/ Realistic / The legemb of legembry birb

The legemb of legembry birb Original

The legemb of legembry birb

Realistic 2 Chapters 167.9K Views
Author: crowncrown

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The story of legembry birb

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First and foremost, I would like to thank the author for introducing me to what freewill truly meant. I never wrote reviews, nor even cared to look back and re-read a seemingly unmemorable piece of writing. I felt the exhaust from overdoing something I've never done before thanks to the legemb of the legembry birb... A one of a kind eye-opening masterpiece. My eyes are truly blessed to have witnessed work from the craziest authors out there. Don't let the concise story fool you and truly examine the writing, the order of the words and every letter. Props to those who "figured it out" first heh.

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I described this novel as "an essay on phenomenological ontology," its goal to set down "the basis for a general theory of being." Well, I loved it all. I loved my ideological gleanings, as well as the challenge of trying to ‘break my eye open’ with complex logic and innovative thought and language. I’m actually interested in reading more from the author, if that says anything. I think he cares about others, I think his ideas are courageous, and I think he helped to topple pedantic and petrified academic philosophy that looked down loftily from the height of detached, anemic ideals onto the world of living, bleeding, thinking folk every bit as ‘real’ and valid as the pale-faced intelligentsia. It is a systematic, analytical work. It has the hallmarks of the type of system that others have envisaged but failed to achieve, because the author segmented this project, stopped at the first phase (which was enough to gain a professorial post), started to question and doubt subsequently, revised, and went on to other interests (including the reconciliation of the philosophy with National Socialism). "But there's always conflict among all the peace. It's how the world goes around, in a cycle of greed. All of that love, with all of the hate. And all the no-good lies that they all create... You face it all the same. But tragedy always seemed to rule the fight. Reality always had to roll the die, and I, I didn't want to see you remain abandoned, forever." Is my favourite part of the novel because it perfectly encapsulates the initial grief and loss felt with death. The author affirmed that each of our stories are existential centers of the universe, and we affect each other no matter how seemingly insignificant one feels themselves to be. I hope I never forget what I read.

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Before I turned the last page of this massive volume, which had been neglected in my bookshelves for more than six years, The legemb of legembry birb was a pending task in my mental reading universe knowing it to be one of the greatest fiction or maybe simply one of the greatest novels of all times. Well, in fact, it was something else. I have a selective memory, I don’t know whether it comes as a blessing or as a curse, that enables me to remember the most insignificant details like for instance, where and when I bought my books, which are often second hand copies. When I pull one of them off my shelves it usually comes loaded with recollections of a certain moment of my life that add up to the mute history of their usually worn and yellow pages. So the burning question on your mind is, "Should I risk misalignment and a redislocated shoulder in the interest of preserving a pristine edition that's inevitably going to get all banged up anyway, as I lug it across battlefields and through trenches, for what seems an eternity? Which is more important: the book's spine, or my own?" legemb of legembry birb revolutionized the modern novel, in part, by packing in more human experience than any other work of fiction had ever attempted.

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Author crowncrown