Persona Novels & Books - WebNovel

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  • persona


    illusion is an error of perception or understanding; deception of the senses or the mind; misinterpretation.this meaning is more complex than our mind, we can go crazy with just an imagination too clear or illusion too strong.but when we talk about bts shipps, we are more interested in what the story will be!that's why, in this book, I bring you two hot shots from the bts ships. (but with different boy names!) ATTENTION... ( ALL ARE BY >>> MY <<< AUTHORSHIP )“ PLAGIA IS A CRIME ¦NO ADAPTATIONS ” ⩄ - status: open ⩄ - started: O5.O9.21 ⩄ - finished: OO.OO.OO ⩄ - copyright by @bitterleeknow ⩄ - cover by @sunnydesign

  • Almighty Your Persona Has Collapsed

    Almighty Your Persona Has Collapsed


    [Showbiz+Star Student+Semi-Fantasy+Antilogic]   Meng Fu was 16 years old when the Jiang family came looking for her. They said that she had been mistakenly swapped with someone else since a young age. Before she can react, her body is occupied by the soul of a female journalist from an alternate world for two years.   She finally manages to reclaim her body, however...   Mother from a wealthy family: "The young master of the Tong family studied abroad, while you dropped out of high school. Although this betrothal is arranged by both families when both of you were young, there is no need to insist on the marriage."    Father: "Xinran is also my daughter. I hope you will get along well with her and learn from her."   Younger brother: "I only have one elder sister, and she is Jiang Xinran."   ** Before reclaiming her body, Meng Fu was ranked fourth in the Global Idol girl group program. She was a bimbo that all netizens hated, and the daughter that the Jiang family refused to recognize. However, after she reclaims her body, no offence, but no other contestant is a match for her.   Initially, fans from major forums insist that Meng Fu leaves the girl group and showbiz, attacking her with harsh criticisms. A group of fans retaliate and speak up for Meng Fu.   Until later, a powerful figure publishes a post: [Reposting my new drama]   Someone commented: [You got the wrong account.]   The fans who discover the truth suddenly come back to their senses: [There is no need to speak up for Meng Fu, the big shot.]   Male protagonist Su Cheng: The genius heir of the ancient martial arts family that lives in seclusion. He who is super manly and mysterious is free from all desires.   Female protagonist Meng Fu: The top star student who claims to know a bit of everything. She is a non-linear thinker, a master performer, a money-grubber, she is unrivaled in every aspect.

  • Big Shot Little Jiaojiao Breaks Her Persona Again

    Big Shot Little Jiaojiao Breaks Her Persona Again


    The daughter of the Chi family has been living in the mountains for sixteen years. Suddenly, she returns to the White City. However, it's soon found out that this missy’s image is a little off. On the first day, the paparazzi catches her having a meal with one of the best actors. The photographs quickly top the hot searches. Best Actor: Don’t make wild guesses. She is my boss and I am her underling. Netizens: As if we would believe you! The next day, the paparazzi catches a financial tycoon tying her shoelaces in the middle of the street. This goes onto the hot searches once again. Some financial tycoon: Don’t make wild guesses. She is my boss and I am her underling. Netizens: (⊙…⊙) On the third day, the Chi family’s missy dominates the hot searches again with paparazzi photos of a big shot in the medical field sending her to school. Big shot in the medical field: I’m sorry, but she is my boss. Netizens: Where is the pretty-face Jiaojiao we were promised? Her image is collapsing. Just as the netizens are gradually getting used to Chi Jiao’s antics, the paparazzi catches her walking into the Civil Affairs Bureau with the head of the Quan family, Quan Jue. Many say that the strategies employed by Quan Jue are brilliant, sly in nature, and brutal. He's an extremely ruthless figure. Quan Jue: I would like to introduce you all to my wife, Chi Jiao. Jiaojiao has been weak and sickly since young. Do not bully her. Netizens: Master Quan, I think you have some misunderstandings about your wife. Chi Jiao suffered a violent death in her previous life. Her soul witnessed that man kiss her remains and perish together with the person who killed her. Only then did she realize that the illegitimate son living in her household had humbled himself because of his love for her. The reincarnated Chi Jiao’s main mission this lifetime is to woo Quan Jue, and become the Little Jiajiao in his heart.

