/ Realistic / Lost Souls' Rendezvous [Will be republished]

Lost Souls' Rendezvous [Will be republished] Original

Lost Souls' Rendezvous [Will be republished]

Realistic 28 Chapters 79.7K Views

4.75 (58 ratings)

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Link to the Novel: https://www.webnovel.com/book/lost-souls'-rendezvous_24939745906621205

Marco escaped from his father’s household and went on an unplanned road trip. He saw a girl in a forest and followed her to ask for directions but when he finally caught up; he was dumbstruck to see the girl at the edge of the cliff with her arms wide open. The lost young man misunderstood the situation.

At that fateful dusk, they both didn’t know that it would be the trigger for their lives to change its view. It became the turning point for them.

Marco is a lost young man who’s searching for the meaning of life and living with his newly accumulated freedom.

Ayesha, a young lady that has been lost within her fears that has been bounding her and has been running away from death.

Being lost in an unfamiliar place, Marco did not expect that he would have found the home that he has always wanted to have. Throughout his escapade, he discovered a lot of things, gained companions, began understanding what he has been looking for.

He also found the girl that made his heart flutter. In that particular breathtaking sunset, at that certain cliff that became the witness of it all, he found her.


||Realistic Fiction||


This novel is a work of fiction. Every name, character, place, and incident are all products of the author's imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental unless stated.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior knowledge and permission of the author.

All rights reserved.

Plagiarism is a crime!

Discord: Luminous_Arcadian#5813

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  1. SEP1A
    SEP1A Contributed 175
  2. Enivid
    Enivid Contributed 150
  3. DaoistUhXoig
    DaoistUhXoig Contributed 108

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  • Translation Quality
  • Stability of Updates
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • World Background

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LV 10 Badge

This author could write their to-do list and still manage to make it interesting to read. Everything, from characterisation to adjectives implored in this work of art, is magnificent. I cannot praise the writer enough. Marco’s story is heart-wrenching, whole-hearted and full of tears. The characters he meets along his journey to (fingers-crossed) find peace will send you on your own trip to agony land. It is so worth it. Give this book a read and a half - I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.

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[Shameless Author] This story is my first novel, and I hope that people would find it enthralling and standardly enough. I'm a little worried about that, but I'll try to do my best. *** We're all lost souls in our own little world, and I hope that through this story, you may find something, anything, that would help lead you to your desired path.

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This was so sweet! My heart melted at many moments and Ayesha's enigmatic yet genuinely nice personality is a perfect example of commendable character writing. Marco's reactions to certain situations was highly relatable and realistic, making the reader feel connected to the MC, ultimately creating an enjoyable story. Obviously, the credit goes to the beautiful writing. The description was out of this world and the scene development was undeniably great; as a reader, I felt true fear, suspense and chills in many of the circumstances faced by the characters, and that goes to show just how good this was. Overall, I loved it ❤️ Summed up in one word (jk, it's two words): HIGHLY PRAISE-WORTHY

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LV 13 Badge

Two lost people who met by accident or... maybe it wasn't an accident, but a fate, their destiny to cross each other path... The plot is so intriguing, the two main characters also. You pay attention to the language you use so it's a pleasure to read. Excellent work!

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Marco... I feel your pain. Auth..man the story description the scenarios, the feel, the situations everything is infront of my eyes. You really did a marvellous job. I really wonder how marco journey goes and his love Ayesha will change him for better. I just want Marco to find his peace. I literally want to bury his stepmother. I dont know why they all are like that😶 Auth your story has good potential. keep writing. All the very best🔥😍

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We're going on this little journey with Marco and I can't wait to see where it leads .I'm really curious about Ayesha and him as well, that's going to be interesting . I'm really enjoying reading this book.The way the author describes everything makes it really easy for me to envision it all.I generally love learning random stuff so I'm also enjoying the little words and meanings at the end of most chapters .I've got high hopes for the story so good luck to you

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This novel is very poetic. The wording is so smooth and intricate, this writer clearly takes great pride in her use of literary devices. Tremendous work author, I'm looking forward to more updates 😊

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Each chapter is very well described while also keeping you interested. The conflict is realistic and the story flows well. Recommended to read.

