/ Teen / Sapphire Blue [The grimreaper chronicles, one]

Sapphire Blue [The grimreaper chronicles, one] Original

Sapphire Blue [The grimreaper chronicles, one]

Teen 0 Chapters 376 Views
Author: Nightbride

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Samantha adams, a reserved, young mortal who lived at the orphanage without the knowledge of who her parents were navigated through all odds of pain and suffering to find out about the truth that was hidden from her long ago by the people she trusted most. While on this endless journey, she got entangled in an unexpected whirlwind romance with an enchanting member of the demon clan, who unknowingly to her had only a goal to achieve _ to find the truth about the gem and then kill her, to avenge his sister's death who allegedly was murdered by her late mother.

Despite learning the harsh truth about him and why he wanted her dead, Samantha fought hard to escape the undeserved torture and helped her lover lose free from the lies of the manipulative clan. And then he realized something had been amiss the whole time.

Trigger warning: This story contains the description of sexual and violent scenes, use of curse words and sporadic gore some readers may find disturbing.

Parental Guidance Suggested

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Author Nightbride