/ Fantasy / The Floating World

The Floating World Original

The Floating World

Fantasy 8 Chapters 4.8K Views
Author: Krakowa

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There is a world, where everyone lives in the sky.

Long ago, people came together and build sky cities to escape the monsters on the ground.

Meet Lucian and his twin sister Aileen, who lost their mother a few years ago and are now living as broke nobles. Not only are they orphans now, but what's more, Lucian gets bullied, because he has, contrary to his sister, almost no talent in magic.

Will he keep living this poor life and be carried by his genius sister or is Lucian going to show the world that he can't be underestimated?

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  1. Collins_Savali
    Collins_Savali Contributed 1
  2. SupremebeingRimuru
    SupremebeingRimuru Contributed 1
  3. trickster_
    trickster_ Contributed 1

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Not rating your own work is a sin! I'm writing this is a side project with a rather lighter approach than my other novel Life of a Magus. I will try keeping the future harem smallish, but I can't promise it. However, I can promise that I will concentrate on the depth of the harem members, since I dislike it when the MCs farm their harem like pokemon

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Author Krakowa