/ Fantasy / the unknown3947

the unknown3947 Original

the unknown3947

Fantasy 4 Chapters 1.9K Views
Author: BTS_ARMY_0654

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Yingxue had suspected something was off. His father refused to allow him to step a food outside the palace, he was locked away in one of the most secure rooms within the entire building, the palace staff stared at him with a mix of suspicion and fear, and his magic...so opposite of the Fire King's. Nothing more so than when some random Assassin agreed with everyone. He didn't belong here.

Minhyun panicked and ready to bolt snatched Yingxue with him and took off, hoping that they could get away from whatever it was. Yet, the servant refused to tell him, and Yingxue was not sure he wanted to know.

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Author BTS_ARMY_0654