/ Fantasy / Wangdao : The dark funeral

Wangdao : The dark funeral Original

Wangdao : The dark funeral

Fantasy 12 Chapters 5.4K Views
Author: Draken_Demiurge

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In a dark world ravaged by violence and cruelty, society as we know it has disappeared, giving way to merciless chaos. Primitive rules now dictate survival. At the heart of this disaster, a group of survivors try to find meaning in their existence, seeking hope amid the massacres. Their quest leads them to the discovery of an ancient prophecy that offers little hope of restoration. Between betrayals, fragile alliances and fierce battles, these broken souls fight for a future in a world where darkness seems to have taken total control.

Guided by Merphis, the courageous leader of this small group of survivors, they navigate this chaotic and dark world with determination. Armed with their resilience and ingenuity, they fight against the evil forces around them, seeking temporary refuge and scarce resources to survive. Merphis, with her wisdom and leadership, inspires the group to resist in the face of the darkness that threatens to engulf them completely. Every day is a challenge, but they continue to move forward, finding fragile hope amidst the chaos, refusing to be overcome by darkness.

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