  • El sistema más fuerte

    El sistema más fuerte


    ¡Su Servidor debe hacer que todos se inclinen ante mí! Al llegar ese mundo nuevo, Lin Fan descubrió que estaba en posesión de un sistema que le permite subir de nivel indefinidamente, sin importar las limitaciones del mundo. Después de aprender la poderosa técnica Mono Roba Melocotón, Lin Fan se dio cuenta que ha sido elegido para ser, literalmente, la persona más poderosa de todo el mundo. Pero por supuesto, ¿cuán aburrido sería sin que todo el mundo conociera su gran nombre? Sinvergüenza. Justo. Inteligente. ¡No dejará que nadie (ni sus bolas) se interpongan en su camino a la gloria! Hilarante por las razones incorrectas y excitante por las correctas, esta novela definitivamente hará que grites de la risa y acelerará tu sangre al mismo tiempo. Únetenos en esta montaña rusa de obra maestra, con Lin Fan y sus confiables compañeros mientras él le demuestra al mundo lo que significa ser SU SERVIDOR. Hay una persona, cuya vida entera es una leyenda. Hay una persona, cuya magnificencia se irradia desde sus cejas. Hay una persona, su nombre es Lin Fan. Todos: Lin Fan, quiero tener tus bebés. Una vida dominada por botines desenfrenados no necesita explicación.

  • El Dios de la Guerra más Fuerte

    El Dios de la Guerra más Fuerte

    —"Su nombre era Brayden Neal y era un ciudadano común. ¡A los dieciocho años, se le otorgó el título de rey! Después de diez años de luchar en las fronteras del norte, fuera del reino, finalmente regresó a casa. Juró matar a tres personas en el momento en que llegó a la capital...

  • Biblioteca del camino celestial

    Biblioteca del camino celestial


    Al trascender a otro mundo, Zhang Xuan se encuentra convirtiéndose en un honorable maestro. Junto con su transición, una misteriosa biblioteca aparece en su mente. Siempre y cuando algo o alguien que sea visto por él, sin importar si es una persona o un objeto, un libro señalando los defectos de ese objeto o persona se compilará y aparecerá en la biblioteca. De esa manera, Shang Juan se vuelve un ser formidable —Emperador Zhuoyang, ¿por qué odias tanto usar ropa interior? Como emperador, ¿no deberías darle más prioridad a tu imagen?—. Fairy Linglong, siempre puedes buscarme si estas con insomnio durante la noche, ¡soy bueno cantando las canciones de cuna!—. Y tú, Demon Lord Qiankun ¿podrías usar menos ajo? ¿Acaso intentas matarme con ese olor? Esta es una increíble historia sobre maestros y estudiantes, ¡formándose y guiando a los mejores expertos del mundo!

  • School of Persona

    School of Persona



    Bagaimana rasanya hidup sebagai remaja di tahun 2042-2043? Ditengah perkembangan zaman yang semakin pesat dan kompetitif? Mereka itulah yang disebut sebagai ‘Generasi Emas Indonesia 2045’. Berdirilah School of Persona (SP). Sebuah asrama yang dibangun sebagai tempat pembinaan kompetensi dan kepribadian para remaja SMA penerima Haikal Scholarship in Leadership (HSL). Penghuni asrama elit itu sangat heterogen, mereka dituntut untuk memahami berbagai perbedaan persona di dalamnya. Mereka memiliki sisi yang membanggakan, normal, hingga 'liar' secara bersamaan. Bukan kamuflase, itu hanya ukum tiga wajah; pribadi; keluarga; publik. Banyak persoalan, rahasia dan masalah muncul diantara mereka, lama kelamaan membesar, lalu meledak sebagai bom waktu. Lalu, mampukah mereka membangun diri sekaligus menghadapi tantangan besar generasi mereka itu? Unlock the answer by reading this story! ------ Halo, Readers! Selamat datang di novel keempat Aleyshia Wein. Konsep novel ini adalah Fiksi Realistik dengan sentuhan Literary Fiction. Meskipun demikian, sisi romantis akan tetap ada tipis-tipis, baik diantara para penghuni School of Persona, atau Adriana dan Haikal. Author menyarankan untuk terlebih dahulu membaca karya kedua Author yang berjudul 'Laboratory Doctor and Activist' untuk lebih dekat dengan karakter dan kisah Adriana Gerrie dan M. Faqih Haikal yang terbilang cukup filosofis mendasari berdirinya The School of Persona. Seperti biasa gaya bahasa akan cenderung teknis, dan beberapa istilah advanced akan dijelaskan dalam notes Author. Happy reading! Regards, Aleyshia Wein.

