Teen Novels & Books - WebNovel

About 803 results

  • teen


  • V: Teen Assassin

    V: Teen Assassin


    Veronica is a 16-year-old teenager like any other, an American girl from the town of Sweet Hills. She is an optimistic, studious girl, perhaps a bit dull compared to her classmates. Nothing bad is said about her. But Veronica hides dark secrets... She kills for money. This is the story of how Veronica became a professional hitwoman.

  • Teen Psychic Detectives

    Teen Psychic Detectives



    Evo can hear people's thoughts, but it's more of a curse than a blessing. However, his life takes a dramatic turn when he meets two teenage detectives whose thoughts he can't read. He becomes determined to join them and reveals a crime from five years ago. This sets him on an incredible investigative journey that will change his life forever.Author's other stories:TEMPTING FATEMY MYTHICAL FATE[New Stories]TEENWOLFHE'S THE PRINCESSA TALE OF VAMPIRE BROTHERS

  • Sekretaris Pipi

    Sekretaris Pipi

    Urban TEEN


    Semua wanita ingin mempunyai rumah tangga yang Sakinah Mawadah Warohmah. keluarga yang harmonis dan bahagia hingga akhir hayat. Namun ketika impian tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan, jika takdir tuhan berkata lain apa yang harus kita perbuat selain ikhlas dan sabar.  Namaku Vira, aku menikah dengan seorang pengusaha sukses ternama di Ibu Kota. Pernikahan kami diterjang badai saat suamiku mempunyai sekretaris baru di kantornya. tetapi aku tidak tau ternyata kini sahabatkulah yang menjadi sekretaris baru suamiku. "Pipi, kesini CEPAT !" kupanggil suamiku dengan rasa penuh amarah. "Ada apa sih mi, kenapa mimi marah-marah begitu ?" jawab suamiku berjalan menuju ke ranjang tempat tidur kami. "Tolong jelaskan foto apa ini maksudnya !" aku menyodorkan ponsel miliku dan memperlihatkan foto yang di jadikan history oleh sahabatku di media sosial. "Jelas itu foto jesica dengan cowoknya mungkin, kenapa malah tanya ke pipi ?" Jawab suamiku. "No, tidak pi ! ini jelas KAMU ! aku hafal betul perawakan suamiku dan ini jas kamu kan pi ! Tolong jelaskan ke mimi apa maksud semua ini !" bantahku menggebu-gebu, sambil menarik baju yang melekat pada tubuhnya. Aku melihat foto suamiku tampak belakang, memang seperti postur tubuh suamiku. Yang sedang berduaan dikamar hotel. Firasat seorang istri memanglah kuat, namun suamiku selalu mengelaknya. disini lah awal badai rumah tanggaku. Air mata ini tidak berhenti membasahi pipiku. Rasanya hati ini hancur, suami yang aku cintai dan sahabatku yang selama ini sudah aku anggap seperti adiku sendiri telah bermain dibelakangku.  "Apa yang harus aku lakukan ya tuhan, apakah aku harus mengakhiri pernikahan ini atau mempertahankan pernikahanku demi anakku Adel ? dia masih sangat kecil jika harus kehilangan sosok pipinya." menangis tersungkur di lantai. Bagaimana aksi-aksi teror sekretaris pipi itu merebut pipi dari mimi ? Apakah Vira akan mepertahankan pernikahannya yang sudah 7 tahun mereka bangun, atau malah menceraikannya ? Simak Next story ......



    Kayla is a smart, focused, top-mark student in her last two senior years of high school in a private facility for rich kids in Florida. All she wants is to get accepted to Harvard and graduate with top marks to follow the career she has set for herself. Her entire life is about becoming an independent and successful vet. She has micro-managed it and planned it to the tiniest detail. Leaving no room for a social life or living her teen years like her peers.This year has had its ups and downs, with her stepbrother of almost ten years coming to live under the same roof after being raised apart after their parents married. The chaos and drama his appearance has brought, since he despises not only his father but Kayla's mother too, has made home tense. He's a rude, defiant, and arrogant pain in her ass who is hellbent on causing trouble and listens to no one. Dane is the polar opposite in every way - Vain, oversexed, a playboy who takes nothing seriously except booze, girls, and his motorbike while he rebels in every way against his father for ripping apart his family. Looking like a teen idol, acting like someone who doesn't need to take accountability for anything in his life, Kayla honestly cannot stand him. She sees a loser who will live on daddy's money and drink away his youth while sleeping with every girl in the county.At 17, they have known one another most of their lives and never had any kind of friendly relationship. They have always been classmates but never friends and definitely not siblings. - but all that is about to change. A series of events pulls them closer, a forbidden and unexpected accidental kiss, and they plummet into confusion as feelings grow that neither expected. Slowly the walls come down between them, and they have far more in common than they ever imagined.

