Feelings Novels & Books - WebNovel

About 932 results

  • Feelings


    Magloire a young teenager who has just returned to high school. With a complicated past, he joins or rather he creates a band whose reputation will grow. He then found his longtime love, his other half, they face problems hand in hand and never give up. On their way to train his friends from other times and the father of his half-brother. His father being a highly regarded lawyer and marrying the ex-wife of a Mafia Barron made him a natural enemy to the shadow world of trafficking. Will our young friend have enough strength and support to get by without any traces or after-effects? Let's discover the whole in feelings.





  • Feelings !!!!

    Feelings !!!!

  • feelings??


  • 감정~ Feelings

    감정~ Feelings

    a collection of poetries and opinions by me

  • Heads-up! The CEO's Wife is a Hidden Big Boss!

    Heads-up! The CEO's Wife is a Hidden Big Boss!


    Young Master Lu says, "My wife knows nothing at all and has a bad temper. You'd better not bully her." Gu Mang watches silently as this man warns everyone who comes his way. Young Master Lu says, "Read properly. How can you remember anything if you flip the pages so quickly?" Gu Mang takes up another book and reads it speedily. Young Master Lu complains, "What should I do when my babe hates studying?" What else can he do other than dote on her? Until one day... "Young Master, numerous universities in the capital and even top universities overseas are fighting to get Madam to enroll!" "Young Master, many TCM research centers are getting into deadly squabbles over hiring Madam." "Young Master, a legion of huge international law firms want to employ Madam." "Young Master, several eminent hacking organisations are here too..." "Young Master, multiple financial groups have come..." "Young Master..." To all these, Young Master Lu says, "What the f**k! Get out of here!" Yes, his wife is a genius.

  • Dragon Blood Divine Son-in-law

    Dragon Blood Divine Son-in-law

    Augustus Cross was a man close to his 30s with nothing to his name. People rolled their eyes at the seemingly useless man and he remained helpless even as his daughter was at the brink of death. When all hope seemed lost, the hidden dragon within him was unleashed when the seal broke accidentally as his birthmark was stained with his own blood. Knowledge of ancient arts filled his subconscious, granting him powers to cure his daughter and other incurable illnesses. A man who was once looked down by everyone is unstoppable now. What lies beyond this man with the power he now possesses?

  • Putra Mertua Ilahi Darah Naga

    Putra Mertua Ilahi Darah Naga

    ``` Augustus Cross adalah seorang pria mendekati usia 30an tanpa apa pun di namanya. Orang-orang menggelengkan kepala melihat pria yang tampak tidak berguna itu dan dia tetap tak berdaya meskipun anak perempuannya berada di ambang kematian.Ketika semua harapan tampaknya hilang, naga tersembunyi di dalam dirinya terlepas ketika segel tersebut pecah secara tidak sengaja saat tanda lahirnya terkena darahnya sendiri. Pengetahuan tentang seni kuno memenuhi alam bawah sadarnya, memberinya kekuatan untuk menyembuhkan putrinya dan penyakit-penyakit tak tersembuhkan lainnya.Pria yang dulunya diremehkan oleh semua orang kini tak terbendung. Apa yang tersembang di balik pria dengan kekuatan baru yang kini dia miliki?```

  • Dead End Feelings (BL)

    Dead End Feelings (BL)


