Outerspace Novels & Books - WebNovel

About 6 results

  • Outer Space

    Outer Space

    It is all about informations about Outer space objects like planets,galaxies,asteroids and stars

  • Love From Outerspace

    Love From Outerspace


    Nafasku dan nafasnya saling berburu dan tersenggal-senggal. Menyadari hal itu, kami perlahan mengatur nafas dengan teratur. Menghirup pelan dan menghembus. Hingga tiba-tiba saja tangannya mencoba terangkat terukur ke arahku. Tangannya yang ringkih bergetar, mencoba menggapai tanganku. Bahkan orang buta pun tau sepertinya makhluk di hadapanku ini sudah kehabisan tenaga. Tanpa pikir panjang, ku terburu-buru mendekat ke arahnya. Menggenggam erat tangannya dan mencoba merangkul tubuh keringnya. Mata hitamnya menoleh ke arahku. Dengan mulut yang beberapa kali terbuka terkatup. Seperti mencoba untuk berbicara kepadaku. Hingga suara bisikan dan desisan terdengar masuk ke telingaku. “Ap-apa?... Coba kau katakan sekali lagi” ucapku sambil mencoba memeluknya. Tidak terlalu erat karena aku takut dia makin merasa kesakitan. “W-warm... Hughss... S’cold”. Mataku membelalak. Tanpa pikir panjang, ku bawa dia masuk kedalam rumahku. Ku hangatkan tubuhnya dan membiarkannya tertidur di dalam rumahku. Tanpa memikirkan apapun sampai-sampai tidak sadar, jika sebuah badai datang menerjang di kejauhan. Alona Flynn, seorang gadis berumur 26 tahun yang tinggal seorang diri didunia yang kejam ini. Sejak ia lahir ke dunia ini, dia memang sendirian. Bahkan orang tuanya meninggalkannya begitu saja. Hanya dirinya dan bayangannya yang selalu setia menemani. Hingga sebuah keajaiban terjadi. Sebuah benda tiba-tiba jatuh dari langit. Di hadapannya dengan membawa seorang makhluk yang mungkin keberadaannya masih diragukan. Awalnya dia memang terkejut saat melihatnya. Tapi dia yakin, bahwa di hadapannya.... Adalah jawaban dari semua yang dialaminya. Jawaban dari kesendiriannya. Tanpa memperdulikan, nyawanya yang juga sama terancamnya.

  • A Guy From Earth

    A Guy From Earth


    Because of a terrorism 10 Years Ago, many lives has been taken. A Father, which is doing his best to feed his family, was killed by an alien from a neighbor galaxy. His Son, that saw how his Father got diced into pieces by someone he didn't know actually exist, now have a task, Revenge. Because of a help from someone who don't live on Earth, his task were given a percentage to be possible. And because of a help from a Planet thousands of light years away from Earth, he will fight, meet new friends, and discover many mysteries until he get his desired revenge. — Release of new Chapters: Sundays Original Birth/Publish Date: May 10, 2022

  • Magic Barbarian

    Magic Barbarian

    When a mystical Orb falls from the starry skies and demolishes his hut, Zogg goes on a quest to reach where the orb came fromfollowing a message transmitted from the mysterious princess of the stars from the orb, the barbarian must find a way to reach outerspaceZogg the magic casting Barbarian armed with his amazing returning Boomeraxe and with his two unlikely legendary friends Papaya the amazon and Githiomone of the five Royal Guards from the kingdom of light,Illumia. now go forth to complete their quest! Adventures of a magic-spell casting, weapon wielding barbarian

  • zodia the star planet

    zodia the star planet


    in the world of zodia there is a young man who life changes unexpectedly when he obtains the power of the gemini twins on one lonely night there's a man sitting by him self above a lake of stone and he falls in to rt he lake only to in up in a temple oftwo particular looking gods he looks around to find stars floating around him and he notices he is in outerspace but he can breathe wich shocked him till he calmed down some than he searched around a bit and ended up touching the statues wich sent him into suspended animation for whst seemed like years at first he could count it but then he stoped caused he could move he learnt time moved slower here a 1 minute out three was only 1 second in here so only his mind aged but not his body so the boy ended up leaving the temple with all the power of the Gemini's twins

  • Universal adventures

    Universal adventures


    The story takes place in near future where earth is no longer a habitable planet and the humenkind have to move to a better place.So they started their journey into deep space for a new home but 8000 years later things changed humenkind did not found find a habitable planet and the spaceship is about to get destroyed by millions of astroids all the humanity moved to their capsules and put their oxygen mask in hope of to wake up and see a new world or just sleep forever,In the middle of all this trouble their was a couple who give birth to a child but fate didn't allow their parents to see the child rise and so the child was send in a modern space capsule in outerspace in the hope he will escape this crisis

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