  • Bad Girl VS Bad Boy

    Bad Girl VS Bad Boy

    Teen TEEN


    Gue Andrea Kellisha Winanta, cewek petakilan dan ga bisa diam. Senakal - nakalnya gue, gue ga suka sama yang namanya alkohol dan rokok. Kalau sampai gue liat cowok nge-rokok atau minum, sifat preman gue keluar. Hari pertama gue jadi siswi di SMA Jingga, gue lihat segerombolan cowok di kantin dan itu pun masih jam pertama. Sebenarnya waktu itu gue di hukum gara - gara terlambat sekolah. Tapi bodo amatlah, dan yah... sekarang gue di kantin lihat segerombolan cowok itu di meja pojokan, dan salah satu dari mereka nge-rokok. Gue sih ga masalah mereka bolos toh biasanya dulu pas SMP gue bolos, tapi ini salah satunya ada yang nge-rokok. Karena gue benci banget, mulai saat itu gue mulai ngibarin bendera perang. Dan saat itu hidup gue yang awalnya biasa aja, sekararang jadi luar biasa. maksud gue er... LUAR BINASA. Cover : Pinterest (Avatar Fan art)

  • The Immortal Mutant Teen

    The Immortal Mutant Teen



    100,000 years ago, a meteorite crashed into Earth, granting a 17-year-old caveman the power humans have craved for millenniums, immortality. Though originally a savage and cruel caveman, millenniums have let Acheron refine himself and surpass the epitome of Humanity, basically, a god on Earth. With his power, he mastered all forms of combat, every language, all the arts, and much more. He sometimes created empires, sometimes built empires, sometimes destroyed empires, at times, even his own. Today, mutants with superpowers walk among the public, it is kept a secret by the governments throughout the world, and events pertaining to them are covered up but doesn't stop Acheron from interfering with their plans.2 months ago, his oldest adopted daughter passed away, she was 96 years old. Though he cherishes all the children in his family, she was without a doubt, one of his favorites. "Her last wish was for me to have a normal life but what do children do in this era?" Acheron asks one of his adopted sisters. "They go to school, Lord Acheron," she says. "School? Will it be entertaining?" he asks, "It would at the very least be a new experience" she replies. "Make it happen!" he orders. " Yes! I will do it immediately, Lord Acheron" she says.He, who was there when the first Homo Sapiens migrated out of Africa and existed way before the wheel was created, will let nothing interfere with his daughter's last wish and will slaughter anyone that stands in his way.P.S this is not a Marvel or DC fanfic.I will also be posting this on RoyalRoad.com(Cover photo was taken from Google)

  • Teen Wolf The Argent

    Teen Wolf The Argent



    Max gets himself killed in a truck accident.But due to some unexpected circumstances he gets three wishes and was reincarnated in the world of Teen Wolf combined with other similar ones.See how he overcomes all major to minor challenges with ki, charka, magic and many more.*______________I don't own any characters.(Except for a few)Hope you like it too. If you don't like it, then just don't bother complaining.And please try not to say that in the TV series 'it's not like this, it's not like that' My fanfiction, my idea, and my storyline.Oh, and heads-up, he'll travel to different dimensions in the future.

  • Teen wolf

    Teen wolf

    Action WEREWOLF

    Teen Wolf revolves around Scott McCall, a high school student living in the fictional California town of Beacon Hills. Scott becomes the eponymous teenage werewolf of the series after he is bitten by an alpha werewolf the night before his second year of high school, drastically changing his once-ordinary life.