    Yun Lui's innocence was stolen from him the night he had planned to confess to his long time crush. What will Yun Lui do when he finds out that, that person was his crush's brother and that he was betrothed to his close cousin? Should he tell her? What answer should he give to his crush who is now seeking for his hand in marriage? The truth will destroy everyone. In a community where losing your virginity before marriage is a taboo, what can he do to save himself? And what should he do now that he finds himself pregnant and stranded in a place far away from home, with no memories of his past except for his name. ___________________________ In this unknown world, there are three sexes. They are Male, Female and May. A May Is a man with the soft features that is attributed to women and also has the ability to give birth. Plural is Mais. AN EXCERPT FROM THE STORY: "After all that has happened between us you think I still have a chance with him? And what would he say should he find out that not only have I lost my virginity to someone but I lost it to his own blood brother! You know how our custom is. Should I be found out that I am no longer a virgin while unmarried, I'd be shunned. Even my family will disown me. You know all that and still subjected me to this. I believe the first time was a drunken mistake but what about last night? Huh?", Yun Lui screamed at him while crying. ------------------------------ Join Yun Lui on his journey to see how he deals with the predicaments that he finds himself in. If you have any advice for Yun Lui, let us hear you in the comment sections. P. S Please do check out my other Book as well. - Transmigration: I am now a Dimwit (BL). Link: http://wbnv.in/a/59iAsFn Your comments and reviews matter a lot to me. I will be waiting for your opinions. If there's something that I am doing wrong here, let me know and I will correct them. Thanks. Have a great day.

  • Sangre de Dragón Yerno Divino

    Sangre de Dragón Yerno Divino

    ```Augustus Cross era un hombre cercano a los 30 años sin nada a su nombre. La gente rodaba los ojos ante el aparentemente inútil hombre y él permanecía impotente incluso cuando su hija estaba al borde de la muerte.Cuando toda esperanza parecía perdida, el dragón oculto en su interior se desató cuando el sello se rompió accidentalmente al ser manchado su lunar con su propia sangre. Conocimientos de artes antiguas llenaron su subconsciente, otorgándole poderes para curar a su hija y otras enfermedades incurables.Un hombre que una vez fue menospreciado por todos ahora es imparable. ¿Qué yace más allá de este hombre con el poder que ahora posee?```

  • Masked Feelings

    Masked Feelings



    "Why the mask?" he asked. I kept quiet as he moved his hand to my hair. He untied my hair and let the hair band fall on the ground. "Why are you touching me? Am a whore, right?" I asked as I stared at him, right in the eyes. He stared back at me and didn't answer. Didn't he just call me a whore? He buried his face back in my neck and lightly blow on my face. That felt good. Damn good. When his lips made contact with my skin, i bit my lips to stop a moan. I could feel his hands letting my wrists free. My hands fell on his shoulders. My eyes were closed as I concentrated on the feelings that I was getting. What the hell was he doing to me?

  • Couldn't Hide the Feelings

    Couldn't Hide the Feelings

    At the age of thirteen, Ashley secretly fell in love with a man. The man looks cold and lazy, talks like a bad-boy, often comes to her house and spends an afternoon playing games in her brother's room. Seeing Ashley come in to deliver some snacks, he would raise his eyelids carelessly, smiling like a tempting devil, "Kiddo, what's the matter with you? You always blush when you see me. "

  • Reborn, I Feel So Great

    Reborn, I Feel So Great

    She finally was forced to death by Winson,the man she loved most,When he found the truth, she was gone forever, Rebirth, she gave up this man, trashed the woman who made her lost her child, but that scum chased her even all his life

  • Göttlicher Schwiegersohn aus Drachenblut

    Göttlicher Schwiegersohn aus Drachenblut

    Augustus Cross war ein Mann in den Dreißigern, der nichts zu sagen hatte. Die Leute verdrehten die Augen über den scheinbar nutzlosen Mann und er blieb hilflos, selbst als seine Tochter am Rande des Todes stand. Als alle Hoffnung verloren schien, wurde der verborgene Drache in ihm entfesselt, als das Siegel versehentlich brach und sein Muttermal mit seinem eigenen Blut befleckt wurde. Das Wissen um die alten Künste füllte sein Unterbewusstsein und verlieh ihm die Kraft, seine Tochter und andere unheilbare Krankheiten zu heilen. Ein Mann, der einst von allen verachtet wurde, ist nun unaufhaltsam. Was verbirgt sich hinter diesem Mann mit der Macht, die er jetzt besitzt?

