/ Urban / World War - IV

World War - IV Original

World War - IV

Urban 13 Chapters 4.2K Views
Author: Tony Sage

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On planet Tubiko, Dr. Trumboy's best fighters and weapons have been assembled. On planet Earth, the most feared warbots are ready, waiting for a guttural command. On the distant Farther Kingdom, it is rumoured an apocalypse-like explosive is just waiting for a button to be depressed.

It seems there will be a long and drawn out war. And then...KABOOM...out of the blues...no one knows what happened...but Tubiko is smashed to smithereens... Earth eats up itself...and Farther Kingdom is no better.

The war has ended before it started leaving only four or possibly five survivors.

It was the long expected world war IV...and only four, or maybe, five teenagers could tell the story


  1. TonySage
    TonySage Contributed 1
  2. Stacy_Ngozika
    Stacy_Ngozika Contributed 1
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    Author Tony Sage