  • Ocean eyes: A Nigerian teen romance

    Ocean eyes: A Nigerian teen romance


    I thought everything was over. I thought I would be free from everything. But then...he showed up. Why? Why did it have to be now? "Look at me, Tilda," His soothing voice came. I didn't want to look at him. I knew better than to do so. I felt his hand on my chin and he titled my face in the direction of his. I knew myself very well. I couldn't resist those eyes...those eyes, there was something about them that I couldn't resist. He didn't know, but he was luring me further into a trap that I knew I could never find my way back. Matilda Olusegun is the only child of wealthy parents. However, with the death of her father when she was just seven, and the sudden remarriage of her mother after his death, her life takes a drastic turn. Life in itself, coupled with the emotional struggles she faces at home, plunges her into a world of doubts and uncertainties. A world of "What Ifs?" And "Why's?" Opting for suicide as the only way out of the pit of torment that had subdued her for years, things don't, however, go as she planned instead, she comes to learn of the secrets that lie beneath her actions - It was him. The mysterious boy with blue eyes emerges from both worlds known to her. Who really is he? Read as things go beyond what the eyes can picture and understand, and how Matilda finds happiness once again in the owner of those ocean eyes. _ _ _ This is a Nigerian teen romance story full of drama, twists and turns with a touch of fantasy. Tags: #teen #teenromance #africanstory #Nigerianstory #fantasyromance #friendship #drama _ _ _ I hope you enjoy this story as it relives secondary school experiences in a fictional world. Your support is the best gift I could ever ask for. Join my discord server for chapter updates and more: https://discord.gg/zsahn4yckr

  • Teen Titans

    Teen Titans


    Leading the Teen Titans to protect Earth is Robin, formerly Batman's sidekick. He has no special powers, just a utility belt and his mind to help solve problems. his team Members, Starfire, Raven, Cyborg and Beast boy, live together in Titans Tower, situated in the West Coast haven Jump City. Each of them possesses unique abilities to help fight a new generation of villains ranging from super-powered hooligans to would-be world conquerors.

  • Teen Wolf: Hybrid

    Teen Wolf: Hybrid


    Jack died and got reincarnated into his favorite series Teen wolf watch how he starts his adventure I do not own the Teen Wolf series, I repeat i do not own the Teen Wolf series

  • Teen Mother, Not Teen Pregnant

    Teen Mother, Not Teen Pregnant

    I never thought today would be the day my life took a drastic turn. The past year had been crap. I had this horrible relationship with his guy, Nick, and I regret every minute of it. Since then things just haven't been going right for me. At least I got my friend Jacob back. Who also happens to be my ex from before Nick. Yeah, my life is complicated. The point in all this? I'm sixteen years old, and I'm a mother to a child I didn't even give birth to. How is that even possible? I've been asking myself that since it all started. This is a roller coaster story of how I became a mother at sixteen, but I was never pregnant. Join Beck and her friends as she finds a way to start over in her junior year of high school with her ex and a daughter that the two of them were kinda left with to take care of. You'll never judge people the same way again after seeing Beck struggle through her new life.

  • Diary Of A Lazy Teen

    Diary Of A Lazy Teen

    Jump into a truthful experience of a super lazy boy. That's me actually. If I got an award for laziness, which I know I will someday, I hope you'll be around to help me collect it.So, this is like a diary , no, journal . Hope as I share with you my life experience, you learn the good stuffs that I learned, like being lazy. Gosh, it's so comfortable and gooooooood.Anyway, let me start writing before the laziness takes over. Chao!

