/ Urban / Talents in Dystopia

Talents in Dystopia Original

Talents in Dystopia

Urban 4 Chapters 5.1K Views
Author: ShoeInk

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"If I have to die a hundred-fold and again, it would be a small price to pay to return this world back to zero." Marcus Renault, a young boy caught up in the slow, everyday life of youth, would never have uttered these words, opting for the normalcy he's known for his thirteen years of life. The Undead King, however, seeks only the destruction of the world that tore his love, ambitions, and humanity away from him. This, dear reader, is the story of their dichotomy, amidst the dystopia made from the baser desires of humanity.

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The first story I've ever written and ventured to share with the world. To anyone who reads it, feel free to blast it with all the critiques you want. While my writing is severely lacking, I hope the story itself will at least interest you.

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Author ShoeInk