Heath Novels & Books - WebNovel

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About 46 results

  • Heath


    "Why the fuck did you help him? What is your fucking problem? He was supposed to feel the pain and think about what the fuck he did. Why did you help him like a fucking good samaritan?" He seethed the words like they were acid, every drop stinging my delicate skin. My heart beat accelerated and mild shivers ran down my spine and I didn't know how to calm myself down."No one deserves pain," I muttered lowly. -----------------------------Hope is the studious girl of Liberty High. Like typical nerds, she likes to spend most of her time in the library reading books or hours studying to get the scholarship. She is a shy, nice, intelligent and poor girl who hates violence and tries her best to stay out of trouble. But, like everyone she has a past that chases her. Heath is the opposite of a good boy. He is rich and is blessed with attractive looks but has a stone hard heart and attitude cold as an ice. His piercing blue stare makes everyone fear him. He is in a gang and may I add the leader of the it. But he too has a past that haunts him, memories that hurt him deeply and fears that he can't seem to overcome.The worlds of both Heath and Hope change when one day they accidentally collide in the boring crowded hallways of their school. One look at the timid brown eyes and the blue-eyed boy finds himself intrigued by the layers of pain she's desperately hiding within them. As Heath unintentionally gets close to Hope he figures that under this sweet facade of hers, lies a very dark secret. Now the question is will Heath be able to save Hope from her demons or will they consume her in their darkness for eternity? And will Hope be able to change the town's bad boy? As it is said "only a good girl can change a bad boy."

  • Mi Secreto Esposo Billonario

    Mi Secreto Esposo Billonario


    —Amor, ya no quiero más, me siento fatal... —Cariño, sé buena, termina de tomar esta medicina. El guapo hombre abraza a la mujer en sus brazos, mimándola tiernamente mientras le da la medicina. Joanna Lawrence se encuentra con Ashton Heath, el joven más estimado en todo Closia City, y termina durmiendo con él por la noche. Después de que él le ofrece beneficios a cambio de su casamiento, la recién nombrada Sra. Heath de repente tiene el poder para conseguir todo lo que siempre deseó. —Amor, hoy le di una bofetada a la reina de cine Faye, ¿me pasé? —Cariño, ¿te duele la mano? Déjame masajeártela. —Amor, agoté tu tarjeta de crédito, ¿estás enfadado? —Cariño, ¿estás contenta con tu compra? Avísame cuando necesites más. —Amor, estoy cansada hoy, no quiero moverme..."

  • My Secret Billionaire Husband

    My Secret Billionaire Husband


    "Hubby, I don't want anymore, I feel terrible..." "Baby, be good, finish up this medicine." The handsome man embraces the woman in his arms, coaxing her tenderly as he feeds her the medicine. Joanna Lawrence stumbles upon Ashton Heath, the most esteemed scion in all of Closia City, and ends up sleeping with him for the night. After he offers her benefits in exchange for their marriage, the newly appointed Mrs Heath suddenly has the power to have everything she ever wished for. "Hubby, I slapped the Movie Queen Faye today, was I too much?" "Baby, does your hand hurt? Let me rub it for you." "Hubby, I maxed out your credit card, are you angry?" "Baby, are you happy with your purchase? Let me know when you need more." "Hubby, I'm tired today, I don't want to move..."

  • Mein heimlicher Milliardärs-Ehemann

    Mein heimlicher Milliardärs-Ehemann


    "Gatte, ich will nicht mehr, ich fühle mich schrecklich..." "Baby, sei brav und trink die Medizin aus." Der gut aussehende Mann nimmt die Frau in die Arme und streichelt sie zärtlich, während er ihr die Medizin einflößt. Joanna Lawrence stößt auf Ashton Heath, den angesehensten Spross von Closia City, und schläft eine Nacht mit ihm. Nachdem er ihr im Gegenzug für die Heirat Vergünstigungen angeboten hat, hat die frischgebackene Mrs. Heath plötzlich die Macht, alles zu bekommen, was sie sich jemals gewünscht hat. "Gatte, ich habe heute die Filmkönigin Faye geohrfeigt, war ich zu viel?" "Baby, tut deine Hand weh? Lass mich sie für dich massieren." "Gatte, ich habe deine Kreditkarte ausgereizt, bist du sauer?" "Baby, bist du mit deinem Einkauf zufrieden? Sag mir Bescheid, wenn du mehr brauchst." "Gatte, ich bin heute müde, ich will mich nicht bewegen..."