  • Pesona Pelayan Kesayangan

    Pesona Pelayan Kesayangan


    Yang Yuxi yang awalnya hendak melakukan kunjungan ke rumah murid malah salah masuk rumah yang menyebabkan pertemuan tak terduganya dengan Ye Ming, seorang tuan muda mafia dari geng Aoba yang terkenal. Yang Yuxi berkali-kali hampir diperkosa oleh Ye Ming yg salah paham akan dirinya dan banyak barang antik Ye Ming yang hancur karena kejadian itu yang kemudian berujung dengan utang besar. Yang Yuxi yang tak sanggup mengganti rugi akhirnya menyetujui tawaran Ye Ming untuk menjadi pelayannya namun dengan persyaratan!?

  • Terjerat Pesona Duda Tampan

    Terjerat Pesona Duda Tampan



    Novel Khusus Dewasa21 +SPIN OFF JODOH TAK PERNAH SALAH__________________________________Selamat jadi Sarjana bucin ketika membaca novel ini. Ada sedihnya, bahagia dan tawa.Niat hati menolong atasan di tempat magang. Rere malah terjebak cinta satu malam dengan pria itu. Takdir seolah mempermainkan mereka. Setelah beberapa tahun mereka bertemu kembali dalam situasi yang tidak terduga. Rere menyembunyikan kebenaran tentang malam itu dan menyimpan lukanya sendiri.Takdir memaksanya untuk menikah dengan pria ituBagaimana sang suami menjerat Rere dengan pesonanya?Apakah bisa menaklukkan hati Rere yang sekeras batu?BACA NOVELKU YANG LAIN1. JODOH TAK PERNAH SALAH2. DOCTOR COUPLE : PERNIKAHAN SANG DOKTER CINTA3. Cinta Wanita Simpanan4. Pernikahan Gila : Sahabat Jadi Manten5. Jodoh Hasil Bansos*****COVER INI MILIK SAYA.IG @Vivibarbara1708

  • MI VOLAS VIN (I Want You)

    MI VOLAS VIN (I Want You)



    Patuhi syarat membaca. 1. Mengandung muatan dewasa (21+) yang belum cukup umur dilarang membaca. 2. Follow akun author / IG @dee.Meliana 3. Kasih like/vote dan komentar yang sopan dan membangun. G: Dark Romance. Dilarang mengcopy paste tulisan ini dalam bentuk apapun!!! Tindakan plagiatan akan saya proses secara hukum. BLURB: ========== Kasih dan pengakuan. Cinta dan nafsu. Gairah dan hasrat. Semua itu adalah bagian penuh pesona dalam setiap kisah yang terjalin dalam kehidupan manusia. Pria, wanita, tua, muda, kaya, miskin, semua lapisan golongan dalam bebagai macam warna mata dan kulit menginginkannya. Keinginan yang tanpa batas untuk memiliki berujung pada obsesi. Obsesi berujung pada kegilaan. Kau bisa melakukan apapun saat menjadi gila. MI VOLAS VIN Bahasa Esperanto yang berarti 'aku menginginkanmu'. Ucapan singkat itu lah yang selalu Leonardo bisikkan pada telinga Jasmine. Obsesi Kegilaan dan Hasrat Membuat Leonardo menginginkan wanita bernama Jasmine lebih dari apapun dan bagaimana pun caranya. Lelaki berbahaya namun tampan dan penuh gairah diperhadapkan dengan wanita biasa yang menyimpan sejuta pesona. Mampukah Leonardo melumpuhkan Jasmine? "Sampai tetes darah terakhir yang mengalir melalui pembuluh darahmu adalah milikku. Mi volas vin, Jasmine!" Leonardo berbisik panas pada telinga Jasmine, membuat tubuh Jasmine bergetar karena sensasinya. "Tidak, ini adalah hal yang salah, Leon!" seru Jasmine. (Mengandung unsur maju mundur atau plot twist, baca dengan penuh penghayatan ya Darling!) Cover bukan milik saya. (Cover is not mine, credit belong to owner) Terima kasih. Selamat membaca, Belle Ame.