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LV 2 Badge

Exciting characters, fun premise. A nice read on the weekend! I can't wait to see more. This story has so much potential from the little I've read so far. Keep up the great work, writer!

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It's a nice story, with captivating plot. I like the way the author explains every scene in detail, making it easy for readers to get the images flying in. My only flaw is the updating stability, I think, the story will definitely be a block buster if it is updated regularly. Great work!

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Amazing... the writing is smooth!! how the author Discription is well written and easy to understand. I was hook at the first chapter. The is pacing is good. I could feel Marco pain.

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You know the story is a good one when you read the prologue, know it isn't fantasy so you need to close the novel just to see the tags and pray that the tragedy tag is not there because you were already shipping the characters for their happy ending. At least this is what happened to me. (sadly, the tragedy tag is in this story) I think my rating says it all. From the prologue I was captivated, and each chapter is developed and described so perfectly that there it leaves the reviewer with just one word: AWESOME! Keep writing! I hope to read more about Marcus and Ayesha in the future (even if the prologue broke my heart into tiny pieces)

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Going off the first few chapters, this is top notch. Well done. The writing is great, the grammar is solid, the description is legitimate, and it is a smooth yet easy read. Well done author, I feel like I am experiencing a new universe when I am reading this.

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Stunning writing. You pulled me in with the first chapter. I love how you make the story flow. It's like a smooth wave of the sea unlike the crashing waves where Marcus and Ayesha first met by the cliff. This is a lovely novel to start til finish. Though minor edits need to be done. And I haven't fully grasped yet the entirety of the setting. But, Marcus is a wonderful highly reflective young man while Ayesha appears to be a sweet charming young lady.

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This is an amazing book. That's it, end of review no but seriously, this book in incrdible. ayesha's character is no nice, it's not relateable. However how marcus reacts to thingd, is how I would. almost to the dot. It's incredible! The world building a descriptiond are absolutely my fav part. The scenic description at the begining is literally amazing, and then as it goes on, the sutle yet needed descriptions aren't too wordy, nor to basic. i love this book!

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I read a couple of chapters and I'm completely entranced by your writing style. The imagery is just *chefs kiss* It almost feels like I'm IN the book, experiencing everything Marco is going through. Great work author, definitely looking forward to future updates!!

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Wow 🤧 the whole time I was reading this, I was literally pouting. The story is so sad and I love that it is relatable and portrays things that a person may face in their lives or things that their friends face. I believe that whoever reads this book may find solitude and be given hope of not giving up when life is hard, but instead persevering through the trials. Great story. Really really great

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This definitely needs a five star review! After reading the first chapter, i just couldn't stop until I've reached the last. The male lead can maneuver us from scene to scene through his thoughts! The writing is amazing and just * Chef's kiss*. The plot line is captivating. I have way many theories on what may happen the next chapter. Can't wait! Excellent work, you're a great author and keep going on!

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I loved how the story was well paced and smooth. The description of the character and their emotions was well done. The explanation was vivid, relatable and also the words were efficient to imagine the situation. It is relatable and wonderful plot!!

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This story progresses well, the only flaw which, I would say, needs improving was the author's writing quality. The author highlights the narrative with the use of many adjectives, this, in itself is fine, however these adjectives have not been used to their full capacity which in turn makes the read slightly cliche and annoying. This is aided with the use of 'pointing out the obvious'. For example, "it was a scene almost everyone had gotten used to as it happens quite often" - the reader already knows that it happening frequently is how everyone had gotten used to it, there is no need to clarify. The constant clarification and not leaving things to the reader's imagination takes the enjoyment and thrill out of reading such works of art, and thus makes them bored; and for the author, it is harder for them to create dramatic twists and turns in their plot. I would also suggest to go back and read through the grammar again to spot the small errors which need refining. I am aware that this may be a lot to take in for the author, and I do apologise if it is. The writing and plot were well, the author has potential, so please do not be disheartended, there were only very small corrections which need to be made.

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