  • Meu Marido Bilionário Secreto

    Meu Marido Bilionário Secreto


    "Marido, eu não quero mais, me sinto péssima..." "Amor, seja boazinha, termine de tomar esse remédio." O homem bonito abraça a mulher em seus braços, acariciando-a delicadamente enquanto a alimenta com o remédio. Joanna Lawrence se depara com Ashton Heath, o herdeiro mais estimado de toda a cidade de Closia, e acaba passando a noite com ele. Depois que ele oferece benefícios em troca de seu casamento, a recém nomeada Sra. Heath de repente tem o poder de ter tudo o que sempre desejou. "Marido, eu dei um tapa na Rainha do Cinema Faye hoje, eu exagerei?" "Amor, sua mão está doendo? Deixe-me massageá-la para você." "Marido, eu estourei o limite do seu cartão de crédito, você está bravo?" "Amor, você está feliz com suas compras? Avise-me quando precisar de mais." "Marido, estou cansada hoje, não quero me mexer..."

  • Mon Mari Milliardaire Secret

    Mon Mari Milliardaire Secret


    "Chéri, je n'en peux plus, je me sens terrible..." "Bébé, sois sage, finis ce médicament." Le bel homme enlace la femme dans ses bras, la cajole doucement pendant qu'il lui donne le médicament. Joanna Lawrence tombe sur Ashton Heath, le scion le plus estimé de toute la ville de Closia, et finit par passer la nuit avec lui. Après qu'il lui a offert des avantages en échange de leur mariage, la nouvelle Mme Heath a soudainement le pouvoir d'avoir tout ce qu'elle a toujours souhaité. "Chéri, j'ai giflé la reine du cinéma Faye aujourd'hui, est-ce que j'ai été trop loin?" "Bébé, ta main te fait mal ? Laisse-moi la masser pour toi." "Chéri, j'ai atteint la limite de ta carte de crédit, es-tu en colère ?" "Bébé, es-tu contente de ton achat ? Fais-moi savoir quand tu en auras besoin de plus." "Chéri, je suis fatiguée aujourd'hui, je ne veux pas bouger..."

  • Heath Series

    Heath Series

    "Why the fuck did you help him? What is your fucking problem? He was supposed to feel the pain and think about what the fuck he did. Why did you help him like a fucking good samaritan?" He seethed the words like they were acid, every drop stinging my delicate skin. My heart beat accelerated and mild shivers ran down my spine and I didn't know how to calm myself down."No one deserves pain" I muttered lowly. Hope is the studious girl of Liberty High. Like typical nerds, she likes to spend most of her time in the library reading books or hours studying to get the scholarship. She is a shy, nice, intelligent and poor girl who hates violence and tries her best to stay out of trouble. But, like everyone she has a past that chases her. Heath is the opposite of a good boy. He is rich and is blessed with attractive looks but has a stone hard heart and attitude cold as an ice. His piercing blue stare makes everyone fear him. He is in a gang and may I add the leader of the it. But he too has a past that haunts him, memories that hurt him deeply and fears that he can't seem to overcome.The worlds of both Heath and Hope change when one day they accidentally collide in the boring crowded hallways of their school. One look at the timid brown eyes and the blue-eyed boy finds himself intrigued by the layers of pain she's desperately hiding within them. As Heath unintentionally gets close to Hope he figures that under this sweet facade of hers, lies a very dark secret. Now the question is will Heath be able to save Hope from her demons or will they consume her in their darkness for eternity? And will Hope be able to change the town's bad boy? As it is said "only a good girl can change a bad boy."

  • Witcher: I Can Extract Everything

    Witcher: I Can Extract Everything



    Heath transmigrated to an alternate dimension and awakened the [God-like Extraction System]. With the help of the system, he steadily walked the path of the Witcher to become a god. Feeble powers? No problem, the God-like System can extract attributes. Not enough talent? No problem, the God-like System can extract talent. Shabby bloodline? No problem, the God-like System can extract the noblest of blood heritage. Everything and anything can be extracted.