  • Awkward Adventure of Self-Conscious Teen Saviour

    Awkward Adventure of Self-Conscious Teen Saviour


    [Summer Sprint Party Contest] Cheng Jiayi, 28, single and unfortunate still a virgin, remember last before falling asleep he happily cuddling his squishy garfield cat. Miraculously overnight, he transmigrate into a body of 16 years old orphan teenager with the same name and appearance as him. Other transmigrate into grandeur setting with golden finger and not to mention different sort of other perks. They even have a system! But he waking up on hospital bed with head injury. Not to mention that relatives of him that definitely has shady intentions. Oh well, at least he meet a 'study tyrant' that look alike to that one actor he loves watching despite his stiff acting. It is not that Cheng Jiayi can revert to his old self despite how he want to. Well anyway he still can cuddle the bossy cat in his hostel room and enjoy the life of teenager, minus going to school all over again, not that education is not important, mind you. The 'study tyrant' with appearance like his favourite stiff actor could not stop emphasize this to him. But why this 'study tyrant' seems chanting mantra and churning out charms and amulet like he practicing to be a devil vanquisher monk in mainland drama. Yang Guang surely can be good looking monk. But still what with this amulet that he given to him as protections while tutoring him math problems. Seriously, Yang Guang might watch too much fantasy c-drama. Unexpected of 'study tyrant' of his calibre. Yet little that Cheng Jiayi know, transmigrating to this teenager body is only the beginning of a saga of an epic proportion(its only walk at school corridor at night nothing epic about it - Yang Guang) that filled with suspense (awkward), tensions (bumbling) and excitement ( Cheng Jiayi you are not excited, you basically screaming and crying hideously, I have video proof of that). Shut up fake monk !! Cheng Jiayi was so not screaming and crying hideously. At the very least he definitely look good even when screaming and crying. Well he seen a man with his eyes pop out and tongue longer than any curtain lounging on his bed while singing the current top kpop songs. Look even ghost is keeping up with current trend.

  • Teen Wolf with hybrid

    Teen Wolf with hybrid


  • Him - a teen bdsm novel

    Him - a teen bdsm novel


    Honey and Alan are a bdsm couple. When their alone, honey and Alan explore multiple ways of roleplay, but when there around others honey is rude and arrogant while Alan is needy and mysterious. But, one day Alan exposes honey for her rude behavior calling her out on video tape! Tired of Alan's ways honey breaks up with him, but not before he tells her he'll do anything to get to her even if that means he has to kidnap her.what will honey do? will her reputation plummet into the drain? will Alan show her whose boss?what is honeys ending? read to find out more.Authors notes- I am constantly checking my story so that I can make sure that the story has no error and that you can have a pleasant reading experience. So please don't be alarmed if a sentence or word has changed to make the story match. Happy reading ~~*Disclaimer*- This is a blue balls alert, the picture for the cover will be changed soon. Because the purpose of the picture now was to attract readers to read the book. This disclaimer will self-destruct when the cover is changed to something sexier. Other than that have fun, you wild animals.

  • Facade (a teen story)

    Facade (a teen story)


    Laila Sofela is an easy going, carefree and intelligent sixteen year old orphan that lives with her aunty. Her dreams came true when she was given scholarship to one of the most expensive private school in the country. She hope to enjoy the adventure in the new world different from the one she knows. But boy she was so wrong as she becomes the toy for amusement for the king bully Jason Johnson. And she discovered there is nothing she could do since everyone fear him even the teachers has no say. Jason Johnson is not only a king bully but a sadistic, handsome and intelligent seventeen year old, born with a silver spoon. He finds pleasure in bullying students and he is feared and hate by all. He found Laila amusing and he make it his mission to torment her despite she try to stay away from him and then try to be nice to him. Laila tries to survive his bullying until she finds out the secret of the king bully. Find out Laila adventure in her new school, Jason attraction to Laila and the reason for the facades.

  • You and the Memories

    You and the Memories

    Teen TEEN


    Elan is a man who is adored by many women, including Seina, who continues to pursue her love even though they are friends. Winning elans hard, but the frozen heart is not easy for Seina. Will Seina be able to win Elan's heart even though he already has a boyfriend? Will he simply give up?

  • Teen wolf: Apex Predator

    Teen wolf: Apex Predator


    Tyrone grew up watching Teen wolf. He loved the tv sires all besides some small factors...... Scott McCall was a little Bitch!!!!! With his all “killing is wrong” and how hocked he was over Allison. I mean she’s good looking and all but come on really dude. If I got a chance to live the life of a werewolf it’d be bloody awesome!!!! I’d become the best wolf to ever live!!I do not own any characters form this show/book besides the self insert one(s)This is my fist time writing a book so go easy on the comments...... besides that enjoy
