/ Fantasy / Cthulhu Gonfalon

Cthulhu Gonfalon

Cthulhu Gonfalon

Fantasy Completed 988 Chapters 2.9M Views

Author: Chu baiTranslator: Nyoi-Bo StudioEditor: Nyoi-Bo Studio


4.05 (563 ratings)

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In the world, there were gods who obeyed the rules, whether good or evil. But there were also evil gods who defied the rules.
When a traverser was confronted by the rules that he could never conform to, the resulting collision marks the beginning of the story of an evil god…
This is the story of a good man who transformed into a great jellyfish, then traversed his world to arrive at a world of swords and magic. His journey of searching and exploring eventually led to him remaking nature and changing the world.

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    Author and Translator’s Thoughts

    White Ingrid
    • White Author

      When I first heard the editors say that "Cthulhu Gonfalon" would be translated into English, my reaction was both happy and surprised.

      Happy, this reaction needs no explanation. For any author, if his work can be translated into a foreign language for readers of other countries to read, it is a huge reward.

      This is not just some ordinary good news; this is something way stronger, like a thunderbolt out of the blue that can leave someone stunned. In films and TV series, the expression "so happy until one is dumbfounded," often appears. Today I experienced something like that.

      Surprised was my subconscious reaction. Because there was no foreshadowing, completely unexpected, I never imagined this. If this could be compared to any of my life experiences, it would be like long time ago when I received my admission letter from a college way that was beyond my expectations.

      For this book that I wrote, honestly, I am not very confident. I always think it can be written in a better way which can show readers a better piece of work - Every author will probably think the same way. That's why Cao Xueqin amended the "Dream of Red Mansions" five times; Jin Yong is also nearly a hundred years old but still scrutinizes and modifies his books that were done when he was young.

      Since it can be done better, is it okay to translate it into English now? I considered this for a long time and then told myself, alright, very well.

      People are constantly improving. We are never too old to learn, so we should never stop learning. I will not live in my old glory but continue to improve, like climbing the mountains. Even if I can only cross a stone every time, I will still be able to keep moving towards a higher place, towards the literary peak.

      I think that even with my whole life, I probably will not be able to get to the top of the mountain. In this case, spending all my time to climb the mountain is not enough, how can I be like other literary giants, having time to scrutinize their books and modify it?

      Compare myself to Cao Xueqin and Jin Yong; I am extremely arrogant!

      After figuring it out, I was relieved.

      This book can be translated into English, allowing foreign readers to read it, to see my work, to share my thoughts and feelings when I was writing. For me, it is a proud and glorious thing.

      Thanks to the people who work hard to help me accomplish this.

      I should not doubt myself but deeply remember this glory and pride, deeply remember the feelings of gratitude, to motivate myself to create even better works in the future.

      In the end, to all foreigner readers, I hope this book will give you all a pleasant reading experience.

    • Ingrid Translator

      Dear all,

      I’m Ingrid and I will be translating Cthulhu Gonfalon. I hope you guys enjoy my work. If there are any mistakes, please let me know right away; I really want improve my skills and I really do enjoy translating this favorite novel of mine. I want to share this for others to enjoy it too.

      A little about me; I’m a girl and I actually really don’t like Xuanhuan or fantasy novels. However, Cthulhu Gonfalon captured my heart at the very first chapter. It is very super duber extremely funnnnnyyy. I really recommend you guys to read this novel. I don’t want to spoil anything because really, I want you guys to have the best experience reading ;)

      This novel became my favorite because I could really see myself echoed in the main character. He’s a little bit goofy, a bit geeky and quite straightforward.

      Just as the author, Chu Bai, said, it is extremely hard to convey meanings from one culture to another. Again, if there are any mistakes or any problems, please tell me.

      Failure to me isn’t as bad as the lack of motivation. I really do hope that I can see this series to the end but to be honest, translating isn’t easy and especially translating when without support from friends or family so hopefully you guys will be behind me!

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    LV 12 Badge

    All hail Lord Cthulhu! Emperor of the Cosmos! Join the Dark Side!, We Have COOKIES! All hail Lord Cthulhu! Emperor of the Cosmos! Join the Dark Side!, We Have COOKIES! All hail Lord Cthulhu! Emperor of the Cosmos! Join the Dark Side!, We Have COOKIES!

    View 97 Replies

    Nonhuman characters are more interesting when the human souls don't go to great lengths to pretend they're still human. For example, this jellyfish mc doesn't need to sleep. Ever. Still, he stops every night not because it's dark or dangerous to move around but because he wants to maintain the routines of humanity. It slows him down. And when he's traveling somewhere to do something while he's completely alone it isn't interesting, it's idiotic. You don't need to maintain your humanity to such a degree you refuse to take advantage of your new nature. And as of chapter 11 he's long since left the ocean behind and it doesn't look like we'll be revisiting it now that religions and villages have been introduced(A development that happened way too quickly IMO. We only just started exploring the ocean floor). So this story isn't very adventurous nor do we have any reason to put the budding sea monster on a pedestal anymore. He just doesn't feel legendary or mysterious now that's he's less than 1% of his original size and about to straightforwardly introduce himself. - This review will be subject to change as I continue reading but I wanted to warn anybody getting their hopes up that this story only just barely represents it's Cthulhu namesake. Pretty much all you're getting is a big jellyfish. And judging from the mc's empathy towards people he's going to be a copout "evil god". So don't expect any mind-melting horrors, death flags for entire continents and worlds, alien minds and etc. Just note that my current problem with this story lies entirely with an mc I'm beginning to dislike. I've seen people mentioning this story used to have translation issues but I haven't noticed anything yet so you should be good to go if that's what you're worried about.