  • Fell in LOVE with a CRIMINAL

    Fell in LOVE with a CRIMINAL



    TAMAT [Novel ini sedang dalam tahap revisi dan pengeditan] Note : Buku kedua dan ketiga akan segera diterbitkan. Harap bersabar karena proses pencocokan plot dan lain-lainnya membutuhkan waktu yang lumayan lama. Warning : [ 18+ ] dilarang untuk pembaca di bawah umur. Banyak konten kekerasan dan pembunuhan sadis di dalam novel ini. Harap dedek2 kecil yang belum cukup umur, baca saja novel kakak-kakak Author lain yang lebih sesuai rating yaa ?? Silahkan add friend saya di Facebook : Audy Here Saya biasa update beberapa informasi tentag FLWC di fb. Silahkan di Add yaa. Terima kasih Sinopsis : Apakah mungkin untuk jatuh cinta dengan kriminal? Earl, seorang perwira militer kelas menengah yang tertimpa berbagai masalah rumit dalam hidupnya. Suatu hari, Ia harus menangkap Arthur, pria jangkung seperti Slanderman, sang bos mafia nomor satu yang menjadi buruan semua penegak hukum dunia. Top criminal level SSS! Dapatkah Earl menangkap Arthur? Atau justru dirinyalah yang terjerat pesona memabukkan no.1 kriminal ini? Jatuh cinta pada seseorang yang sangat berbahaya. Cinta terlarang antara Perwira dengan kriminal top. Akan jadi seperti apakah kisah cinta mereka berdua? Dapatkah Earl menangkap Arthur? Atau justru dirinyalah yang terjerat pesona memabukkan kriminal no.1 ini?




    This story is about a being, who develops himself and his "host." You can think of him as a personality disorder or a persona, technically he's both of those mixed. As well as none of those. The story is going to develop based on what I think of at the moment. I'm leaning toward a modern-day killer but in a fictional world. But I'll see how it goes. Anyway, if you give it a read thank you, and if you don't then I can give you some rec's that are way better than what I have written. Or something that fits your taste.

  • Dual Persona

    Dual Persona


    Entering WPC 270. Please do vote and support the author if you like the novel.*******Setting in the year 2045 in a parallel world, Dual Persona is the most popular MMO game in the world running for over 14 years with an average concurrent player count of over 23.2 million.More than 8 years ago, 16-yr-old Kai Spencer was an E-sports player whose ranking is always in the middle in his club but one day, he receives a blank account card, which hosts a sentient A.I., and with its help, he grew to be the strongest supporter.However, 4 years later, due to a scandal with a female idol, he retired from professional gaming and became a primary school teacher.Now, at present, a former teammate had dragged him into the world of E-sports once again.But, with the new levels, new battle strategies, new genius gamers, and a 3-year-old daughter to look after, will Kai be able to reclaim his title once again?*********Author's other notable works:My Soul card is a ReaperWar OnlineWeapon Seller in the world of magicPrince of Kpop***Notable fanfics:The Sharingan HyugaThe last Slytherin

