I now understand why he left Talia pregnant so that events of batman and sin can happen and Ra's al Ghul can finally die
Thanks for the chapter Diana being an idiot is an understatement of the century
Thanks for the chapter instead of lexcorp it will be locorp
I just can't wait to see much needed action against Ayla
"...They'd made a huge mistake by messing with this devil incarnate, and I can now just hope for the best for that Ayla girl," Irethiel remarked.
Fantasy · Enigma0
Thanks for the chapter Loved it..🤯🤯 For more quotes you can even use Grand Admiral Thrawn's quotes (from star wars)
Thanks for the chapter I just hope that author has a very terrifying comeback against Ayla.She has gone unchecked for far too long.What is tha point of knowing her true nature if mc is not willing to use it against her
Ar this point he must have got a John wick level reputation seeing Taskmaster running away from performing a task..
Thanks for the chapter... Deathstroke is cool with or without oni mask...
if wants a code name why not use deathstroke .No one uses that in marvel but it is sure used in dc
batman would just quit justice league and create a new group (outlanders?) to go after angel
Son Of The Savage (a DC Comics SI)
TV · Saintbarbido