    Reveal Spoiler
    View 14 Replies
    LV 5 Badge

    The grammar seems to be a bit off here and there and that makes it difficult to get into the story. Also the main characters thought process seems weird to me, I can't imagine doing any of the things he does if I was in the same situation.

    View 16 Replies

    I'm kind of liking the way it's going. It's always fun to read about MC's who aren't in human forms anymore, so this one has peaked my interest. The only downside is the translation and editing. So far there have been some decent chapters, but a lot of them just kind of ruin the flow of the reading by trying to figure out what they wanted to convey or just they way they wrote it. Some people said that WuxiaDream are the translators, and that would kind of explain the not so great translation and that. With that being said though, I will still probably follow it for the time being to see if the translation/editing gets any better at all. If it doesn't then I'll probably drop it.

    View 9 Replies

    WTF... Why is a story that was dropped being picked up again??? And why the heck were we voting on it if it was a story that had been dropped and picked up again.

    View 13 Replies

    I like the story and for once an actual kind hearted Chinese MC However, the translation quality is terrible Please get a competent editor

    View 7 Replies
    LV 12 Badge

    This was just dumb, I feel like the author doesn’t even attempt to base things off reality or science or anything that makes sense! He just writes whatever he wants that doesn’t even work. It feels like my intellect dropped from the few chapters I read ugh...

    View 3 Replies

    Why bring back a dropped novel and keep the ****ty translation? It doesn't matter if the new content is good if you can't get through the first 80 chapters filled with basically MTL quality ****

    View 0 Replies

    ughhhh where did all the chapters go? i cant find them anywhere and what is going to happen now since the chapters disappeared i was reading the story and when i went to go the next chapter it said oops its broken.

    View 2 Replies

    An odd translation. A better translation for title would be “Evil God Gonfalon”. No idea why they went with Cthulhu. The translation quality is possibly the worst I’ve seen on QI. The recent chapters are much easier on the eyes and brain....a pretty fun series that is marred by terrible quality and questionable translation choices.

    View 6 Replies

    Why is this embarassing story brought up again, the translation is subpar, the mc thought is really confusing, the author is certainly never do even a little it about jellyfish to make a good story, if it's a otherworld jellyfish the mc should know the ordinary jellyfish and how different it is, but the author make it like the jellyfish is the same with one in earth. Make me wonder if there is no one in china with knowledge to comment about this absurtness or the jellyfish in china is different than on other part of the world.

    View 0 Replies

    Why the **** would the Author names this **** stain after cthulhu when the similarities between cthulhu and his jellyfish are worlds apart??? This mother****er is lightyears away from becoming even slightly similar to Cthulhu!! This BS is a allpostive beta ***** that is willing to accept his enemy that tried to fight him into his own horde of idiotic imbreds he calls allies! Plus, in no way does this dumbass MC act like a god! He couldn't even impersonate himself to be an old and omnipotent god (even if he don't know the workings of the world!)! IF ONLY HE ACTED LIKE KLEIN'S THE FOOL PERSONA (BUT HIS OWN GOD PERSONA)... Then, only then.. Will this garbage be worth reading

    View 0 Replies

    good translation quality, great story development, interesting character design, good background. over good quality.................................................

    View 12 Replies
    LV 11 Badge

    The translation is so-so. The story is about a man who reborn as a soul and can't get out of the jellyfish. This man go for a long jouney to become a true jellyfish god. The development is also give me a so-so feeling. Now we don't even have anything to read. Why don't you just delete it up?

    View 2 Replies

    overall a great story however the quality of the translation is what is really holding it back, I would recommend this story getting an editor or something because it can get pretty hard to read at times

    View 0 Replies

    Its an amazing description. But how the mc's mind actually work is confusing. Idk if its from the translation or its just the way it is but it gives disappointment. I hope as the story builds up, it improves.

    View 0 Replies

    I really like stories like this, I hope you have more frequent updates from now on, thanks for the hard work to the author, translator and editor, and everyone involved.

    View 0 Replies
    LV 5 Badge

    I never thought that it would be translated again after being droped the first time. I relly loved its unique plot and i found the relationship between charachters to be intresting and lifelike.

    View 0 Replies

    A fairly good story that hasn't been update in over month...................................................................................

    View 0 Replies
    LV 11 Badge

    Juicy story. I like a lot. I also really want first review but I will update this as the story goes on due to the lack of content at the moment.

    View 0 Replies

    Author Chu bai

    Translator Nyoi-Bo Studio

    Editor Nyoi-Bo Studio