge

the mc is such a d**k...............,................................................................................................................................

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Considering the amount of hate this novel receives, I can only say it is undeserved. Compared to some novels that simply copy and paste the typical wish-fulfillment story without even a hint of trying to flower it with a good story it is way better. Albeit many novels are wish-fulfillment, this one is not as obvious. At least the protagonist starts out strong with a logical set of rational thoughts. Even the cheat is not as powerful as some other tools out there. Just a book about some cultivation techniques that seem to be useful. However, there is a huge major flaw in this story. This might be the reason why many people dislike this story. And the huge major flaw in it is the teasing of thousands of potential story threads which all lead to nothing. For example, you say that there is a majorly important stone collection of five pieces and if you don't, then something bad is going to happen. The author teases that for roughly 20 chapters. And then? Not a single word about it. Instead, the story moves to another plot point. And suddenly this plot point becomes useless as well. Do you get it? It starts out with a really strong beginning, rational thoughts, and a protagonist who can actually think. But it evolves into this festival of moving from plot point to plot point. It does not give the reader the usual feeling of building up on somethiing that you have read in the chapters before. Instead the story simply ignores the logic it had build up in the previous chapters. Which is a bad thing as it makes the reader feel that nothing has a point. Why read the roughly 20 chapters, when the plot mentioned in this chapter is not even mentioned in a single line in the next hundred chapters. And this plot was described as the urgent stuff to do. It makes people infuriate and think they wasted their time. Though the first couple of chapters show a story it could have been. At least that is only my opinion.

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I have only read to chapter 243 upon posting this. The mc seems to have adhd of extreme measures. He will make a plan repeatedly and always will get distracted on the drop of a dime and 150 chapters later still has not progressed. Always getting into some irrelevant skirmish, one after another. At least Half of the bad things he experiences are brought upon himself. I am getting tired of reading hundreds of chapters for an inch of mc power advancement.

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I have read alot of books, but this books' MC is the most pitiful MC I have ever read about. Nothing ever works in his favour, everyone important to him dies in at most 100 chapters after they meet him. Its just too sad and depressing. I'm not even sure about the plot anymore 🙁. #sigh

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LV 14 Badge

The story had potential when I first read started reading it but the author only overemphasizes the tragedy of the novels setting. There are no ups to the story. There is only a an ever spiralling depression. Nothing ever works out for the MC so none of the tragedies really mean anything after awhile. When the MC sees the 20th child being eaten by cannibals it gets old. The plot is non existent and none of the characters matter because they all die or are left behind fairly quickly. Overall there are a few novels that i don't rate well but this is once of the only ones I regret putting the time into reading. maybe I have stopped too early at around chapter 400 but so far its been a chore getting this far.

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