  • Snowed In: Dane and Heath

    Snowed In: Dane and Heath

    Dane Sanders was a great boss. He was sexy; he whistled. He even brought Heath candy the first time they had to stay late working at Pristine Mortgage.<br><br>Unfortunately, all that changed the night Snowstorm Satan, or whatever they named it, hit the suburbs of DC. No longer was Dane Sanders sexy -- he was an arrogant jerk who thought they should stay late just to get some stupid loans out.<br><br>At least that’s what Heath thinks at first. But Dane lets out a few juicy secrets, and after their escape down an icy hill proves frightening, Heath starts to think there’s a lot he doesn’t know about his sexy new boss.<br><br>When the two find themselves trapped at work with only beer and microwave dinners to get them through, everything changes, and Heath and Dane get some rather interesting ideas on how to stay warm in a snow storm.

  • Heath care

    Heath care

    I want to write about medical and human health in which I will tell my people how to protect their health.

  • Demon Angel.

    Demon Angel.


    Dr. Charles is a renowned psychiatrist, highly respected for his exceptional medical skills. However, his patients commonly refer to him as a demon. This isn't just because he embodies the calm, attention to detail, and rationality required of a doctor, but also because he manifests a level of madness that surpasses anyone else. In a cruel twist of fate, Dr. Charles is murdered for his excellence and finds himself in an unknown world. Armed with his unique blend of calmness and sufficient madness, he passes the trials of Mist School and the Abyss Train, successfully arriving at the Endless Abyss. Along the way, he discovers that a place called the Blood Moon Tower seems to hide a great secret. ============================= When you see this novel, you're probably thinking, "Another dark, broody novel? Haven't we had enough?" But hold your horses, my friends! This isn't your run-of-the-mill doom-and-gloom saga. Our MC might come across as a little unhinged—think Heath Ledger's Joker meets Jim Carrey—but that's where the magic happens. This story takes all those dark undertones and flips the script, sprinkling in dashes of humor that'll have you chuckling even as you bite your nails. It's like riding a rollercoaster in the dark—you don't see the twists coming, but you can't help but enjoy the ride! So, if you're in the mood for something that'll shake up your reading list, this novel is your golden ticket. NTR: NO Yuri: NO Harem: Yes Harem members: Beautiful Women, Female Ghost, Ghoul, Banshee, Demon, Everything Genre: Comedy MC Personality: Insane , Cautious , Humorous, Dark, Kind, Schizophrenic?

  • Reasons To Hate Heath Collins

    Reasons To Hate Heath Collins


    "Yeah..." he trailed off resting his back, holding his forearms up to keep him in place, "but it's still boring, who wants to be a goodie two shoes for the rest of their life, live a little, angel,"I rolled my eyes at that, I don't even know why he's talking to me or even why he's talking about this, the guy is rich, he can get into millions of trouble, he's future is still safe and secure."It's okay to break few rules but for me, it ruins the perfect future you have planned out," I said."Perfect is fucking boring."



    Heath and Hope are off to college in Toronto where their love is put to test. A brand new city with completely new people. And with all of this, comes new challenges and difficult hurdles that are waiting for them.Hope was able to escape from her demons and found love that gave her everything - warmth, protection and strength. She found all of this in a blue-eyed bad boy who swept her off her feet and didn't let her go. But while saving her, Heath forgot to save himself and now his past is catching up to him.Will Heath be able to cast away his fears, demons and insecurities? Will he able to find himself? Above of all will his Rose be able to save him from all of this just like he saved her?Maybe or maybe not. Afterall sometimes love fails and sometimes it wins.It contains swearing, graphic scenes related to violence and sex.

  • Professional Mommy

    Professional Mommy

    In a world where being a dominant or submissive are you're only choices. Heath is a famous upcoming singer, he just hit the eighteen year olds mark only to find out he's a LITTLE. Isabelle is a professional Mommy and little trainer, she can transform any little brat to a little angel. Heath messed up and need help before his carrier is canceled, he hires a professional to help him. This is a mommy dom little boy story. (MDLB)Apologies for any misspelling and grammar mistakes.

  • Witcher: I Can Extract Everything Original

    Witcher: I Can Extract Everything Original


    Heath crossed the alien world to awaken [Extraordinary Extraction System], and with the help of the system, he took the road of wizards and became a god step by step.The strength is low, it doesn’t matter, the extraordinary system extracts attributes.The talent is not enough, it doesn’t matter, the extraordinary system extracts talent.Bloodline garbage, it doesn’t matter, the extraordinary system extracts the noble bloodline.Everything can be extracted, and everything can be extracted.If you want to support me this is my patreon where you can read aheadpatreon.com/Hugge2040i will delete rewievs saying this isnt mine i know this isnt mine if the original author wants me to take it down just write a rewiev and i will remove it i just upload it for fun so people can read it for free and support me if people want

