/ Teen / The Environmentalist

The Environmentalist Original

The Environmentalist

Teen 6 Chapters 3.5K Views
Author: zipporah

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For the millionth time, he asked "Why are you doing this, Amelia? You could get hurt in the process."

I knew that he was only trying to protect me but I can't stop now, I can't back down, I have to put up a fight.

"The earth is dying every day, Justin. Do you know how painful that is?" I was at the verge of tears because I had an idea of how painful it is, "If we can convince people around the world to take care of the environment, don't you think that our world will last longer? I only asked for your help because I can't do this on my own, but if you don't want to help me, I can always find someone else." I told him sharply.

"I'm not saying that I don't want to help―"

"Then what are you trying to say?" I cut him of mid-sentence, "Are you willing to help me or not?" I was getting frustrated with his lack of answer.

He took a deep breath and said, "I am going to be with you every step of the way." Now that was the answer I've been waiting for all along.
Amelia Winston is a young lady who sees herself as an environmentalist because she has always made it her goal to protect the environment and make the world a better place. What happens when she faces obstacles along the way? Will she be able to conquer them and achieve her goal? Find out in this amazing book.

NOTE: I wrote this book for The Queens Common Wealth Essay Competition and I decided to post it here. So please leave your thoughts about the book in the comments section.


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