  • Soft Moans

    Soft Moans

    "Aaron and Alexia are twins, they both did everything together, growing up and falling in love with each other but each of them tried hiding their feelings for one another. But such feelings couldn't be hidden for that long, such feelings couldn't be held back. They find themselves giving in to their desires between them and find it hard to change their relationship back to the way it was before. The deed has been done, there was no changing anything.Would Alexia and her brother get to stop the taboo they are already entangled in?Would the lust between them turn to love?Would their dirty secret come out in the open?Read!! Read!! Read!! To get all the answers."

  • Overflowing Hidden Feelings: This CEO Is Hard to Please!

    Overflowing Hidden Feelings: This CEO Is Hard to Please!


    Victoria Garcia signed a slave contract, but accidentally fainted in bed! "Arnold Johnson, you are a monster! You said you could wait three years!" She complained! "I would be less than one if I didn't take an opportunity after it presents itself!" Then, on a certain night... "You're a scoundrel and a scumbag!" Xiu Xiangwan yelled on the verge of falling apart. "I could be worse if you dare to test me!" "..." Arnold Johnson is the second child of the Johnson family, one of the six top families of business magnates and owners of Johnson Holdings. Everyone says that he was affably evil and elegantly ruthless, and he was said to have seized an opening to engineer his own brother's death, hence inheriting Johnson Holdings! Victoria Garcia was the daughter of a family who now fell to dire straits, pawning herself off to Arnold Johnson to keep her mother out of prison...

  • Unwanted Feelings

    Unwanted Feelings



    There was a time when he was my everything. Back when loving him was my source of rebellion. But, that was then and this is now. I have taken a new path. My freedom now comes first. Yet, my parents still used my past transgression to judge me. As punishment for my rebellious decisions, I was sent to a new University in my native town. A new, yet, the same hell I had tried to escape. However, this was my opportunity to redeem myself. The gods were even on my side when a mystery arises. Solving it would surely get me what I wanted. But, there was one problem: he was there. How can I ever achieve my goal and keep my hands to myself? Determination. ........................................ Secrets. Everyone has them, and Kyle is not an exception. He hugs his and shows the world a camouflage of who he wants. However, like always secrets are meant to come to life. And, what a sweet, misery it will be for him when his does. Life in Redwood will never be the same. Contains Involves explicit Violence, Explicit Language, and Sexual Scenes. Disclaimer: The image does not belong to the author. Any issue regarding this photo can be discussed privately.Discord Server: https://discord.gg/CwzSAZ76n7Novel Contest:Unwanted Feelings Treasure HuntJoin discord server for more info

  • Can't see but feel

    Can't see but feel


    Noah Carter, a seventeen years old teen, who joins The Royal High School after being homeschooled for his whole life because of his blindness, finds himself a mystery man whom he falls in love with...

  • Sang de Dragon Gendre Divin

    Sang de Dragon Gendre Divin

    Augustus Cross était un homme approchant de la trentaine sans rien à son actif. Les gens levaient les yeux au ciel devant cet homme apparemment inutile et il restait impuissant même alors que sa fille était à l'agonie.Lorsque tout espoir semblait perdu, le dragon caché en lui fut libéré lorsque le sceau se brisa accidentellement et que sa marque de naissance fut tachée de son propre sang. La connaissance des arts anciens imprégna son subconscient, lui octroyant le pouvoir de guérir sa fille et d'autres maladies incurables.Un homme autrefois méprisé de tous est à présent inarrêtable. Que cache cet homme avec le pouvoir qu'il possède désormais ?

  • Red Heart Patrols the Sky

    Red Heart Patrols the Sky

    In the Ancient Era, the Demon clan vanished without a trace. In more recent times, the Dragon Clan disappeared. The age when the divine way flourished had faded away like smoke, and the pinnacle of the flying swords era eventually fell into decline… What has happened to this world? Who will listen to the historical truth buried in the long river of time? Bodies were strewn over a thousand miles of mountains and river; the harrowing hunger of tigers depicted across a hundred years of heaven and earth. The impartiality of the cosmos is as heartless as ever, Yet I possess a burning red heart—one that patrols the heavens! —————— Welcome to the Immortal Sword World, where emotions run deep. ——————