  • 100 days with the Grimm Reaper

    100 days with the Grimm Reaper


    "Hello there, Mary. I am here to collect your soul." Annemarie Ortega appreciates the quiet life. As a waitress in a small town, she rarely keep out of her comfort zone. Not until she attempt suicide and survives only to meet a strange man named Heath. He claims he is a grim reaper and tells her that he has come to claim her soul in 100 days. Mary remains skeptical until Heath is able to prove to her that he is the real deal. When that happened, Mary realises that her life would never remain as it was. Her peace of mind and innocent life becomes shattered as she crosses her threshold, burning her metaphorical bridges as there was no turning back.Disoriented, Mary begins to navigate to goal, facing unfamiliar challenges and new rules while adapting to her new lifeespecially the fact that cancer was going to kill her in less than 100 days. An unfortunate scenario occurs and Mary finds herself tangled up in a world of deadly conspiracies and a thousand years of supernatural intrigue. Will she be able to change her fate?Will she be able to survive 100 days? Mary addresses her flaws and refuse to hit rock bottom but behind the scene are other grim reapers who plot nothing less than wanting her very own soul.




    Hope and her mother move in with the Kinsley's after her mother's divorce. She hopes that in time her new family will accept her. She is quiet and timid all the qualities that Joshua hates he teases an instant disliking to her and makes a plan to make her life hell. Caleb is his best friend but once he sees Hope he is infatuated with her and plans on spending more time with her than his best friend which makes Joshua hate her even more , can Caleb save her from her stepbrother's anger? Hope returns home after being away for four years with a big secret only for her life to get crushed once again by the only man she let into her life for better or worse, those vows were meant to mean something, but not to him. As she goes through a horrific divorce with her brother and stepbrother by her side she son come.s to relapse that Joshua's felling for her never fal, can Caleb save her from her stepbrother's anger?

  • Half Hope, Half Love

    Half Hope, Half Love

    UNREQUITED LOVEEight years working your butt off for someone you love, only to watch them fall in love with your own sister and propose a marriage by your help, is not something everyone have guts for, to do. Follow the journey of Heath Evercrest and Hazel Scarlett, as Hazel struggles to put up with her employer's sudden unexpected odd request, while her own heart threatens to betray her sooner or later, in her own quest. ____________Excerpt:"Let me go, Heath. You know it's wrong." I whispered, as he shifted himself closer towards me. "What's wrong with me hugging you?"I took a deep breath. "You just got cheated on by my sister who you were about to marry in some weeks! Not to mention, you loved her so much you fought against your whole family to marry her. Is that enough of a reason now?"With that being said, he left me abruptly and I could feel him still standing behind me. "You just have to mention that now, don't you? When I'm trying to cope up with the truth?""It's the truth. You really were getting married to-""Is that the reason you're leaving me?!"I frowned. "What?""I was going to marry Kiara. You didn't like it-""Why wouldn't I like it if you'd marry my sister?!" I yelled, my own temper rising at his random observation. "It's simple. You were jealous." ___________

  • Love started in marriage

    Love started in marriage


    Intro:Josh’s family company is facing bankruptcy and needs her daughter to marry. The prospective groom is rumored to be the son of the wealthiest family in city C, Marcus, who is described as ugly and ill heath. As the eldest daughter, Stella is the focus of this arranged marriage. However, Stella is unwilling to marry Marcus. She chooses to act spoiled to her parents and convinces her younger sister Julie to marry Marcus instead. Julie, who has no status in the family, has no choice but to obey her parents' arrangement, even though she also doesn't want to marry Marcus. After all, her parents favor her sister more. However, after marrying Marcus, she discovers that he is not as terrible as rumored. Stella regrets her decision upon seeing Marcus's appearance and starts to sabotage Julie, then confides in Marcus. Marcus and Julie have no emotional foundation, he believes Stella's words, leading to a worsening relationship with Julie. After investigating, he realizes he misunderstood Julie and begins to pursue his affection...

  • Purcifer Adventus

    Purcifer Adventus


    A young thief finds herself being attacked by a blood-starved beast while trying to outrun the law. She is knocked out cold and wakes up in the middle of a ditch alongside many other corpses. Follow her story as she tries to unfold the mystery of her new curse and the many blessings it may bring upon this second chance at life. (Casual Project, Uploads will be Occasional and there will be no fixed Schedule.) (Art is not mine, will change it if deemed necessary.)