  • Beyond Persona

    Beyond Persona


    Read the first chapter. It is there

  • Persona story

    Persona story

  • Masked Persona

    Masked Persona


    COVER ARTIST: LECHE FLAN GLOB(She's also new in her craft so we will be growing together ☆_☆).Do you have that innocent friend that everybody just can't help but love?Do you have that excellent friend that just inspires you to work better in life and in your professional career?Technically, most of them are really as you see them as: adorable, strong, lovable, kind, a free spirit.That isn't what this story is about.Yes, the female protagonist of this story is someone who climbed her way out of hell, but it doesn't mean that this is another revenge story. If only it was. *coughs* This is the story of Yama Shizuka, a girl who has many masked personas that she has used and still uses to manipulate people into thinking whatever she wishes for them to perceive her to be. You could say that her traumatizing childhood paved the way and created this morbid mentality, a need for survival that brought about a strength different from the fictional stories (maybe that's just me shamelessly advertising her story) you and I have read but still retaining a bit of fiction. I mean, if she truly existed, wouldn't it be scary? Heartbreaking, even...This story will be a mixture of her present acts and her remembering her past.There are also important characters that will have their fair share of spotlight when needed.For those who don't like psychological torment, darlings, don't read this. I will not be held accountable. But for those of you who like understanding the human mind and how it can be quite the interesting interaction between the past, present, and future self, do read.THINGS TO CONSIDER BEFORE READING:PERSPECTIVE: the POV of the story changes frequently, depending on the needs of the arc. If you are not a fan of POV changing, maybe this ain't your cup of tea.STORY: There will be a lot of questions at the beginning because this is a long story. For you to understand it, you'd need to read it like 50 chapters in, then re-read it to make it more clear. I also realized I usually change my writing style. If you don't like inconsistencies, I guess Masked Persona ain't for you. STYLE: The main character, Shizuka, would have psychological episodes that is similar to the stream of consciousness. You've been warned.GENRE: This is highly fantasy. Has some future themes to. With how I've seen the story thus far, you really can't come to conclusions that quickly. Some explanations will only happen after so long and it's for a reason. I mean, when I made the timeline, that's what I felt. Some explanations took years before they were given out, sooooooo...P.S. I will occasionally change the cover of the novel depending on the chapter. P. P. S. This is not a cultivation novel, she is wearing a harajuku cardigan.P. P. P. S. I am writing this story for myself, so most of this is to entertain me. If it also entertains you, then sharing is caring.The views and opinions included in this novel belong to the author and do not necessarily mirror the views and opinions of Webnovel.The content of this chapter is restricted. It is forbidden to copy, forward, or in any way reveal the contents of this novel to anyone outside of the Webnovel app and in the internet. The integrity and security of this chapter cannot be guaranteed over the Internet. Please help me keep my novel away from plagiarists. Support my novel here in Webnovel.

  • Soy la Villana en el Apocalipsis

    Soy la Villana en el Apocalipsis


    La anticipada fiesta de compromiso se convierte en el anuncio de una ruptura y un aviso de expulsión de la casa.En un solo día, Anna perdió todo.Por accidente, activó un espacio y tomó las provisiones del negocio para vengarse.Pero, ¿quién hubiera pensado que vendrían desastres naturales?El mundo está cambiando y los recursos se vuelven escasos.Entonces, el estilo de pintar cambió.Mientras otras personas se desesperaban por encontrar algo de comer, Anna seguía cocinando en casa.Cuando otras personas luchaban por comida, Anna yacía en su cama mientras picoteaba sus patatas fritas favoritas.Cuando otras personas se esforzaban por conseguir algo de agua, Anna estaba cómodamente acostada en su bañera.Los parientes vinieron a la puerta pidiendo ayuda.Anna solo los miró fríamente y escupió:—¡Largo de aquí!Su ex prometido también vino, pidiendo reconciliación y amor.Su nuevo hombre lo echó de la puerta y la cerró de un portazo. Luego miró a Anna con una mirada de lástima —Esposa, ¿ya no me quieres? Soy fácil de mantener.Anna miró al hombre que parecía un cachorro y lo acercó con una sonrisa en su rostro....Fue solo más tarde que se dio cuenta de que el cachorro en realidad era un gran lobo feroz...¡Pero las mercancías no podían devolverse!…Notas: la portada es una imagen de IA. Solo la edité un poco.

  • Mask Persona

    Mask Persona


    In a world where people are gifted the potential of one's persona with a mask called Maskara to fight off monsters that came out of Hell's pit in Antarctica. It comes from the sea of the heart powered by your desires. A well-known academy was built in the middle of the pacific ocean, filled with technology and it is said to be the best Maskara academy in the world.Our protagonist Maverick Ananta is an 18-year-old boy that had been recruited at the academy, he has the ability to communicate with the monsters but doesn't have a fighting ability.

  • Uneveiled Persona

    Uneveiled Persona


    Dwell into the mind of a highschool teen who lives his life out of the odinary.Suffering from a long term memory losshe have problems remembering his childhood life and parts of his teenage life.Every night in his sleep a nightmare would keep on haunting him.What are the missing memory?Would he continue living like this?Can he finally be in peace?Questions after questions would he finally remember the missing piece on his life?As he continue living he will finally reveal himself or will he?Can he uncover his trueself?His life like a ticking time bomb can would he uncover who trully he is?

  • Separated Persona

    Separated Persona


    After some drama with his old clan Felix revived as a plant in a different or the same world.
